Pets vs Melee


New member
May 28, 2022
I know a 125 wolf isnt supposed to be able to solo a fully steel clad warrior, but the fact they can kill something in 2 hits in less than 3 seconds that took hours and hours to get to max level is pathetic. Animal taming in pvp is a joke unless you run a terror bird, and even then theyre pretty pathetic fragile. Can we please get bear armor soon or make me able to res my pet at like 25% less level. idk. the way the taming grind is now is cancer.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
A wolf is a very wimpy fighting pet though. I understand your frustration but you have to use the proper pvp pets if you want to succeed. Terror birds and white bears are very useful in a 1vs1. Sure they wont win a fight for you all by themselves, but if you use them while you also attack, its almost a 2vs1.

Slarti Bartfast

Active member
Mar 6, 2022
I was sad to find out that my 116 razorback was fairly easily chopped down by a risar soldier while I was pumping heals into the razorback. I was able to down one risar like that, but the second one just hit so much harder. I mean I know it's just a warthog, but for the time it took to get to that level, feels like it should have had a bit more survivability against an npc.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Yes but turtles can solo a Troll if healed by a fat mage…so again, the right pet for the right job.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
I know a 125 wolf isnt supposed to be able to solo a fully steel clad warrior, but the fact they can kill something in 2 hits in less than 3 seconds that took hours and hours to get to max level is pathetic. Animal taming in pvp is a joke unless you run a terror bird, and even then theyre pretty pathetic fragile. Can we please get bear armor soon or make me able to res my pet at like 25% less level. idk. the way the taming grind is now is cancer.

I dont know what kind of crack ur smoking. A max level terrorbird is broken strong. A max level whitebear is broken strong. Shore prowler, turtles, crabs, etc.

What makes you think you should be allowed to press 1 button and be competitive against actual players controlling their character?


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I was sad to find out that my 116 razorback was fairly easily chopped down by a risar soldier while I was pumping heals into the razorback. I was able to down one risar like that, but the second one just hit so much harder. I mean I know it's just a warthog, but for the time it took to get to that level, feels like it should have had a bit more survivability against an npc.

I'm sad to know you fed such a well cared for pet to a Risar soldier. lol holy shit. There has to be a scene in a Mel Brooks movie where someone sends a pig to fight what is basically an ogre.

Def not a madkid at pets, though. I hate terror birds for sure, mainly the terror bird MA combo. People playing like Rhias plays on the ground and fighting w/ pet support seem legit. I'd say jack is right, the pets are probably there. Especially now that lore adds to heal. I had some OP bred molvas in MO1, but even grabbing a sand molva or whatever could do pretty well with fat sheev mage (Mistel, age 80, most mentally tough char in MO history) heals and another fighter support. The worst thing that could happen was the enemy would break off and chase my fat ass around, which was generally hilarious until we got it back under control.

Pets def have a place in this game, but I'd go as far as to say they are practically a grief mechanic in pvp at the moment, in almost all cases. That's not how it should be. You should be able to be a proper ranger build w/ your pet cougar or whatever and support it. It's actually kind of surprising w/ all of the magic they added to the game, they didn't add more beast mastery stuff like ranger shouts to give your pet regen/put it in a frenzy, etc... the kinda stuff that would make pet combat more interesting than just sticking it on someone and hoping for the best.

I feel like the pet should perform mostly on its own, but whether you win should be up to how well you perform as well as how well you utilize your (skills not in the game atm.) Just standing behind something and pumping it with heals is not really engaging gameplay. It's effective tho...

Just like everything else in MO, it could be a lot more interesting and skillful, at least skillful on the management/executive functioning level + personal player skill while toggling various modes. I don't like the idea of having pet attacks you do, but being able to toggle it's aggressiveness, make it flee, maybe boost it alil w/ certain skills (short burst of regen, maybe even a burst of regen that disappears after x amount of time like a "fighting for your life" level skill, and then like a frenzy skill, too. Speed burst skill. It COULD be cool, but yea I'm not necessarily into having your pet attacks like 'pounce,' 'maul,' etc on hot bar... doesn't really fit the game.

