Prerendered shadows for props.


Mar 8, 2021
Yo guys, I don't know shit about game programming but I am curious about something.

So I said the following thing on Henriks stream that he replied to, about like 2 months ago, or something.
"Can't you add shadows to more props and items"

And Henrik replied and went to Tindrem on the stream and explained why there is no shadows on props like tables, mugs, or crates. (There are on few, but just look around)
And I know that you have a day a night cycle in the game which I assume would make this infeasible, but like I think some shadows can be just placed, like rendered directly in the engine. Like making them a static part of the world rather than having my GPU render them. And as mentioned if you do it this way, the constraint of processing power wont be a problem, right?

And some of the places I think you can add them to are inns, below tents and or other places like that with static light sources.
However player lightsources like torches and shit might make prerendered shadows look like shit.

Because one thing I do know is that shadows are very important in a game, wether you notice it or indirectly asking yourself why the graphics are shit.