Multiple Dynamic Spawns within 20 Yards of Each Other

Slarti Bartfast

Active member
Mar 6, 2022
Did a little experiment instead of suiciding to meduli... got nekkid and took the high route around the Orchard to try to get to closest horse spawn to Tindrem. As soon as I was down the hill near the furtherest east part of Orchard, one pack of two outcasts pop... I continue running forward about 10 yards.. a second pack of three outcasts pops. How do you expect people to even get started Henrik ? Your dynamic spawns are out of control. Fix them or you're going to lose a lot of new players. Glad I started before you introduced them and I have plenty of stuff saved up... b/c if I started nowaday I'd be like wtf. Can't go anywhere on foot without getting jumped by double packs of these damned things.

Other fun story from earlier today, was riding to Tindrem from Meduli. A pack of 2 outcasts spawns under me... okay whatever I turn around and start charging a spell to zap them on next pass... as I'm charging... a pack of two outlaws then spawns before my spell has even charged to turn and attack the outcasts. It's just dumb. Please fix.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Dynamic spawns is the worst shit Henrik ever added to MO2, but since he wont admit he was wrong he will never remove them. If new players are lucky to not get zerged by players the game will make sure they get zerged by npcs instead.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
Yeah, I do not understand these either.

Most of the players that will be able to deal with them will most likely be mounted so they will not have to.

So it will mostly be players that can not even deal with them that will have to deal with them the most.

If new players are lucky to not get zerged by players the game will make sure they get zerged by npcs instead.

Agreed! This is a role that is already filled by players. We do not need NPCs to add to this.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Dynamic spawns is the worst shit Henrik ever added to MO2, but since he wont admit he was wrong he will never remove them. If new players are lucky to not get zerged by players the game will make sure they get zerged by npcs instead.

I agree completely. Except that he won't ever remove. It needs to be removed. It sounded cool but it's dumb.


Feb 26, 2022
I think its also a big proplem which spawns are which region.
I always liked the idea that outlaws only spawn if you have a certain amount of gold in your pockets, otherwhise they dont even spawn.

With the new security / lawless zones, it would be a good opportunity to limit spawns to zombies and dead bandits in newbie zones. And give vet outlaws only to lawless zones.
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Dec 19, 2021
When they were introduced people were really excited so Henrik doubled down on them. The problem is people were excited they had good drops, not the actual spawns.
My suggestion would be to have them spawn in fewer numbers, maybe even just 1 or 2, and that they drop an item that you can optionally use to spawn like 3 more. That way people just trying to survive have a fighting chance, and people willing to farm them can still pop that item to get them in higher numbers.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
You have to ask yourself what purpose do they serve, then remove them. Again, something spawning random rare creatures that you might come across if you are exploring is COOL. Having 'traps' is dumb. I liked random battles in RPGs, but this ain't a single player game. If you look and nothing is there, there's zero reason something should appear. IMMERSION. Dynamic stuff should only spawn when people CAN'T see it.

Wilhelm Windlicht

New member
Aug 18, 2023
If you survive the random Spawns because you are on a Horse, you get killed by some mounted archers with a Pack of direwolfes sooner or later anyway. This Game needs Balancing in every Aspect of the Game - seems mostly unplayable.
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020

Henrik loves them, gl for him to ever change his mind

You have to ask yourself what purpose do they serve, then remove them. Again, something spawning random rare creatures that you might come across if you are exploring is COOL. Having 'traps' is dumb. I liked random battles in RPGs, but this ain't a single player game. If you look and nothing is there, there's zero reason something should appear. IMMERSION. Dynamic stuff should only spawn when people CAN'T see it.
Yeah this shit reminds me of pokemon or final fantasy 6, its not fit for an immersive sandbox. He should have gone with roaming mobs like we were supposed to get in mo1, but that means Seb would have to actually put in work.
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Active member
Feb 25, 2022
i think when people wanted and spoke up about dynamic spawns they meant fill the empty pieces of the world with dynamic spawns with random timers. they did not want to be attacked by random mobs being generated as they traveled the world.

for example

the ruins outside of meduli ... lets say that spawns some random mobs every (random) hours.

conclusion : the mobs themselves make no sense , they just pop out of the sand or out of the ground it feels like were playing pokemon and a ratata pop out of the bushes on repeat the whole game.. i dont think this is what people had in mind. they should randomly spawn at these locations when no one is around so that someone wandering can find somthing their when they get there and likewise despawn accordingly as to not affect server performance.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2022
i think when people wanted and spoke up about dynamic spawns they meant fill the empty pieces of the world with dynamic spawns with random timers. they did not want to be attacked by random mobs being generated as they traveled the world.

for example

the ruins outside of meduli ... lets say that spawns some random mobs every (random) hours.

