Mounted Wishlist. What we do, and do not want to see.


Jun 6, 2020
Why would any mounted be stupid enough to just ride straight into that though?
It's not about intelligence. It's about the ability to combat mounteds as foot fighters. Maybe you hid crouched spearmen behind a shield wall and jumped back at the last minute exposing them to the heavy cavalry?


Dec 17, 2020
Mounted is always going to dominate foot melee fighters. Life is Feudal/Warband have the same problem. Adding hard counters like "pikes" doesn't matter, because you're not gona have the 10 ping needed to use it effectively against the MC.

The only counters to MC is other MC, mages one shotting you, and the MC killing themselves on accident.

An MC charging foot fighters head on counts as them killing themselves.


New member
Nov 30, 2020
I have no problem with people using heavy 2handers on horseback, but they should come at a cost.

The point that I was trying to make is that it is way more difficult to swing a 2handed battleaxe from horseback with one hand on a charge. compared to a spear or lance that you can couch or thrust.


Dec 17, 2020
But it doesnt have to be that way. Melee fighters have dismounted Mounteds in MO 1 with fist weapons, hammers, axes etc.
Unless they completely gut the class it will be that way. Its what they did before in the MO1 beta to make MC not OP vs the E L I T E - P v P foot fighters of old.

An RNG dismount is probably as good as it gets.

Handsome Young Man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
Unless they completely gut the class it will be that way. Its what they did before in the MO1 beta to make MC not OP vs the E L I T E - P v P foot fighters of old.

An RNG dismount is probably as good as it gets.

Spear stance would be a counter to mounteds if it worked.


Dec 17, 2020
Spear stance would be a counter to mounteds if it worked.
Spear stance was not, is not, and will never be a counter to mounteds. That's some shit that got panick put into MO1 because certain players freaked out when Hybrids weren't meta anymore.

lol thats some RP shit


Jun 6, 2020
Spear stance was not, is not, and will never be a counter to mounteds. That's some shit that got panick put into MO1 because certain players freaked out when Hybrids weren't meta anymore.

lol thats some RP shit
I hear critique with no solution. What do you suggest? Make all mounts have 30 hp?

Handsome Young Man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
Spear stance was not, is not, and will never be a counter to mounteds. That's some shit that got panick put into MO1 because certain players freaked out when Hybrids weren't meta anymore.

lol thats some RP shit

Sure it could.

It's unreasonable to give foot fighters obscure, one-off ways to deal with mounteds.

People say bows, and I've personally shot mounteds off their mounts with longbows (But not much I can do unless I weakspot if they're in good armor.)

So very RNG change of weakspot, very RNG chance the arrow even lands and hits their head. So not very reliable or skillful in my opinion.

Triple strike. So fist weapons. This ability had two purposes. Cheesing-one shots from foot fighters, as in a foot fighter runs up and triple strikes someone and usually insta-popped them or near did such especially with the proper fist weapons, aaaaaaaaaand dismounting. The problem? It was highly unreliable, gimmicky, animation abuse to do more damage, and over-specialized for something to work as a counter.

We had players in our group at one point main fist fighters for the sole reason to dismount people, he wasn't very happen even though he was pretty good with fist weapons. But being good with them just meant working around the horrible implementation of them, also pressing a button for instant damage - not very skillful.

Sledgehammers and or blunt-heavy axes? Yeah, I've seen it work. Problem? Shit hitbox most of the time, terrible reach, stam-expensive, usually avoided pretty easily. Very easy to spot a wind up or just avoid the guy with the giant axe or mace, but it also on top of all of that was unreliable. A mounted would have to ride so perfectly into you for a clean hit. So it wasn't a very good option.

No including EQ cause we're talking about foot fighter counters.

Uh, what else is there? Terrain? MO1 mounteds could chase you up steep inclines of all sorts. Lykiators at one point just ignored it entirely.

Spear stance? Yeah, spear stance would work. It just didn't in MO1, as in at some point; the ability quite literally didn't do what it was intended to do. Spears are long, plenty of people will be using them (one of the primary weapons of a healthy group comp, easy to use, straightforward -literally-.) No wind up, just go down into spear stance; click to cancel or it cancels after an allotted amount of time. Can easily bait mounteds with it.

But get this, I never said we should rely on spear stance. I went as far to say that a weapon needs to be added that can dismount like in Mordhau, a billhook.

Also. For you saying it doesn't and never did work.

You can see here, that it did in-fact work to a degree. It just needs to be re-implemented and actually work fully.


