Ping question from a potentially returning player.


New member
Aug 28, 2021
Hi everyone, my wife and I played for a few months prior to the release/wipe, but then got too busy to replay after the release and time just kind of got away from us with this game. I keep meaning to get back into it, but I've heard about their being issues with ping for people outside of Europe. We live in NYC, so we are east coast United States. Are the ping issues too much for people in the western hemisphere to play it successfully? We are both interested in getting back into it, but don't want to waste our time if it is not worth it, being that this is the kind of game that you can just get lost in. Thanks...


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Define “too much”. There have been amazing players from Australia that managed their horrible ping.
It all depends on your reaction time. East coast shouldn't be a horrible ping, but it will be less good than Europe. So basically you dont get as much time to see and react to swings as they do.

Having said that, there are plenty of east coast players that are very very good. Even with the ping handicap.

Combat is slower than in MO1, and the game kicks people that have a very high or unstable ping. However ping handicap is still a thing. Also , because of the slower combat, a lot of the melee skill is actually in hiding attacks and spinning attacks now. So ping doesnt affect mele combat quite as much as it did, but skill level is definitely a lot higher. You kind of have to try it and see for yourself.
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Dont worry, ping has been finally normalized now as pets are the main way of fighting other players. An euro might have a small advantage when pressing All Pets Attack button with the time it takes for the pet to actually attack but it is minimal.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Ping might matter in a sweaty 1v1 of equal gear and player skill. But thats not how this game works. Theres so many variables that to me ping doesnt really matter.
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Active member
Apr 26, 2022
I would personally never play this game above 150 ping, its too much of an advantage european folks will have over you.
Some people above 200 ping use some third party tools such as Exit Lag or whatever they're called to go to a better ping. I would definitely try those if i had over 200 ping before quitting the game if they don't really offer a solution.

Why does ping matter? Because you have a smaller window of parrying, before the other guy attacks you, you have a certain amount of time to parry it, but if you have a shitload of ping that window is smaller, because his attack will appear on your end a little bit delayed. At least in theory that is the reason, i can't really say without seeing the code of their networking.

Of course, at the same time, you could always play a mage. You could play a mage at 500 ping with no difficulties whatsoever. Simply play a tamer mage and it wont make a difference.