Hello Queue friends,
I'm Forming a Brand new guild called "The Queue". For joining the guild you have to get at least 24h queue experience, this is the core of our brave goal. First the Queue members have to prove their loyalty by inflicting themself a daily priest at the Queue god.
In a second time, members have to spend at least 4h per day in the queue to bring faith and hope to unfaithful. I'm actually very confident about our power and number, pray the Queue god and maybe, maybe he will lead you to the holy server.
If we gather our strenght nobody will stop us as the new order of The Queue ! Who could stay forever pray the Queue ? Only us my friend ! So join the army ! JOIN THE QUEUE !
here is the discord of the queue !
Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.
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