Pets in Necro Dungeon


New member
Feb 20, 2021
I understand the technical difficulties, but this is a bad precedent. Try not to do that again. The fact is that playing with a tamer is now terribly inconvenient. Pets get stuck, max level 50 can be tamed, you need to spend a lot of time on leveling. Books are expensive. Bosses cannot be beaten at all. You have to spend a huge amount of reagents to treat a pet while farming. Previously, there were even more problems with pets and we always suffered. And now it continues. I'm looking at all this and I'm thinking of removing the pet master alt, because I don't know when you will introduce beastmastery and fix all these errors.


Active member
Jun 1, 2022
Pets in Necro Dungeon

I was requested to make a post regarding having pets in the Necromancer Dungeon. There is a point where pets are not designed (or able) to continue forth in the Dungeon. One of the core ideas behind Mortal Online 2 is certain skills or classes are not meant for all content. In this case, pets were not supposed to go past this point. In patch 4.20, players have found ways to circumvent this in way that were either exploitative or not intended. We have made additional changes and taken measures to ensure this is less likely to happen. If you are caught with a pet in this final section of the Necromancer Dungeon, the Game Masters may take action. This is not negotiable.

I do understand this from a exploit perspective but my question then is how do I know as a tamer when a pat can and cannot be used in a specific dungeon? I feel like a certain element of the sandbox concept goes away when we tamers exclusively cannot use specific content. I am pretty much useless without a pet in any combat scenario.

I think this needs to be better defined so that new players dont lose morale playing when they find out their pets cant attack certain bosses or enter certain areas without warning. It always results in them losing the pet in combat because its stuck and makese them quit the game
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Active member
Apr 5, 2021
I dont know what game are you playing but in MO2 if you hit your own pet it will go gray and will hit you back, will not stop until killed
not talking about hitting your own bear ... why would i talk about that?
talking about killing other's horses & crap.
horses should kick you in the face&flee if attacked ... whatever the training.
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Active member
Sep 5, 2021
I don't really understand this call that a certain part of the map isn't for pets means the sandbox is dead. Mortal Online 2's Myrland is a world where some things or builds work better than others in certain areas. Past the last puzzle, pets can't follow. This was not a technical issue but a choice the developers made. It is okay to not like this choice, I respect that, but to say "Sandbox dead" or similar, I find a little surprising.

The sandbox is the world we give and the tools you are given, but not all tools are useful in some situations. Think mounted archery in the forest vs the open field as a rough example.
Myrland is a place with a lot of foliage and a couple dungeons. Not really a great place for diversity eh? Especially since you limit it to "specific builds"...
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Active member
Sep 5, 2021
Oh and since you guys gatekeep content for builds. Are MCs and MAs going to get our own dungeons that require you to mount or joust or some shit? Like this is such poor design. Cause you know, MC is probably the most useless build for the points invested.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
MC would be fun, but MC is more of a farming ppl build. MA dungeon is THE WORLD lol. But yeah... I mean I am way behind, finally made some 1h weps to go in caves and it's like... equips torch.... equips wep... equips torch... :/

I do understand this from a exploit perspective but my question then is how do I know as a tamer when a pat can and cannot be used in a specific dungeon?

haha when you turn around and your pet isn't there.

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Active member
Sep 5, 2021
MC would be fun, but MC is more of a farming ppl build. MA dungeon is THE WORLD lol. But yeah... I mean I am way behind, finally made some 1h weps to go in caves and it's like... equips torch.... equips wep... equips torch... :/

haha when you turn around and your pet isn't there.

I agree, but they are setting this precedent of specific content for specific builds. So lets get the content going @Robmo


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Be happy that the necro dungeon is for most play styles and not restricted to mages only! Tames and beast masters can't go deep inside with their pet, But there could be other dungeons designed especially for archers or for foot fighters or even for beast masters. Why has EVERY dungeon to be playable for EVERY race and EVERY action skill tree?

Why do you cry because being unable to try 100% of the game content? Check the steam achievement statistics: Only 1.8% of the players got the Novice Alchemist title so far. I don't believe the other 98% would ever start to do alchemy. They will never see 100% of the game content, but they don't care for this profession.


Active member
Feb 2, 2022
Be happy that the necro dungeon is for most play styles and not restricted to mages only! Tames and beast masters can't go deep inside with their pet, But there could be other dungeons designed especially for archers or for foot fighters or even for beast masters. Why has EVERY dungeon to be playable for EVERY race and EVERY action skill tree?

