Mercy Mode Bypass - Poll

Do you want to be able to bypass mercy mode with a strong hit to a player who is near death?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 50.0%
  • No - Please explain why you want mercy mode to occur 100% of the time

    Votes: 11 50.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Due to a recent conversation in discord it would seem the current intention of Star Vault is to keep mercy mode occurring 100% of the time.

First I will propose how I would implement mercy mode so those who are not interested in the reasoning do not need to read the whole thread to vote on the poll, then I will explain why I am suggesting this.

I propose to implement mercy mode in this way:

A player must be hit past a certain number of negative health to die instantly and bypass mercy mode.


The threshold is set to 20 negative health. (This chosen threshold is arbitrary and can be tweaked to find a good balance)

A player is on 20 health.

In this example he must be hit for at least 40 damage to be hit into 20 negative health, bypass mercy mode and die immediately.
If hit for any less he will be put into mercy mode.

This negative health threshold ensures that only strong hits on people who are already near death are capable of killing people instantly, whereas weaker hits will always put someone into mercy mode.

The reasoning:

I personally (and I know many others) feel that having mercy mode occur no matter what 100% of the time is not ideal for several reasons:

1. Having an opponent go into mercy mode every single time does not allow for the high impact feeling of suddenly killing someone during the heat of battle.

The death will always come after a moment of relief and when the adrenaline has subsided. Being able to kill someone outright with one strong hit when they are already near death is much more impactful than always having to hit them a second time.

2. It creates potential issues with game balance.

Imagine you're a mounted combat harassing a fleeing group on foot. You ride by and hit one player who is on 10 health already for 50 damage to the head.

Instead of dying, he simply goes into mercy mode and instantly gets healed to full health by his group's healers, and the rest of the group body block for him, so by the time you are turned around and ready to ride in and strike again he is either:

a) Already out of mercy mode and full health
b) Unable to be hit because his group is protecting him while he is still in mercy mode

Not to mention other scenarios such as shooting a naked player with a longbow from a far distance, and instead of killing him he simply goes into mercy mode and can hobble around a corner before you are able to deliver the killing blow.

The counter argument to this suggestion (provided by Sebastian on discord) is that having players go into mercy mode every time ensures that they can trigger an instant client side death for that player when you hit them.

For context, a high ping player such as myself sees a small delay between hitting a player and seeing their health update due to my latency to the server.

This would result in a short delay between hitting a player and him falling over dead, if mercy mode could be bypassed.

My response to this argument is that high ping players such as myself are used to this delay, and experience it 100% of the time while playing and fighting, so this is nothing out of the ordinary and it seems odd to make an exception specifically for killing people.

I would also say that lower ping players would not notice this delay as much and it seems strange to balance a component of combat as crucial as player death around the highest ping players, especially when some of us would prefer to bypass mercy mode anyway.

Others have raised the concern that being able to kill people outright is less convenient for duels or robbery when you don't want to kill someone.

My response to this is simply to look at their health and either do as we did in MO1 and stop just before you kill them, as the duel has usually been decided at that point, or see that they're low on health and don't hit them as hard to not meet the negative health threshold required to kill them instantly.

I believe that what is gained from being able to bypass mercy mode is far more valuable than what is lost in regards to the above mentioned points.

If you have any other concerns about this system please voice them below so we can discuss further.

Thank you for reading.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Such a minor thing when there are so many glaring issues. How often are you like “DARN MERCY MODE”

Also the consistency allows for star vault to plan out mechanics based around mercy mode. Taming for example

If it’s something that’s only occurring half the time then sv can’t plan around it which I’m sure is why they’re keeping it the way that it is.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
No because I don't want to have to hold back and hope they stop attacking me as a Mage, where the stakes for getting hit will be very high. I want to put them into timeout while I go about my business knowing they won't have any chance of catching up to me afterwards nor can they murdercount me for defending myself (I'm not going to wait for you to hit me first when I can count on taking probably half my health in a single hit.)

You already have near instant release on weapons for a 1 damage swing, delivering the killing blow to things is quick and easy. Now what I would like to see is mercy bypass for NPC's.


Active member
May 28, 2020
Yes for the reasons you have stated as well as the following:

Bypass provides more tactical choices to players - It grants almost a guaranteed mercy to super tanks versus physical damage, where it will be difficult to hit them to -20 or below through armor (add the Oghmir stab/slash resist to this also) providing some further differentiation between light and heavily armored combatants, where lightly armored people are much more likely to be killed outright.

