Proper Alliance System


Nov 26, 2023
I don't understand why guilds must be aligned in a daisy-chain.

In shadowbane, a guild creates an alliance and other guilds join that alliance, you see both tags when you see a player. Super simple and allows guilds to join an alliance without having to ally with each guild in the alliance unilaterally in a hub-and-spoke or daisy-chain arrangement.

I'm sure it would take some work but a proper alliance system is necessary to the political organization of a sandbox game with heavy PVP focus.

Core mechanics like this need to be simple, clean, and functional. This sort of thing should take precedence over basically any other changes or features.
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Nov 26, 2023
At the very least, we need to uncap the alliance and war dec limits.

What would be so bad about a guild being at war with the whole server?

I would also like a layer of war dec to be automatic, transient.

Say, if guild A and guild B kill each other a dozen times, a temporary war status is applied for some amount of time like 12 hours.