Edit: I mean, there's a reason I am like 1 or 2 off the taming toplist despite playing prol thousands of hours less than the other people. I'd go out w/ a 25 jungle lyk, a lvl 1 max str molva, abandon the lyk, tame turtles and have them fight til I got 16 stacks, re-tame the lyk, ride home. I'm sure there are ways to get it in as a beast master. I never had beast mastery til later (for luls mostly after I had already done everything I wanted w/ breeding/cooking,) but I really do think that adding something that would flesh into a ranger class, having your pet be able to dip out while you get aggro from it, maybe even have it peel for you then... something to disassociate mage from tamer cuz imo those two things are not related. It just so happens that's the most efficient way, but it's also kinda cheezy.
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Mar 3, 2022
I dont know what kind of crack ur smoking. A max level terrorbird is broken strong. A max level whitebear is broken strong. Shore prowler, turtles, crabs, etc.

What makes you think you should be allowed to press 1 button and be competitive against actual players controlling their character?

First of all you seem to had a very good childhood. I gues a lot of people like to go out and drink a beer with you?
Second: If you bring something to the table it better be facts or some nerd like me comes and puts you in the same drawer like all these other assumption boys that actually never tracked any data and just assumes because of what they hear from other people ...

Terrorbird? Broken strong? Terrorbirds only have 1 attack direction. Bring me a level 125 Terrorbird and I come naked with my starter soulbound sword. I will not get hit once. Max Level whitepear is so easy to predict in its attacks as well. Everybody, even a mage can parry these pets and counter with dagger and kill them.
You seriously have no clue what you are talking about. Not to mention that all pets are slow and can be easy killed by mounted archers. Even mounted archers with no skill in controlled aiming are able to do this. The hitbox of 125 terrorbirds or white bear are huge.

There is a reason why only a few people go out with a pet. And most of these players are new. Veterans do not use pets at all because its so easy to lose them. Unless they do Trolls with Turtles. Pets are not only inconvenient to use and drag around but they also just bad compared to the time and money you had to put into them!

Raising a pet from 50 to 125 takes around 8 hours being afk in your house or city. And that is with Animal Care at 100! If you would spend these hours to farm Clothos Maiden Queen you would end up with around 28k of Bloodsilk. You can sell half of it for around 2000 Gold and buy a stack of tungsteel or 4 stacks of steel for all your weapons, armor and whatever you need to compete every single battle pet in this world.

So stop being such an ... and actually bring some facts to the table. Or shut up if you are not able to!


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2021
My Mind
I dont know what kind of crack ur smoking. A max level terrorbird is broken strong. A max level whitebear is broken strong. Shore prowler, turtles, crabs, etc.

What makes you think you should be allowed to press 1 button and be competitive against actual players controlling their character?
What if you (and I know this is going to be a lot to process), slowed down and actually read the post?

You are immediately hostile and attacking something that wasn't even said. The OP is primarily complaining about the grind that is leveling up pets, and their longevity. They even openly address + acknowledge that they don't want (in their example) the pet to be able to solo a player. It is a QoL (quality of life) suggestion about the hours long AFK process that is pet leveling.

If you can't take a breath and throw a little reading comprehension into your forum browsing don't bother? It does nothing but make you look like an ass and start arguments.

I know a 125 wolf isnt supposed to be able to solo a fully steel clad warrior, but the fact they can kill something in 2 hits in less than 3 seconds that took hours and hours to get to max level is pathetic. Animal taming in pvp is a joke unless you run a terror bird, and even then theyre pretty pathetic fragile. Can we please get bear armor soon or make me able to res my pet at like 25% less level. idk. the way the taming grind is now is cancer.
I hear you. Even trying to take a Wolf or likewise to a forest or graveyard is often fruitless. A naked human with the bound torch can take out most low and mid level tames, and I have had mine killed for spite by simply existing. There is virtually no life expectancy for such a time investment outside of the handful of rare and difficult to control beasts that are 'META'.

There needs to be an upheaval of the AFK mechanics (they have tried to remedy this stuff by adding XP for combat, etc..) so that the process can be either fast, automatic or engaging. That or a rebalance of what leveling means: like, perhaps, pets always have their max HP and Defense values, and leveling them only increases their aesthetic (larger, etc.,) and Damage factors. Something of the like.

Having a spell or a mechanic that allows you to have an animal as your, perhaps, "Bound Familiar" could be a solution, where perhaps when the thing dies it has a couple hour timer or some such thing, and revives with a debuff that shaves off 25% of its life, defense and attack for another hour. I can see that this would greatly diminish the taming profession sales, though, so I think it would need to be temporary, or only quite weak things like wolves, pigs, etc. Perhaps sub 30 or 40 pet point creatures.

