Hey guys, a new player to the game. Having a problem connecting right now, so I figured I'd ask my build question while I wait to get reconnected.
I'm one of those weird people who want to do nothing but craft, not a lazy craft simulator but an involved, active crafting process that takes skill and dedication to master. My friend turned me onto this game to give it a try and I like the crafting system so far, but I have yet to see anyone build a character where crafting is the central theme of their design. I know I'll have to do some combat, especially for material collecting, but does anyone have any build recommendations for me that allow me to really dive deep into the crafting system? If the crafter has to be more specialized, a few builds would be extremely helpful. Thank you!
I'm one of those weird people who want to do nothing but craft, not a lazy craft simulator but an involved, active crafting process that takes skill and dedication to master. My friend turned me onto this game to give it a try and I like the crafting system so far, but I have yet to see anyone build a character where crafting is the central theme of their design. I know I'll have to do some combat, especially for material collecting, but does anyone have any build recommendations for me that allow me to really dive deep into the crafting system? If the crafter has to be more specialized, a few builds would be extremely helpful. Thank you!