More characters while keeping crafters important.


New member
Apr 23, 2021
1 character per account is really a big selling point for me to this game. I think the interdependence will truly make for a player driven game.


Active member
Dec 2, 2020
A lot of the players I know already have 2 accounts. SV knows that a good percentage of players will run 2 making them more money. You won't be talking them into giving you another slot.


New member
Apr 5, 2021
1 character per account is really a big selling point for me to this game. I think the interdependence will truly make for a player driven game.
The problem is that as a Mage when ppl are dueling you could just go afk and play another game, since you can't do anything outside of healing ppl or training yourself by throwing spell at some other mage(not at the duelists tho because that would break the 1v1 they're having). A second character or a viable way(as explained by Kaemik) to have a second playstyle is really needed for the long run imo.

At least, I know that I want to have the possibility to try out glaives or w/e without having to reroll my whole character and say permanent goodbye to months of farming. I dread the day when we'll have both necromancy and spiritism and I might get bored for good and I will want to reroll my mage; it incentivizes having multiple accounts, and even though Henrik said on stream that the Veteran system should "fix" this problem I'm not particularly hopeful.
But I wouldn't push our suggestions too much until he reveals said Veteran System, maybe it might indeed fix our worries.
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New member
Apr 23, 2021
The problem is that as a Mage when ppl are dueling you could just go afk and play another game, since you can't do anything outside of healing ppl or training yourself by throwing spell at some other mage(not at the duelists tho because that would break the 1v1 they're having). A second character or a viable way(as explained by Kaemik) to have a second playstyle is really needed for the long run imo.

At least, I know that I want to have the possibility to try out glaives or w/e without having to reroll my whole character and say permanent goodbye to months of farming. I dread the day when we'll have both necromancy and spiritism and I might get bored for good and I will want to reroll my mage; it incentivizes having multiple accounts, and even though Henrik said on stream that the Veteran system should "fix" this problem I'm not particularly hopeful.
But I wouldn't push our suggestions too much until he reveals said Veteran System, maybe it might indeed fix our worries.
That's a legit point, and I've had alts in other games. I can't solve it, but perhaps a test server where you can automatically level up and try different characters/builds.

But if we have multiple toons, live, we can just park them across the world. We have griefer toons, and good toons, we have toons that let a single person master every crafting skill?

We have toons parked in multiple guilds.

Let's see what the devs come up with, but 1 char per account... outweighs the drawbacks in this type of game imo.


New member
May 8, 2021
I absolutelly agree that there should be at least two character slots. Even if we have to buy 2nd character slot. Shared, criminal status, shared, professions, shared bank, shared guild, same name but let us have possibility to play different characters. Everyone from my grp I play with want to have some kind of meele character while we all want to from time to time jump on beastmaster and possibly mage.

I guarantee you, that you will add this option later on anyway as everyone serious about this game willend up with 2-3 steam accounts, but many will quit this game just because of this. Rerolling your character is good and I get it why you want 1 character slot, but rerolling from pure warrior on mage will be very time consuming and before you will be fully done your character will be quite useless. Also you cannot change the race. I think SV should really reconsider.


Active member
Apr 1, 2021
I suggested something similar. You get something called "mortal forms."

Mortal forms have their own race/attributes/active skills. You can switch between them at a priest.

However, at the account level you have the "Soul". Priests and spiritualists can recognize a player's soul. Due to this:
1. Reputation is universal.
2. No using alternate characters as a means of teleportation or boulder holding.
3. Players with the proper skills can help ensure changing forms doesn't mean dodging a bad community rep.

In fact, this system could make it darn near impossible to dodge a rep as I would say the soul should remain in place even if you delete all your forms and attempt to start clean.

On the profession end, I agree, I'd keep it at the soul/account level rather than the form/character level.

And I'd use this to entirely remove the profession skillcap and make skills harder to level so you have to actually work at mastering professions rather than getting a freebie profession per account you buy. I'd also dramatically change how crafting levels in light of this, turning crafting into a lengthier process filled with player interaction with the game rather than a pure resource dump. A major change, but a majorly game-enhancing one for anyone who actually deserves to be a crafter.

this would be nice, but i would implement the switching procudere so that u die (dissolve) within the process so you reincarnate as the target mortal form, naked. To prevent smuggling of equipment. Would be lorewise okayish i guess.
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May 1, 2021
I think current state just promotes multiple accounts in Steam, and nothing prevents players from having multiple accounts anyway.
I'd rather have multiple character slots to be honest.

But at the same time, its extra $ for the SV.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I think current state just promotes multiple accounts in Steam, and nothing prevents players from having multiple accounts anyway.
I'd rather have multiple character slots to be honest.

But at the same time, its extra $ for the SV.

I'd pay extra money monthly something that didn't require an additional steam account if I could trade in my existing alt's key for the base purchase price.

Or maybe not. I might just look into multiboxing software so I can mine and play at the same time. Unfortunately my old comp can't run MO2.


