Mortal Online's Fall From Sandboxity:


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I keep thinking of this whenever I look at... trinkets, new magic schools, etc. I mean you guys remember when MO was pretty 'basic,' but it had all the regular mechanics. At some point, I think w/ spiritism? They decided to start adding more and more stuff that you had to find some NPC and give him some crazy item. I mean, for Draco book, for ogh book... that stuff kinda makes sense! For armor books, because armor books are just like 1 set. Just like maybe some secret form of necromancy could be achieved thru a quest (but you have to keep everyone from having to do it the same way!! That's anti-sand box.)

Before, it seemed like MO was about getting specced and yea... if you wanted lots of mats, you had to gather them, if you wanted to be a mage, you had to get good + get regs. The whole go thru a quest line to get the ability to use this magic school or do this dungeon to get that... it's offensive IMO! That is way too restrictive for base systems (magic) in a game like this.

I believe once they started making those type of decisions, the game declined. Disagree? I don't think finding rare mats to summon stuff with is bad, tho. I'm just talking about the actual magic school being harder to learn than just reading some books n spamming.


Active member
Feb 2, 2022
I think them going hard on gating is just an attempt to force an endgame which is missing. Necro will be big guild only until it's proliferated enough in the guilds to be available to the common Joe. Which just means bugs and exploits with it will be kept secret as in-guild knowledge.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I think them going hard on gating is just an attempt to force an endgame which is missing. Necro will be big guild only until it's proliferated enough in the guilds to be available to the common Joe. Which just means bugs and exploits with it will be kept secret as in-guild knowledge.

It's just not right, man. There was endgame in MO1. Walls are gating. They killed the game. I'm way more stubborn than other people, to be honest, so most people just accept y'know spiritism/necro quests when I'm like :O I looked forward to necro then I didn't do it cuz I couldn't be fucked w/ the stupid quest line. I'm not like... some dude w/ an anti-quest mental disorder, but to me the point of a sandbox is to progress, even if there is a great, laid out way like a quest... there need to be more ways.

Like I've said before, take it from me... soph cook. I felt like I had a skill set that would be useful regardless (and I did, if people wanted soph lol,) whether I did grinding or not, no matter what mats someone came to me with. I could make something. I yearn ( YES YEARN) for more content like that. I wish magic schools could be that involved, not with finding stuff, but with 'skill gap.'

I don't mind if like the 'best' skills/weps/mounts, S tier shit, are locked behind gates... but to lock the whole school, that's wack.