Does anyone remember that awful love song some guy made with shitty lines about MO1? I remember some bad flanged mace line lmao. I can't find it but I wanted to post it cuz its a classic.
My thing with MO1 is while the game look's like ass, and played liek ass. Insane amounts of bugs, rubberbanding, etc. I just had a blast playing it. I also had no shortage of rage moments. But there was just so many dumb ways to cause trouble in MO1. Greying in gy, thieving, pissing someone off so they attack you, shit talking so they duel, ganking loot and running, normal roaming, etc. MO2 jsut offers so little in the actual fun department. Everything takes more time for 0 gain, with more limitations on what you can do without getting screwed by the game (standing).
Me and my IRL friend have countless memories of playing MO1. And most of them were of just pissing around in tindrem. Gy, Sewers, Garden many years ago before it was a guard fest, etc. You could log into tind for a few mins and find a way to cause trouble. Which usually led to something interesting happening.
What makes the really memorable moments are usually the people it was with. Once we had this guild that really hated us. So we intentionally went away from the guards smelling that they wanted to zerg us. We won 2v5. Winning a 2v5 is always nice, but when it's v people you really dont like, its so much better.
Stuff like that can happen in MNO2 but its much more rare. Its hard to create the conflict that causes fights liek this in the first place because the standing system is anti conflict. And then even if they do hate us, most of the time they dont even try to start anything because once again, the standing system is anti conflict. Doping anything near town (which is where you run into these people and make enemies) risks losing standing. And nobody wants to run a parcel because they attacked a guy who didnt even die.