It might also change dynamics based on group/single in that 1v1 it might be easier to mercy mode and then execute someone using lighter flurries where in the same situation having to fully charge the killing blow just for the sake of bypassing mercy mode could result in a more easily predicted and blocked attack, giving your opponent chance to rally.

Either way this puts the choice in the players hands while also giving some further advantage(or at least differing tactics) to heavier weaponry and armor.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Such a minor thing when there are so many glaring issues. How often are you like “DARN MERCY MODE”

Also the consistency allows for star vault to plan out mechanics based around mercy mode. Taming for example

If it’s something that’s only occurring half the time then sv can’t plan around it which I’m sure is why they’re keeping it the way that it is.
How minor an issue may be does not detract from whether or not it's an issue.

I never said that it had to be changed immediately as the most pressing thing to work on.

This change would not stop them from planning out mechanics around mercy mode, it simply adds a degree of complexity as if you're required to put an animal into mercy mode to dominate it for instance, you would have to be careful not to kill it which makes sense.

I only see positives here.


Active member
Jan 14, 2021
Yea, mercy mode needs to be bypassed sometimes. I say give it to the highest nukers. Make it a bonus for something like hitting str cap or psy cap for mages and an anti bypass for hitting con cap. And maybe also a bypass for dex cap too.

Im rockn 80 health right now with my build. Im going potions at first. I should get 1 shot...
Maybe a certain constitution level negates the mercy bypass.


Active member
Nov 4, 2020
Leave it as it is. There must be a chance for survival. How many times has it already happened that in a massive battle it was possible to survive and win in battle. And this is great, because the more combat tactics there are, the more varied the game.
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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
Yea, mercy mode needs to be bypassed sometimes. I say give it to the highest nukers. Make it a bonus for something like hitting str cap or psy cap for mages and an anti bypass for hitting con cap. And maybe also a bypass for dex cap too.

Im rockn 80 health right now with my build. Im going potions at first. I should get 1 shot...
Maybe a certain constitution level negates the mercy bypass.
mages should use a spell with tick damage or a fast spell afterwards.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Bypass provides more tactical choices to players...

Not bypassing provides more tactical choices to players because groups are able to prevent teammebers from getting killed by bodyblocking.
There is nothing more frustating than e.g. a mounted running into a foot group and 2 shotting mages.
With always mercy mode players are able to visually see that their team mates are one shot and they get a chance to prevent their death.
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Active member
Jan 14, 2021
There must be a chance for survival.

Thats just not realistic enough. With my 80 health and no armor training, im sorry, I should get 1 shot. No real discussion there IMO.
It just needs to be very difficult to bypass it if your facing a top tier build.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
No because I don't want to have to hold back and hope they stop attacking me as a Mage, where the stakes for getting hit will be very high. I want to put them into timeout while I go about my business knowing they won't have any chance of catching up to me afterwards nor can they murdercount me for defending myself (I'm not going to wait for you to hit me first when I can count on taking probably half my health in a single hit.)

You already have near instant release on weapons for a 1 damage swing, delivering the killing blow to things is quick and easy. Now what I would like to see is mercy bypass for NPC's.
As a mage you have a variety of different spells to choose from. If you're using the ecumenical school you can simply choose to use lightning instead of a thunder lash or flame strike if your opponent is low on health.

Just as a melee fighter will need to watch their charge circle to deal less damage, so will a mage need to factor in what spell they choose to use in order to not kill their opponent.

It might not be the most convenient solution that favors or benefits your individual playstyle of a magic batman who harms their foes but never kills them, but it does improve the game as a whole in my obviously subjective opinion.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
There is nothing more frustating than e.g. a mounted running into a foot group and 2 shotting mages.
Tell that to the mounted player.

I personally see the cons outweighing the pros here obviously, but for the sake of argument, do you think that even a naked player at 10 health getting hit in the head with a maul for 170 damage should still be put into mercy mode?

Would it not be much more satisfying to see his head crunch in immediately and fall over?