Mar 27, 2021
Current system actually loses SV money. I doubt majority players will go lengths into troubles of running two steams under different accounts to have those two/three characters they desire for experimenting. If they were after money, they could simply say "3 characters, but premium per each active character", as is for example EVE working. Which I would be gladly for even with limits to same name/bank/murder counts/professions.


Mar 27, 2021
1 character per account is really a big selling point for me to this game. I think the interdependence will truly make for a player driven game.

I am suggesting solution how to keep interdependence on virtually same level (or higher, depending how you look at it). I am talking about limiting our options with experimenting with builds, I personally cannot stick to one build for months/years, that's what I know for sure. And believe me, I tried hard.


Mar 27, 2021
That's a legit point, and I've had alts in other games. I can't solve it, but perhaps a test server where you can automatically level up and try different characters/builds.

But if we have multiple toons, live, we can just park them across the world. We have griefer toons, and good toons, we have toons that let a single person master every crafting skill?

We have toons parked in multiple guilds.

Let's see what the devs come up with, but 1 char per account... outweighs the drawbacks in this type of game imo.

I am not sure you even read whole suggestion :). I am strongly for keeping the same name/guild/murder counts/bank/crafts/affiliations of all sorts etc. All I ask is to be able to play different action set when I get bored. I'd prefer that to quiting the game honestly.


Mar 27, 2021
A lot of the players I know already have 2 accounts. SV knows that a good percentage of players will run 2 making them more money. You won't be talking them into giving you another slot.

As mentioned, they don't have to GIVE us a slot. They can sell it to us, they can make exact same money on that (with multiple premiums as well) as for multiple steam accounts which are major pain in the backside.


Active member
Feb 24, 2021
Maybe find a way to stop that without limiting our ability to enjoy the game.
being locked to one character doesnt stop you from enjoying the game... it stops you from enjoying the game on multiple characters... also stops you from holding boulders and using your characters as 'banks' or 'cctv syestem' in front of duca bridge


Active member
Sep 22, 2020
being locked to one character doesnt stop you from enjoying the game... it stops you from enjoying the game on multiple characters... also stops you from holding boulders and using your characters as 'banks' or 'cctv syestem' in front of duca bridge

I didn't say it stops, I said it limits. Ez fix you can't logout with boulders in your inventory.

I assume by CCTV you mean a scout? You can't have 2 characters logged in the same account so thats an argument against 2 accounts which they will allow.


Mar 27, 2021
Ghost scouts work nicely already. Would be best if ghosts didn't see animals or players and then it would be ok, right? Any large scale fight has ghosts on both sides, if they don't they are just giving up intel to the other side without getting any back.


Active member
Sep 22, 2020
Ghost scouts work nicely already. Would be best if ghosts didn't see animals or players and then it would be ok, right? Any large scale fight has ghosts on both sides, if they don't they are just giving up intel to the other side without getting any back.

I would be surprised if they let ghosts continue to see entities in the living realm. They had something in MO1 where you could use your Kau (which was like your ghost mana bar that was higher with more psyche) and see the living realm for as long as your Kau pool allowed. This also made your ghost appear so people could see your ghost and you could see the living.
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I do understand SV doesn't want more characters per account because they want to keep player interaction up and avoiding self-sufficiency which kills it. They also want your name to mean something, so you make your own history.

Why not then allow 2-3 characters which would keep same name, murder counts and profession skills? It would still allow people to play different builds when they get tired of the same build and keep population entertained for longer. I personally don't care about limits to craft skills but I am deeply troubled about how long will I be able to play one character with same skills all over. Rerolls won't be feasible as builds will likely take months to finalize.

i would like only 1 Account per IP, so everyone have only 1 character and care about the consequences. This would recuce the ammout of spies.
I would rather like to see that we could elarn 2200 Actionpoints instead of 1100 but without having all Skills active at the same time, becuase this would cause inbalances.

This way we could play 2 different Builds and be able to deactivate/activate the needed skills in town @ a special NPC.
We should be able to have 1100 activated skills and 1100 dectivated skills.

This way we could switch between a MC, or a Footfighter, or between a Mage and Footfighter, depending what is needed to make the group most effective.

It sux if a group want to make a dungen, but there is no mage online or somethign like that.

We would eb able to switch between different Weaponskills, if we get bored of swords and want to use a Spear or a mace.


Mar 27, 2021
i would like only 1 Account per IP, so everyone have only 1 character and care about the consequences. This would recuce the ammout of spies.
I would rather like to see that we could elarn 2200 Actionpoints instead of 1100 but without having all Skills active at the same time, becuase this would cause inbalances.

This way we could play 2 different Builds and be able to deactivate/activate the needed skills in town @ a special NPC.
We should be able to have 1100 activated skills and 1100 dectivated skills.

This way we could switch between a MC, or a Footfighter, or between a Mage and Footfighter, depending what is needed to make the group most effective.

It sux if a group want to make a dungen, but there is no mage online or somethign like that.

We would eb able to switch between different Weaponskills, if we get bored of swords and want to use a Spear or a mace.

This would be partial solution, but does not address the race/age/fatness change which might be necessary to have a decent second build.