You are misreading it. The CHANCE TO GAIN standing is doubled. Not a chance to get double standing from parcels.
We currently don't have any way to gain standing by chance anymore. You used to be able to kill risars to have a chance to gain standing and that is what the clade is for.
Until they re-add a way to gain standing from some sort of chance mechanic the clade will do nothing, i've been trying to tell people this for a long time in help chat, but get shouted down by trolls telling people to spec it ASAP.
OK all fine, buth why then everybody else gets 2 standing for every parcel delivery and i only get 1 standing?
Can you explain why others get 2 and i dont?
Parcel delivery says 2 standing, right?
So i should get 2 Standing for every parcel i deliver .
Actually this clade gift nerfs my parcels and i only get half of what everybody else gets no matter how the clade works.
It actually makes me and some others only get half the standing we should get when we deliver parcels .