I find the lack of impact and inability to outright kill players to be far worse than anything gained by having an always mercy mode system.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Leave it as it is. There must be a chance for survival. How many times has it already happened that in a massive battle it was possible to survive and win in battle. And this is great, because the more combat tactics there are, the more varied the game.
With this threshold system, it is likely that the norm is still to be put into mercy mode so it will still be a very common occurrence.

Only very strong hits to weakly armored, naked or very near death players will result in an immediate death.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
As a mage you have a variety of different spells to choose from. If you're using the ecumenical school you can simply choose to use lightning instead of a thunder lash or flame strike if your opponent is low on health.

Just as a melee fighter will need to watch their charge circle to deal less damage, so will a mage need to factor in what spell they choose to use in order to not kill their opponent.

It might not be the most convenient solution that favors or benefits your individual playstyle of a magic batman who harms their foes but never kills them, but it does improve the game as a whole in my obviously subjective opinion.
We will just disagree. I don't think making life worse for other players so you can have a shortcut is a fair trade, that I won't be convinced otherwise.
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In the group fights i have taken part in so far, ppl in mercy mode never were an issue and given that the early swing realease didnt exist then now its easier then before.
I personally aknowledge 1 situation where mercy mode "could" really suck:

Mounted combat

but tbh, not like mounted combat doesnt have enough advantages already given he can engage disengage at will so i say no :)

I like that allys get a chance to save you
its pretty awesome to get into mercy mode and try everything to stay alive. Feels best if you manage to get back on your feet.
removing this just for making killing feel more impactfull... it kinda already does feel awesome since you can take your time and do the epic killing blow that you like.

This small pause is way more meaningfull then a ups that was a killing blow i guess... well that felt kinda boring.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
In the group fights i have taken part in so far, ppl in mercy mode never were an issue and given that the early swing realease didnt exist then now its easier then before.
I personally aknowledge 1 situation where mercy mode "could" really suck:

Mounted combat

but tbh, not like mounted combat doesnt have enough advantages already given he can engage disengage at will so i say no :)

I like that allys get a chance to save you
its pretty awesome to get into mercy mode and try everything to stay alive. Feels best if you manage to get back on your feet.
removing this just for making killing feel more impactfull... it kinda already does feel awesome since you can take your time and do the epic killing blow that you like.

This small pause is way more meaningfull then a ups that was a killing blow i guess... well that felt kinda boring.
Of course some people such as yourself may disagree and feel that being able to take their time and execute their opponent is always more satisfying, but consider that with the threshold system you get to choose the way you kill your opponent.

If you want to put him into mercy mode so you can gloat and execute him slowly you can choose to do so, or if you happen to have a large weapon and just want to end the fight as quickly as you can, that is also an option.

We have already experienced this in MO1, where you could be put into mercy mode if hit below 10 health, beyond that and you would simply die.

As I have said already, I personally feel much more impact from the fight ending blow being the killing blow, than always having a lull and then simply clicking to finish the opponent.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
We will just disagree. I don't think making life worse for other players so you can have a shortcut is a fair trade, that I won't be convinced otherwise.
I wouldn't say it's as simple as making life worse for other players, as the percentage of players who would prefer this system is unknown.
(and will likely remain unknown as poll participation is always extremely disappointing)

It also likely would never apply to me anyway, as I plan on using swords which would in most cases never meet such a threshold unless my opponent is naked or in leather.

In the end it is of course a subjective preference, and I wouldn't dare say that what I want is best for everyone.


New member
Feb 5, 2021
We will just disagree. I don't think making life worse for other players so you can have a shortcut is a fair trade, that I won't be convinced otherwise.

lol, most people and MO vets would consider what you want the shortcut. you ware the one wanting an easy button for your play style that counters everything this game is about. whole point of the combat system is to be as realistic as can be within the context of the game and SV has said this throughout development since the beginning of MO1. Valoran suggesting more realistic and dynamic combat options that will increase immersion and widen gameplay, while yours aims to keep your (very uncommon) play style intact at the cost of increased immersion and realism for other players. you can have different opinions on if you would help make game play more fun for you or not, that is fair enough, but the whole argument here is increasing the combat realism of the game which is a stated goal of the dev team. your way 100% goes against that. you are the one suggesting shortcuts here and trying to make things easier for yourself at the expense of others. bring arguments, not feelings. Valoran is a well-known MO vet and his suggestions actually hurt his playstyle, contrary to your ill-informed beliefs
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