I thoght that got changed, becuase the Skill is not listed under the Skill Blocking, but just under the Skill Combat manovering.
That sux. Maybe change the Skill Blocking Endurence, so that it only use more Stamina if you hold a Block for more then 1-2 Seconds, and not effect fast Parry Blocking.
This would make a huge Difference to make the Hybrid between MC and Foorfighter more viable.
I dropped Endurence to 0. You will have no passive Regeneration (heals arroudn 10 HP or so every 30 Sec) (still have to be tested)
You will have 17 less Stamina (tested on Ogmir) 364 instead of 381 Stamina with no Endurence
I dropped aggressive stance and defencive stance
This make a huge difference ! You reveive 18-20 % more damage with 0 Defencivestance and you gain 18-20 % more damage from agressivestance !
This means you should put the remaining points into 80 Aggressive stances and 80 Defencive Stance !
After the Tests i would make the Build like this
1. Controlled Riding 100
2. Mounted combat or Mounted Archery 100
3. Hammers or Archery 100
4. Secondary Weapon Skill Swords 100
5. Aggresive stances 80
6. Defensive stances 80
7. Sprinting 100
8. Combat Manovering 100
9. Armor trainning 100
10. Heavy armor trainning 67
11. Anatomy 100
12. Blocking 0
13. Balance 100
14. Creature Controll 65
(this Skills nearly all Bonuses from Attributes, except for 2 Skills, that are not activated yet)
+ You will also get some Points from the Claid Gift Hammers
This shoudl be put into Blocking.
Important Note (Blocking Endurence is effected from Blocking, and not only Combat Manovering, as i expecited before) !
Drawbacks of the MC/Footfighter Build
No Blocking means that you always have to parry, and blocking will cost you more Stamina.
67 Havy Armor training limit you to wear Ironbone Platearmor + Steel Torso. Arround 23 KG in MO1 (have to be tested in MO2)
65 Creature Controll Limit the Level of you Horse to lvl 88 Bullhorse (tested in MO1) (Have to be tested in MO2)
80 Def and Agressive Stance will make you receive 3.6 more Damage and you will deal 3.6 % less Damage (tested in MO2)
Less havy Armor as other MC´s
Lower LVl Bullhorses as other MC´s
No Vitalism to heal the Horse
Make some damage till HP of you mount gets low and continiue to fight on Foot.
I love this Build but the Stamina consumption without Blocking should not be as high. If we only have 1 CHaracter we need a viable MC/Footfighter Character and he already have some Drawbacks, which i listed above. So we can join a MC and Footfighter Group, can do Dungens and transport.
That sux. Maybe change the Skill Blocking Endurence, so that it only use more Stamina if you hold a Block for more then 1-2 Seconds, and not effect fast Parry Blocking.
This would make a huge Difference to make the Hybrid between MC and Foorfighter more viable.
I dropped Endurence to 0. You will have no passive Regeneration (heals arroudn 10 HP or so every 30 Sec) (still have to be tested)
You will have 17 less Stamina (tested on Ogmir) 364 instead of 381 Stamina with no Endurence
I dropped aggressive stance and defencive stance
This make a huge difference ! You reveive 18-20 % more damage with 0 Defencivestance and you gain 18-20 % more damage from agressivestance !
This means you should put the remaining points into 80 Aggressive stances and 80 Defencive Stance !
After the Tests i would make the Build like this
1. Controlled Riding 100
2. Mounted combat or Mounted Archery 100
3. Hammers or Archery 100
4. Secondary Weapon Skill Swords 100
5. Aggresive stances 80
6. Defensive stances 80
7. Sprinting 100
8. Combat Manovering 100
9. Armor trainning 100
10. Heavy armor trainning 67
11. Anatomy 100
12. Blocking 0
13. Balance 100
14. Creature Controll 65
(this Skills nearly all Bonuses from Attributes, except for 2 Skills, that are not activated yet)
+ You will also get some Points from the Claid Gift Hammers
This shoudl be put into Blocking.
Important Note (Blocking Endurence is effected from Blocking, and not only Combat Manovering, as i expecited before) !
Drawbacks of the MC/Footfighter Build
No Blocking means that you always have to parry, and blocking will cost you more Stamina.
67 Havy Armor training limit you to wear Ironbone Platearmor + Steel Torso. Arround 23 KG in MO1 (have to be tested in MO2)
65 Creature Controll Limit the Level of you Horse to lvl 88 Bullhorse (tested in MO1) (Have to be tested in MO2)
80 Def and Agressive Stance will make you receive 3.6 more Damage and you will deal 3.6 % less Damage (tested in MO2)
Less havy Armor as other MC´s
Lower LVl Bullhorses as other MC´s
No Vitalism to heal the Horse
Make some damage till HP of you mount gets low and continiue to fight on Foot.
I love this Build but the Stamina consumption without Blocking should not be as high. If we only have 1 CHaracter we need a viable MC/Footfighter Character and he already have some Drawbacks, which i listed above. So we can join a MC and Footfighter Group, can do Dungens and transport.
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