No red priest outside of keeps


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
I feel bad for those keep owners. Putting red priest were people will just naked spawn respawn at to run back to their loot to continue fighting is terrible game design.

Any fighting at the keep would just be nake spam rezzing to run back and fight your instantly.

This is a issue separate from needing more red priest or where we need them. The issue is that putting them outside of keeps like this would be extremely bad for the game. And even worse if we get sieging.

Keep owners should have priest or them selves not red priest that the enemy of the keep is going to spam rez at. The reserver system does very little to combat spam rezzing.

Lots of other issues with whats currently happening but I really need to bring up how red priest outside of keeps is a horrible idea.


Active member
Apr 6, 2021
Red priest, blue priest. Neither should be a thing in a keep siege. Murder counts and all that should be left at the guarded town areas. Let players fight for keeps without worrying about murder counts. I don't think I would be against a guild-friendly priest inside the keep for them to use and I especially don't support a red priest hangin outside the keep like some shifty snake-oil salesman that rezzes up people trying to attack your keep.

If you want to rez at a siege battle on the attacker's side bring someone with the skills to do it yourself. I will however add the caveat that this guild-only priest should be disabled once the keep's walls are breached. At that point you have to rez the old fashioned way.