Active member
Nov 4, 2020
implement the same system similar to the LIF when the spearman could deal good damage to the horse with piercing blows and thereby forced the infantryman to dismount or knock the infantryman out of the saddle (there was a chance to knock him out of the saddle). therefore, the lancers, seeing the spearmen on the move, tried to bypass them as they posed a threat to the horse.


Oct 3, 2020
Spear stance was not, is not, and will never be a counter to mounteds. That's some shit that got panick put into MO1 because certain players freaked out when Hybrids weren't meta anymore.

lol thats some RP shit

Spear stance was around long before hybrids were even common place. It was also not very useful back then, either.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Spear stance should be an actual stance you can toggle on and off. The implementation from MO1 was just dogshit and never remotely viable in actual pvp.


Active member
Oct 8, 2020
no fixed address
Spear stance should be an actual stance you can toggle on and off. The implementation from MO1 was just dogshit and never remotely viable in actual pvp.
didn't spear stance work briefly then get nerfed ?

i would think a well placed head/eye shot to the mount might dismount a rider.

perhaps there needs to be some form of Khurite TaeKwonDo since that was a marshall art designed to dismount riders with flying kicks :)


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
didn't spear stance work briefly then get nerfed ?

i would think a well placed head/eye shot to the mount might dismount a rider.

perhaps there needs to be some form of Khurite TaeKwonDo since that was a marshall art designed to dismount riders with flying kicks :)
Dont think it ever worked at all tbh
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Dec 17, 2020
Spear stance was around long before hybrids were even common place. It was also not very useful back then, either.
That's factually inaccurate. Hybrid was meta first day of release. There was a cohort of baddies like Shinzon, CIR, Bizzy, etc who lead a massive amount of noobs to not play meta. That doesn't mean hybrid wasn't meta. Just that a bunch of bad guilds played improperly and got dominated.

Anyone else miss this combat? :( It was a desync mess, but there was more skill in it then the current iteration.

>Life is feudal

foot fighters NEVER countered lancers. Lancers counter Lancers.

You have 50 people

Enemy has 50 people

Enemy has 20 lancers, 30 infantry.

You have 30 infantry, 20 dedicated anti-cav footboys.

Who is gona win?

The team with 20 lancers.

>no suggestion

The best thing to do is make MC more accessible, so everyone can compete on an even playing field. Go back to the OG horse system where a desert has less stamina but runs quicker etc. MC needs to be an even playing field for it to be competitive.


Jun 6, 2020
You're taking out a ton of factors. Terrain? Magic? Archers? It's not MC > Foot. There are hundreds of factors that would determine that outcome.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
I mean in Mortal Online 1, being a full kit Mounted Combat cost 4x more than any other class in the game. Every death was upwards of 1,500g. Lower the investment of my preferred class, while making it less OP, then I'm fine with that arrangement. But keeping it at the most expensive and most heavily invested class, while making it less OP, then I don't get it.

Anti Cavalry should be a specialization just as Heavy Cavalry is a specialization in it's own right. If a player could get pulled off a mount I think that would be sick. If a mounted charge could get stopped dead in it's tracks by a spear line then that would be sick. In MO 1 anti cavalry revolved entirely around a mage, which I hated. Spend 5 gold, macro ecumenical spells, and you beat the most expensive and heavily invested class in the game. I'm sure it will still be that way in MO 2 as far as mage viability, but seeing foot fighters with the same ability to stand against a mounted charge would curb this blind hatred.

It comes down to Player Skill Vs Player Preparedness. If you aren't prepared to handle a mounted group, then you should lose to the mounted group, Regardless of how good you can parry and run away. A shit tier group that is PREPARED for that encounter should do far better than a skilled group that isn't. Don't go wandering in a mounted dominated area IE Meduli flats, without a way to combat it.

Give more options rather than bringing a mage. Be it spear stance, or dragging someone off a horse, idk. It seems agreeable enough to me.

I'm anxious to get my hands on mounts, so that I can give actionable, and rationale feedback, to help make a game that people will stick around for. That should be everyone's goal, not tailor their criticisms around their own preferences.
The price is such a misconception. It was a 2g bred horse, 3 pieces of armour and a weapon. One of the cheapest classes.


Jun 6, 2020
The price is such a misconception. It was a 2g bred horse, 3 pieces of armour and a weapon. One of the cheapest classes.
It was a 700g perfect bred horse, 700g plus for armor, 200 - 400g weapon, 500 - 1000g potions.
Lmao I know the prices. I played it for 6 years.
Those prices are if you wanted to be a viable MC. Best equipment in slot.