Fan-made Patch Notes
What’s New?
This patch brings the addition of some overhauls to select professions with more to come in the future, added Demon Delves for fool-hardy adventurers to explore and supply camps have made their way to Myrland featuring either mines or lumber mills which will add a unique twist to obtaining some resources, and of course lots of bug fixes, quality of life improvements and balance changes! Last but not least loot-tables from low and high tier monsters and searchable containers across all of Myrland have also been updated and a new "Enchanted Item" effect duration added to most rare items upon being discovered for the very first time.
Enchanted Item? - When you kill a monster or open up a container and loot a rare item (High tier trinket, Book/Scrolls, E.t.c) that item will have a glow in your inventory and have a similar effect like if it was a stolen item, however this effect duration is much longer. This effect lasts 1 hour and prevents you from deleting and trading the item. It can still be deposited in chests and banks while under this effect.
This will help prevent a common concern where players deletes rare items recently obtained to prevent others the satisfaction of obtaining it if they can foresee their own deaths.
This will not prevent this sort of behavior entirely as players may find creative ways to make their lootbags unreachable or hidden.
This will not prevent this sort of behavior entirely as players may find creative ways to make their lootbags unreachable or hidden.
Cooking - The cooking skill has been made more desirable and now creating a variety of different (full) meals will now be heavily encouraged by a new food buff system, while also making sure it doesn't become so strong that players may feel they are at a great disadvantage without consuming expensive and time consuming foods.
- Added a 24-hour buff to eating 100 units of certain types of Full Meals with the buff effect varying on the quality/rarity of the recipe
- Full meals are distinguished by using more than 3 ingredients.
- Single-ingredient foods continue to give no additional effects.
- Only 1 food related buff can be active at a time and lower quality buffs will not override existing buff if the existing buff is of higher tier.
- Eating types of full meals (Bread, Meat, Cake, Fish, e.t.c) gives a 48-hour debuff which will inhibit re-applying buffs of that meal type for the duration.
- Buffs persist after death.
Carry Weight, HP, Mana, Stamina
Be careful not to over indulge in obtaining many types of buffs each day as 100 units of a high tier food might turn you barrel-shaped before long
Crafting - Added ability to become a specialist of your choosing to make your craftmanship stand out from the rest. Each week you can reset your chosen specialist focus, however remaining loyal to your choice and completing the weekly craft tasks will improve the effect of your specialist focus. Shrewd groups may want to have a diverse group of specialists in their fold.
- At every crafting bench you now have an additional tab aptly named the Specialist tree.
- Turning in Tasks from Crafting taskmasters in towns may award specialist tokens that can be spent on your specialist tree.
Higher Durability, Less Material Cost, Specialist Tasks may also reward Engravers and other rare crafting mats + rare chance of books
Demon Delves

There have been reports of demonic creatures inserting foreboding speech scrolls inside containers and especially within many rotting corpses of Myrland's denizes that met their untimely ends. Tales tell of any who dare utter out loud the words within the scrolls are immediately incinerated and their souls captured or moved some place full of darkness and terror.
To enter a demon delve you will have to find a mysterious scroll found in the world. Using the scroll will kill you and you will respawn in a 2-player dungeon where you may be able to acquire gear, weapons, and magic regeants to fend for yourself against the demonic inhabitants and uncover what treasure lie within. However this place is full of traps which one misstep might be your doom. But some say the biggest threat you will face will be another fool that read the demon scroll like yourself.
Remnants of the gods of Myrland remain in these forsaken places in forms of a statue that may grant you safe passage if you find them. However only one player in each respective Demon Delve can use it and using it is a long channel which will be easy to hear and potentially interrupt.
Lumber Mill & Mines

Lumber mills and mines have propped up close to Keeps around Myrland which hardy citizens of the realm have toiled to fill up of resources for their respective lords. But brigands may seek out their cut of the spoils
Lumber Mills and Mines will periodically generate a chest within them that can be opened up by Keep Owners but also by unaffiliated fortune seekers. Resources are mostly basic but guilds that own the nearby keep to the respective resource site will be able to reap double the spoils. Chances of rare items are included as well such as player housing items and cosmetics.
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