Parcel Delivery Quests Reward


Active member
Jul 8, 2020
Parcel Delivery Quest rewards are way too low for the time investment.
Reputation gain should not be too easy to reagain and should stay the same but additionally to the reward of your choice there should be a gold reward that somewhat represents the time investment.
The reward needs to scale with the distance or nobody will ever do the long runs.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2021
My Mind
Parcel Delivery Quest rewards are way too low for the time investment.
Reputation gain should not be too easy to reagain and should stay the same but additionally to the reward of your choice there should be a gold reward that somewhat represents the time investment.
The reward needs to scale with the distance or nobody will ever do the long runs.
I think you should get Rep, and then choose one of two options:
  1. Gold, with less Clade.
  2. Clade, with less Gold.
Ensuring that the gold / clade ratio with regard to distance of trip felt good would be important, but overall the runs are lackluster and could be improved for sure.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
What really needs to happen is they need to make a map of all the parcel routes and how long it takes to get from each location to each location. Both by the simple routes/roads, and the craziest routes that take you there fastest but may be harder to remember or have trickier paths. Once those are known, adjust payouts by distance and danger level. (For instance 30 min to Gaul'Kor should pay out more than 30 min to Tindrem)

The other thing I'd really love to see is parcel levels. 0g parcels (The current ones) and then like 10g and 20g parcels. Paid parcels can't be turned in by anyone other than whoever took them but they can be converted back to their original gold cost. Paid parcels should have much greater rewards.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Actually to add to that. You could instead make the parcels cost a certain amount of goods local to the area. For instance an MK spongewood package. You could also make it so the system raises or lowers payouts based on how many times a particular route has been run with the rate recovering both over time and relative to how many parcels are being run elsewhere on the map.

This encourages not only trade around the map, it also helps spur local economies by creating demand for bulk goods gatherers can sell to parcel runners. Stolen parcels at this point COULD be turned in but only for gold. Not rep or clade.

If it sounds familiar it's because it's basically straight ripping off the original ArcheAge specialty goods system. Which is one of the few things that game got absolutely right. Would be awesome to see it in a game where PvP is based on skill rather than gearscore.
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Active member
Jan 24, 2022
Just dropping my two shakes, If you are going from one town to another you should do some hunting or gathering between towns so that is potentially 5 gold per trip with the right clades and rep that goes up to 8 gold a trip and or a good chunk of materials for crafters.

2 Rep and 10 clade exp for me is good enough since you will want to do many rep runs and leveling your clade passively rather than actively may be a good thing especially for mages who until getting thunderlash are going to be crying trying to farm clade. My friend has 12 Clade points and I just reached 7 and I've been playing (actually ingame) nearly 50 hours more than him.

I would split the parcel rewards into 4 options:
1. 2 Rep 10 clade points
2. 1 rep 30 clade points
3. 0 rep 50 clade points
4. 0 rep 0 clade points 1-5g

I value 1 rep for 20 clade but I understand not wanting to power level clades however as I said, mages get the short end of the stick and unless we get 1-2 rep from player kills while healing I'm going to have to ask for something to fill that void. when a warrior deals 42+ dmg with a bone sword and can make this attack 3 times in the same time I deal 39-42 dmg with a spell (Outburst) when maxed out in my skill and my attacks can be interrupted my only option is to slow grind or slap an attack on bandits and share clade experience with someone who can kill four bandits and walk away with half hp, while I am sweating bullets killing one bandit.


Sep 13, 2020
So reputation and clade have basically been reduced to just running a parcel from A to B repetitively? Nice...


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
So reputation and clade have basically been reduced to just running a parcel from A to B repetitively? Nice...

You can still farm it from bandits and zombies and other enemies. Atm rep is just Parcels unless there is another way in game that we do not know about.


Active member
Jul 6, 2020
My only issue with gold rewards is its an easy thing to do as a large guild to basically print money. People need to farm npcs usually for money which leaves them open to ganks where the ganker can get the loot. Whereas doing parcel runs you can have a huge group do it in relative safety and if you die you don't lose anything but the stuff you brought out and the gankers only gets your gear rather than actual loot to sell ect.

And if you can do it in large groups 10-100 players you could be looking at 100-500 gold every 10ish minutes riding to and from towns in safety since nobody is really going to fight your mega-zerg to farm gold freely. I think that might be why SV removed the gold reward before release.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
My only issue with gold rewards is its an easy thing to do as a large guild to basically print money. People need to farm npcs usually for money which leaves them open to ganks where the ganker can get the loot.

Yeah, that's a huge reason I'd like to see parcels that cost resources or gold to make and either give the gold to the looter or can be turned in for gold by the looter. In ArcheAge, trade packs were a major driver of PvP. Here, the parcel system is one of the most softcore systems in the game.