Nudity disabled.


New member
Dec 15, 2021
Hopefully this future patch is soon. We Europeans just don't understand this what's so bad about nudity 😁
At risk of awakening the trolls... I'd really like to ask what it is that full nudes add to the game..? Other than pics of naked guys behind pigs, that is.

I'm not out to shame the human body, by any means... but what does having full nudes on do to make this game better than a dongless version of itself?

Even with the local toggle off, it still draws attention/behavior that my wife did not enjoy and I wouldn't expose my daugher (or son) to.


Active member
Jun 17, 2021
At risk of awakening the trolls... I'd really like to ask what it is that full nudes add to the game..? Other than pics of naked guys behind pigs, that is.

I'm not out to shame the human body, by any means... but what does having full nudes on do to make this game better than a dongless version of itself?

Even with the local toggle off, it still draws attention/behavior that my wife did not enjoy and I wouldn't expose my daugher (or son) to.
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Doom and Gloom

Active member
Mar 12, 2022
At risk of awakening the trolls... I'd really like to ask what it is that full nudes add to the game..? Other than pics of naked guys behind pigs, that is.

I'm not out to shame the human body, by any means... but what does having full nudes on do to make this game better than a dongless version of itself?

Even with the local toggle off, it still draws attention/behavior that my wife did not enjoy and I wouldn't expose my daugher (or son) to.

It adds by removing the people who are too offended by dicks to play the game. This makes the game better by removing real dicks from the community.

Looped de loop aka win-win


New member
Dec 15, 2021
It adds by removing the people who are too offended by dicks to play the game. This makes the game better by removing real dicks from the community.

Looped de loop aka win-win
That seems to be a real common theme around here... Discouraging people from playing.

Doom and Gloom

Active member
Mar 12, 2022
That seems to be a real common theme around here... Discouraging people from playing.
We have to do our part for keeping the servers up, we all know if there comes too many ppl then no one can play anymore. It is a careful balance between a dead game and a dead server.
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New member
Dec 15, 2021
Nudity was the main reason why I played this game and liked it so much. I hope it will return soon :cool:
So, yeah... Same question, then: What does it add to the game? Why was it the part you liked so much?

Was it the fantasy-race porn quality? Was it having a captive audience who "consented" to sexual harassment, by playing this game? Exactly what brought so much joy to your gaming experience, through full nudes?


New member
Nov 29, 2023
So, yeah... Same question, then: What does it add to the game? Why was it the part you liked so much?

Was it the fantasy-race porn quality? Was it having a captive audience who "consented" to sexual harassment, by playing this game? Exactly what brought so much joy to your gaming experience, through full nudes?
Quite stupid question from my point of view. In the fact the nudity add maximum reality to the game. When you born you are always naked in real life. When I saw it in this game, it made me really happy. And of course the bonus is also that the naked characters look very good on maximum graphics and a person then experiences emotions that are at least somewhat similar to reality. For me the nudity made the game so good so when it will be not there then the game will move a lot towards the other dozen games on the market.


New member
Dec 15, 2021

From my point of view, it's quite stupid to look for realism in a fantasy game. Real life offers lots of realism. I'd like my fantasy to have a touch less.

Aside from that... If I take your point... The nude characters made you sexually aroused and that triggered an emotional connection, for you? And; that, that's what made the game stand out to you from all the others; yeah?

I'll tell ya from my personal experience, that is exactly the reason I wasn't able to get the females in my life to stick with this game.
*(The stream of sexually aroused guys trying to make an emotional "connection" though their nude characters, that is)
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New member
Nov 29, 2023
I did not say sexually aroused. It just adds a much better perception and overall feel to the game. If you ever had a problem with women, it's your problem. If you like more fantasy without nudity, there are many fantasy games liek that. I chose this game exactly because of what it offered me and that was hardcore realistic gameplay based on my favorite classic Ultima online in perfect graphics including the nudity s well as the bonus for even better realism. I bought two support packages and now after that they've removed one from several main things I liked about the game, so I hope they bring it back soon then. I'm not going to continue this discussion with you because it's not going anywhere. Have your opinion and I'll have mine. I just would like to have the game working as it was some days ago without any censors. :cool:


Active member
Feb 23, 2022
At risk of awakening the trolls... I'd really like to ask what it is that full nudes add to the game..? Other than pics of naked guys behind pigs, that is.

I'm not out to shame the human body, by any means... but what does having full nudes on do to make this game better than a dongless version of itself?

Even with the local toggle off, it still draws attention/behavior that my wife did not enjoy and I wouldn't expose my daugher (or son) to.
it's just that i like my naked riding sessions like in RL ^^ on a more serious note it's just more that i don't understand the problems apparantly US providers have with this in an 18+ game and find it odd yet again how prudish americans seem to be sometimes? :) for me and also for the kids it's just so normal to run around naked, dunno so nothing wrong with it in game tbh that's all.

it's no make or break the game i just find the reasons behind it super odd.
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New member
Dec 15, 2021
So... this is a USA bashing session now?
There were very few details about which providers wouldn't take payments... from what could be construed as a porn sim. And; so far the survey says that nudity in this game does two things:

-It runs some folks off, as per Doom and Gloom's post
-It makes some guys horny, as per Towen's post

I can't say I'm suprised that some payment providers see it the same way you guys do: A chance to jerk-off and run a "club". Plenty of strip clubs can't get anyone to run credit cards, either.
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New member
Dec 1, 2021
I will chime in with my two cents. If the nudity brings players in , keep it. If the nudity drives players away , get rid of it. The end goal should be a healthy player base, and a fun playing experience.
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