Night Time


Active member
Jan 14, 2021
I feel the whole night time thing is gimmicky in video games. In general, not MO2 specifically and should only be used (in video games) for suspense heightening within certain circumstances.

I propose a 24 hour cycle or a 23.9 hour cycle(so the same people arent impacted always) where the current darkest state is utilized for 1 solid hour with 2 or 3 hours of twilight extending on either side of the dark.

1. Extends daytime for all which is a net benefit for the entire players base
2. The full darkness mechanic can be extended and utilized further
3. More realistic strategy considerations
4. More appreciation for the night time mechanic
5. Wont interfere with complex battles
-Battles will extend beyond our 24 hour day periods (meaning; multi-day battles will be a thing regardless of in-game night schedules) and having multiple night time periods during 10 hour battles will have negative impacts on battles, both scope and scale.

*Would need to be kept track of in the UI some way
*The 23.9 cycle seems the most fair. Certain people could only play during night and twilight hours if the 24 hour cycle was used.
*Lore wise; I think some easy calculations of a companion orbiting star could account for the extra light.

I dont feel like an attacking force should have to factor in 4 or 5 rounds of darkness when forming simple assault plans.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Ya when they put where the gamma won't help it's going to be rough as is. They need to have night be like half as long. A lot of games do that to improve player experience.

Deleted member 44

I remember it being cool when I first saw it in games, but I do agree that it's just a gimmick now days. If we wanted to get scientific the world would almost never be dark. Two moons in the sky nearly constantly would create so much global illumination that the world would never get as dark as we see it in game.
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