I also like the idea of dead pets temporarily being able to be resurrected. When they die they could spawn a small spirit in the Ether with their name that would be interactable with Spiritism like a players spirit, to be able to be yoinked back. I agree, they would need to be weaker in some capacity, and they should only exist as a ghost for a short period.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
BROTHERS! I dunno if cerq is Hemeth, and I probably shouldn't have just taken it for truth, and even if he is I made a foul post in the other thread, which luckily nobody quoted, so I WILL DELETE! However, it doesn't make sense TO ME why everyone would respond to 2 lines dude wrote and derail the thread. I mean he def understands the game. You can say he's biased, and he is, but that's normal, too. Pets were taking ogh off people in MO1. I would just let it go.



Well-known member
May 28, 2020
First of all you seem to had a very good childhood. I gues a lot of people like to go out and drink a beer with you?
Second: If you bring something to the table it better be facts or some nerd like me comes and puts you in the same drawer like all these other assumption boys that actually never tracked any data and just assumes because of what they hear from other people ...

Terrorbird? Broken strong? Terrorbirds only have 1 attack direction. Bring me a level 125 Terrorbird and I come naked with my starter soulbound sword. I will not get hit once. Max Level whitepear is so easy to predict in its attacks as well. Everybody, even a mage can parry these pets and counter with dagger and kill them.
You seriously have no clue what you are talking about. Not to mention that all pets are slow and can be easy killed by mounted archers. Even mounted archers with no skill in controlled aiming are able to do this. The hitbox of 125 terrorbirds or white bear are huge.

There is a reason why only a few people go out with a pet. And most of these players are new. Veterans do not use pets at all because its so easy to lose them. Unless they do Trolls with Turtles. Pets are not only inconvenient to use and drag around but they also just bad compared to the time and money you had to put into them!

Raising a pet from 50 to 125 takes around 8 hours being afk in your house or city. And that is with Animal Care at 100! If you would spend these hours to farm Clothos Maiden Queen you would end up with around 28k of Bloodsilk. You can sell half of it for around 2000 Gold and buy a stack of tungsteel or 4 stacks of steel for all your weapons, armor and whatever you need to compete every single battle pet in this world.

So stop being such an ... and actually bring some facts to the table. Or shut up if you are not able to!
You discredited yourself when you said Terror Birds got only 1 Attack Direction. Didn't even bother to read the rest.


New member
Oct 19, 2022
Hello, maybe a litle off topic... but yesterday i got murdered by two necromancers pet that were hitting me for 30-40 points of damage and they chased us forever... we ran and ran and ran and they still kept chasing us even thou the owner of the pet was nowhere close...

I am still new to the game but i don't think pets are bad so far... they are kinda OP in my eyes.
Any way to counter necromancy pets? Can they be dispelled like they were in Ultima Online?

Thanks for reading.

Deleted member 44

I dont know what kind of crack ur smoking. A max level terrorbird is broken strong. A max level whitebear is broken strong. Shore prowler, turtles, crabs, etc.

What makes you think you should be allowed to press 1 button and be competitive against actual players controlling their character?
The terror bird is the only thing you listed that is any good and even that pet can be parried and melted pretty quickly. The elf boys you like to play are so OP that they can avoid all of these pets except for the terror bird. A Thursar with life leech can kill all the pets listed so long as they don't get corrupted.

cerqo's comment summarized. "footie wine" - robmo

To the OP, I would recommend thinking of pets as you would any other weapon. A wolf is much like a flakestone sword, you're typically not going to kill a well geared target with that weapon. You need to find a pet that cannot be parried and that is fast enough to keep up with most fighters or has a ranged attack. Unfortunately there are not a lot of options as Terror Birds, Spiders, and Tupalaks are your only real options currently.

I think pets could gain a lot of functionality if their attacks were changed to block vice parry. Damage of the blocks should be roughly zero, but it will remove a fighters ability to dumpster your pet without taking any damage.


Dec 17, 2021
I'm fine with common low-effort pets (wolves, etc) being absolute garbage, but if they're so terrible then their PP cost should be significantly reduced to reflect how crap they are and so you can feasibly have a pack of them. It should be a viable choice for tamers to use disposable pets as fire-and-forget missiles making herding actually useful in PVP and justifying it being a primary action skill. Instead currently you can only have like 2-3 garbage wolves that get 1-shot by flake weapons and can't even hit mages for 10 damage so herding is really just so you can ride a low lvl horse while transporting good pets and it's indisputably better to just tame a single brown bear and level it up than having a pack of weaker pets.