Why do you cry because being unable to try 100% of the game content? Check the steam achievement statistics: Only 1.8% of the players got the Novice Alchemist title so far. I don't believe the other 98% would ever start to do alchemy. They will never see 100% of the game content, but they don't care for this profession.
That's probably because it's easier to study actual chemistry than go through the pain of trying to decipher alchemy as SV made it.

It doesn't help everyone with experience in the game warns newbies against going for alchemy.
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New member
Jul 31, 2020
My 2 cents: I am on board with making some content for some builds over others.. I am not even bothered that the last part of the Necro dungeon is not for pets. I do think this was handled poorly, however. The invisible bridge was a nice touch (who didn't think of Indiana Jones 3?), but more should have been done to make pets useless.. such as possibly making the mobs in that part of the dungeon immune to pets, special mobs that swarm and kill pets, or even putting another portal at the end (but make it one way) would keep people from bringing pets in from the exit. SV can't predict everything a player might try, and it is easy for someone like me to have suggestions in hindsight.. I get that.. but when they see a player doing something like getting pets into an area they designed to be pet-free, the response should be altering the dungeon to eliminate pets without the threat of banning accounts. In MO1, it seemed very little was done against exploiters, and now I feel too much is being done.. not because someone abusing an exploit should go unpunished, but it totally sets a bad precedent to threaten bans for exploits that don't abuse or break the core game mechanics. A game like MO2 demands exploration, ingenuity, and experimentation.. the player base shouldn't have to question if they are exploiting the game when they try various things within the game rules. Just to be clear, I am not talking about exploits that clearly break game mechanics such as the "cast criminal action" thing or the Alt-F4 bug... those are things every player that has spent more than a day in the game would see is not right. I love this game and want to see it truly succeed, but responses like this just give people ammunition to "prove" why MO2 isn't worth trying to whoever listens to them.

I am curious.. did the last patch put something in place to keep pets out (aside from the bridge)? It's not listed in the patch notes for either of the last two patches. If Robmo's post was a SV-way of buying more time to put a fix in place.. then I really think SV needs to consider better ways to buy themselves time in the future. Even an invisible wall at the exit so you can't enter that way would be a better way to give some time to put a proper fix in place. Possibly even just altering the rock formation at the exit would do the trick.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
So the idea in a sandbox that "not all content is meant for all classes" in a game that doesnt have classes and touts "freedom of choice and do as you want." It just sounds like SV is pushing the goal post instead of fixing an issue. It is obvious that the NPC AI is bad, and cant handle dealing with fighting other AI. Instead of banning pets from fighting mob bosses, how about tweak the AI so it does better against pets?

Sorry but its things like this that make people not believe Henrik when he says things like "its balanced, we have the statistics."

Show us those statistics.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
That's probably because it's easier to study actual chemistry than go through the pain of trying to decipher alchemy as SV made it.

It doesn't help everyone with experience in the game warns newbies against going for alchemy.

It's pretty simple when you get the hang of it, but learning is the only fun part. After you get over the egotism of 'muh secret potion' then you realize the system is terribly boring


Active member
Feb 2, 2022
It's pretty simple when you get the hang of it, but learning is the only fun part. After you get over the egotism of 'muh secret potion' then you realize the system is terribly boring
I figure it ends up the same as armor or weapon crafting in that regard. Once you figure out the best materials to use all the "millions" of combinations are totally wasted. Personally, i hate the system as they designed it. The only reason to change the best recipes is when you need to fit a specific strength or armor weight requirement. Outside of that there is no point in using other materials.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
I figure it ends up the same as armor or weapon crafting in that regard. Once you figure out the best materials to use all the "millions" of combinations are totally wasted. Personally, i hate the system as they designed it. The only reason to change the best recipes is when you need to fit a specific strength or armor weight requirement. Outside of that there is no point in using other materials.

Yeah would be nice if crafting was more horizontal. Like potions having more positive and negative effects. Basically only direct hp options are viable so only need to just make those. The real hard part of alchemy isn't making high hp potions it's making them cost efficiently
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Jan 27, 2022
A disadvantage while fighting something is one thing. You can at least try it. But being wholly barred from even trying said content as a tamer is complete joke.

Isn't the real reason for disallowing this suddenly via manual GM actions just the fact that the store bought asset merlin's dungeon isn't fully integrated into the game with mechanical features that would block pets from coming in?

It's a joke to be honest.