Turn cap is not really the problem. The problem is the animation is getting cut in half because server struggle to register when you look down and up quickly so it cut the animation in half.
On MO1 we didnt had this problem, all we was doing is hide the weapon/confuse by doing a 180 or 360. If you look up and Down on MO1 with your weapon out in Third person you gonna notice the weapon is not moving much like MO2. Also if u was spinning too fast the server wasnt registering your Spin and if u look in third person your character dont rotate if u rotate too quick with weapon out.
I think the biggest problem with it is the animation in third person view will looking down and Up that break the animation in half.
yea nice.
It's hard, tho, how can we change?
I mean, I really enjoy the kind of crazy hits you can throw at people, but I'm not doing it to hide my swing.
I still think opening up what is essentially the 'third dimension' of fighting would change a lot. That is, movement.
I don't play FPS; I'm not really good at fighting games. MO combat doesn't seem SUPER SLOW to me, it's slow in that yeah in most cases you could should be able to read the animation and throw up a parry, but the way you can slice someone up doesn't seem that slow. That's prol why people didn't like the swing speed change.
If they made pokes better, you could just poke someone every time they tried to spin. Haha. I dunno if swing hiding is even that effective. It just sucks to play w/ that as the main 'skill.' (waiting 2 parry) There are a lot of cool tricks, but in general, it sucks.
It also sucks that my favorite swing (except when I end up stabbing on accident) style is drag then click, and the best block is probably click then drag (tho it seems like you can cut out w/ movement keys from a swing into a block a bit faster, and maybe even go from parry to strike faster as well) but when you try to run both at once, it doesn't work. It 'does' kinda, but it doesn't show what direction your attack is gonna be. It glitches it or something.
Because the great blade requires no real skill... just spam click for the win.
honestly it's cuz you can use all attacks and HGB has the best range. I feel like PS are more OP if you can free up the points tho. The stam, dmg, etc etc etc is worse on poles, but DAT RANGE. Overhead w/ a pole is pretty underwhelming tho haha. Slow-ish swings. But same idea, being able to do all attacks, but the diff is you need 200 pt.