Pet skill Point Balance


Feb 26, 2022
Right now Pets are really strong since getting armor. I personally dont have a problem with strong abilities in a game BUT only if the investment into an ability is also reflecting such.
And everyone is only running like 150 Points into CC an ACC to control a nearly max lvl Taur Dog or Bear in Armor. and 150 Points is not a lot. So i have a few balance ideas.
Not to make pets weaker, but their investement WAAAAYY higher.

1. Nerf Pets when they are tamed by a lot. Like half their dmg from their wild counterpart, or even more. In contrast go buff Beastmastery so you will get the same as before. People will need to invest these points.

2. CC and ACC should both count for the same PP. And ACC should be a parent of Taming. So that low investement chars will only get their Pets to around lvl 80. Maybe you can balance this to even get this to lvl 60 or so. Wanting a max Pet will set you back another 100 for Taming and 80 for ACC.

3. The BIG one. Everything needs a skill in this game. So why do we not need skill points for Pet armor? There could easily be a skill that eneables you to have enough bonding or control over you pet to actually let it wear armor. That be another 100 Points if you wanna go really big with your pets. Horses should be excluded from this, obviously.

After those changes pets will be as strong as before. Though you wont find any thursar footfigters smashing you while sending an OP pet on you. Or full elemntalist mages with pets. Taming would be full point investement no matter what. I think those would be really nice and easy to do balance changes which would give real tamers still their joy and all others some more chance to fight back until Starvault finds a real skill solution to pets. (Domination is another story. Though its so fucked right know i dont even know where to start)


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I disagree, make them weaker. lol. It's the most simple solution. Then people can chill. Make them weaker, easier to raise... gg.

The harder things are to get the more people believe they are deserved. It's hard to imagine a build that would require enough pts to be fair for a beast master. I mean like... ecu enough to heal your pet and the rest in pet? haha. The idea of pets is wrong. There is def a place for them.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
I have to agree with Emdash on this. Im sick and tired of more primaries. The biggest problem with pets is how easy it is to use them. You literally just scan the enemy name and use 1 button to send your pet to attack. You dont even need to be aiming when you send your pet. Then watch it as it deals good and consistent damage…literally, 1 button….Its brain dead easy, and now with armour pets are very tanky.

Something this easy shouldn't be so strong. I don’t care how many primaries or gold you spent. Make pets weaker and make them much faster to level.
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