conclusion : the mobs themselves make no sense , they just pop out of the sand or out of the ground it feels like were playing pokemon and a ratata pop out of the bushes on repeat the whole game.. i dont think this is what people had in mind. they should randomly spawn at these locations when no one is around so that someone wandering can find somthing their when they get there and likewise despawn accordingly as to not affect server performance.
100% agree, popping out of nowhere is such a trash mechanic


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
I really love to have 3 or 4 spawns on me at once. New players will love it too.
edit: sarcasm. in case anyone was in doubt.
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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2022
People want pathing mobs so they can scout an area out and use their own judgement to either fight or attempt to navigate around them. Just falling out of the sky on top of you is aggravating and lazy.
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Slarti Bartfast

Active member
Mar 6, 2022
Almost every response here says it all. Thanks for the comments. Henrik, please take notice. The spawns as they currently are are non-immersive and not what the playerbase has in mind when they think MO2 dynamic spawns. I love the idea about the pathing spawns that you can see. I love the idea that they show up when no one can see... like maybe a group of 3 are setup around a campfire and spawn when no one is around. Then you come across them and you can choose to engage or avoid, but either way it will be something exciting to see and come across knowing that it is not always a consistent mob. Popping out of the ground is pure trash.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
Did anyone noticed it they addressed this at all in the test realm?

I did get attacked and killed by some when I was on it.

It seems like I seen them from a distance. I may have just not noticed them in time.

If there is a flood of new players then they will surely have issues with these.

So I hope they plan on making changes to these before epic, if they have not already done so.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
View attachment 6214

Henrik loves them, gl for him to ever change his mind

Yeah this shit reminds me of pokemon or final fantasy 6, its not fit for an immersive sandbox. He should have gone with roaming mobs like we were supposed to get in mo1, but that means Seb would have to actually put in work.

shit if I knew you could get gold trinkets from those bastards, I woulda killed em haha.

And there is the other side. Like I said man... too much tunnel vision, but what about dynamic spawn of stuff like a merchant who has good loot and is a push over and it's like YEAH getm! Like even Black Desert Online has those. There are so many ways to make things interesting. I said in MO1 they should have things in camps like Risar miner, Risar merchant sometimes where you could get some ore or t2-3 mats, or just loot. If he's going that direction, that makes a lot more sense.

Again, tho, those things spawning SOMEWHERE it's OK, but that doesn't address them spawning ON YOU.

Also lol at freudian typos "because it nubs solo casuals" rofl, yes... it does. They are def gonna get a rude awakening.


Active member
Feb 2, 2022
The whole "dynamic" part isn't even really dynamic since they spawn on you at static location.
Henrik just got a lot of positive feedback because at least it's SOMETHING in this barren world.
It's a lazy joke just like all the features SV designs.
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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2022
The whole "dynamic" part isn't even really dynamic since they spawn on you at static location.
Henrik just got a lot of positive feedback because at least it's SOMETHING in this barren world.
It's a lazy joke just like all the features SV designs.
I'm starting to wonder if this is how it "has" to be, and the reason the world is barren and empty is because if they try to put more things in it that move around it would crash everything. This might explain why mobs have to be hidden out of sight and only "pop" if triggered because the networking they've made can't handle all the movements if they were always in world. Which would be sad because we had pathing mobs figured out in 1999 with Everquest lol, but why else would they not be there?


Dec 19, 2021
The whole "dynamic" part isn't even really dynamic since they spawn on you at static location.
Henrik just got a lot of positive feedback because at least it's SOMETHING in this barren world.
It's a lazy joke just like all the features SV designs.
Henrik got a lot of positive feedback because of the rewards, nothing else. All the min-maxers got real thirsty when they realized trinket drop rates were high for the outlaws, which have since gotten nerfed.
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New member
Nov 24, 2023
I just came back to the game after not playing for over a year, and these things are absolutely busted. I ran from bakti towards the jungle horse spawn to the west to tame a horse. 3 packs of these spawned on me in the span of about 2 minutes for 7 npcs total chasing me. For the record I play a Sheevra with 441 sprint speed and 350 stamina and both movement speed clades unlocked, so I'm usually pretty good at kiting. These things chased me no shit all the way to Meduli. FROM BAKTI. When they deaggro, they reaggro IMMEDIATELY with no cooldown, meaning there is no way to escape from them other than entering a player structure or into the water, and they have no stam bars so you can't outstam them either. And this is from a player with a decent amount of experience, new players will get screwed over by these things hard.

Also it's absolutely ridiculous that when you're on a horse the outlaw archers and casters will almost always target your horse over you. It's literally like getting ganked by players, except THEY'RE NPCS. Shit mechanic honestly. And they spawn literally everwhere, I would understand if they spawn along the roads to ambush people, but in the middle of absolutely nowhere? Immersion breaking. No outlaws are going to be lying in wait to ambush people out in the middle of nowhere, it wouldn't be profitable.

All in all, another poorly implemented system just like many others. Sad.