Right now as a tamer there's no real choice, you just get a meta pet and spend hours levelling it only to lose it to footies using steel weapons they only had to kill a few risars for. Make packs viable so tamers can choose to tame low-effort disposable pets that aren't totally useless, investing in a max level meta pet should ofc still be significantly better, but please SV make the garbo tier pets at least somewhat useful.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
The terror bird is the only thing you listed that is any good and even that pet can be parried and melted pretty quickly. The elf boys you like to play are so OP that they can avoid all of these pets except for the terror bird. A Thursar with life leech can kill all the pets listed so long as they don't get corrupted.

It's situational, and it doesn't help running straight while a MA is filling you back with arrows.

I wish dudes would go back and read my post! They need to have ability to disengage your pet (to the point where it can get out without getting stickied,) and some shouts to flesh BM. If you could get your pet, (faster, lighter pets) out in a way that wasn't like 'all pets follow me' joke speed, or in a different direction that wasn't leading people RIGHT TO YOU, it would be a game changer for the skill part of pets. As of now, it seems like you either run a terror bird for the massive trollz or you have some face tank pet, and none of these are viable, arguably, without magic, unless you're a MA who just disposes of your ble pet. But like true hard body 100+ level pets should be able to be maneuvered in combat enough to get them in and out so they don't get killed as fast, cuz otherwise, it's just about healspam, infinite pet stam, and face tanking. Super, super boring. Super super cheezy, and one of the larger points that people don't have a come back for "lo skill lul."

Seriously tho... what are coming on 4 magic schools now? There isn't proper beast mastery that actually works in the game (not talking about the skill that unlocks more attacks but leads to the same BS.) If you look at how pets worked in guild wars 1 pvp, they were trash yea... in meta, but there were at least some uses. They could interrupt which is not something I advocate for, but a system where your pet isn't on a 2 way street (to the enemy, back to you,) would expand beast mastery so much!

Obviously, there is a lot of the same crap and they have bar pet attacks (which I'm not feelin for MO,) but just being able to get your pet to kite, get your pet frenzied or give it a fight for your life mechanic that regens it then the heal drops off in x seconds would be a great start. I know I said that in my post but NOBODY READS MY POSTS. Maybe someone will this time ha.

and imho GW1 was a crazy pvp game (not open world + tab target tho.) Dunno many people who would argue against that. It's also the only game I've played that had interesting beast mastery.

Edit: I'm still TALKING. I mean, being able to set up 'macros' for your pets like attack, attack, hop to the side, run back out for 10 seconds, run back in... would be cool. Having shouts that gave faster pets some raw dodge for a short burst w/ high lvl/skills would be cool, too. Basically, buffing pets in that way would allow exploitation, of course, but when you have some bosses in your game that go like...

ya gotta just be like - shrug -
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Active member
Jun 1, 2022
Hello, maybe a litle off topic... but yesterday i got murdered by two necromancers pet that were hitting me for 30-40 points of damage and they chased us forever... we ran and ran and ran and they still kept chasing us even thou the owner of the pet was nowhere close...

I am still new to the game but i don't think pets are bad so far... they are kinda OP in my eyes.
Any way to counter necromancy pets? Can they be dispelled like they were in Ultima Online?

Thanks for reading.
So this is actually a broken feature. Currently pets that are out of range cannot be called back to the pet owner. Same goes if the pet owner dies. Also, when a pet kills someone, if that person hits the local priest and spawns, your pet will run towards the guy who spawned, even if he is on the other side of the map. The pets will forever chase their target until the owner finds the pet, looks at it very closely so that the name renders in, and hits the follow me button. basically, once you lose control of a pet this way you never see it again.

If you're being chased this way, it is very easy to counter the pet issue. Pet pathing is broken near all buildings and almost all mountains, they also cant cross water, even the water lizards and turtles... You can also just spam arrows on it and use magic to kill it. The pet isnt faster then your horse so you should be good just drifting between second and third speed until the pet is dead. Risen pets with projectiles are a different story but generally are pretty weak and easy to kill without MA or MM if you have time.

Once you have some more time in game youll see how pets are countered. I recommend hunting terror birds for an hour or two in the jungle and youll pretty much never die from one ever again. Easy to block and overhead spam. with larger pets, you dont even need controlled aiming, just need to not suck at horse riding.

Good luck and let me know if you need anything!


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
I dont know what kind of crack ur smoking. A max level terrorbird is broken strong. A max level whitebear is broken strong. Shore prowler, turtles, crabs, etc.

What makes you think you should be allowed to press 1 button and be competitive against actual players controlling their character?
A terror bird is not that strong when you know how to parry them.