Making dynamic spawns a positive feature to the game.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Right now the almost all players see the dynamic spawn system as a negative to the game and it would be better if removed.

But I suspect that SV put it into the game to meet to perceived demand for a dead world in some places.

Most players complain about the dynamic spawns as the game is grieving them with these spawns. Its more of a time wasting mechanic to the game because these spawns do not leash back so you have to stop traveling to kill some low level mobs. If you are a mage these can be very annoying or death if they are something like the pack of 3 wolves. It causes a bunch of negative interactions with no benifit to the player as the player has to stop what they are doing in a lot of cases to deal with these spawns.

So how do you improve the game with dynamic spawns? You can change them from 100% negative interactions to include positive interactions. Why do dynamic spawns have to be 3 enemies that are trying to greif you?

You can instead have some of the time have the spawn produce a positive. Perhaps a campfire with a bag of food next to it, the wary traveler can sit at it to gain back reserves. You could have a abandoned horse that can be tamed with out any taming, perhaps it has a undead adventure on it that you can kill to take the horse. You would also have a small farm patch spawn in with some birds or a scare crow near bye to draw the players attention to the vegetables or grain there.

Just some ideas that would change the dynamic spawns from a annoying game feature to a semi positive one. Walking past the same dynamic spawn that aggros wolves or bandits on to you is very old and annoying as it waste your time dealing with them. Walking past some free food, or free horse is a whole lot more exciting and fun then getting bothered by tribe rats.


Active member
Apr 20, 2022
I would like to second that they just end up being annoying. I think it is one of those things that was good in theory but bad in practice. I think they should be removed, but I kind of like them because then I can tell if someone has been through the area recently, lol.

The real problem is that it makes running through the world naked impossible.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Yea, Dynamic loot, dynamic horses.

I thought dynamic spawn was gonna be in relationship to the world, not in relationship to a player, as in stuff was going to spawn more. Since that isn't it, they def need to add some nice lootz and sometimes maybe horses.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
It seems also that they spawn especially against players on foot and if you remain mounted the chances of them spawning are much less.

Nah, I dunno. I stop to stam up and I get plenty of them. I think you just hit a trigger point, maybe you have to be there for a certain amount of time.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
i DO NOT See how these spawns improve the game in any way. They make returning to your loot bag after death to NPCS virtually impossible and as a naked without a starter weapon facing 2 razorbacks or 2 bandits or a black bear means certain death.

It seems also that they spawn especially against players on foot and if you remain mounted the chances of them spawning are much less.

I cannot believe that the intention was to make gameplay harder for those who have died or those who are simply new and exploring the world as a naked with limited risk.
They urgently need removal or improvements as suggested above.
Dynamic spawns are pretty annoying and feels more like the game is greifing you. People traveling might be doing so naked which these spawns just aggro on to the player from render range and cause you to have to redo your run.

People are trying to get to places in a expedient manner and use their time efficiently, not have to waste it on bad mobs you cant run past and ignore like most other spawns.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
The way the spawns work is that there is a spawner in a fixed place, these when they detect a player as in you render in, will spawn at random a mob.
these mobs will aggro to the player that triggered them. Pretty much any player that goes with in render of one of these spawners will have mobs run after them and not leash.

If you are mounted you can pretty much run past them most of the time and get to a house which they cant follow you.

Over all they need to make them have a shorter leash and have it reset them back to the spawner.
Also need to have a shorter agro range because people dont want to have to waste time getting to places to do real content on these spawners.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Youre assuming starvault actually listens to advice and implements fixes accordingly.
I got blue dungeon priest removed. I was also hoping for short swords but I dont think they want to spend the dev time on implementing a replacement system.

It wont hurt to post this type of stuff. Either SV sees it and listens. Or they see it and not listen, or more probable they continue to ignore established community feedback. 1% change to improve the game is better then doing nothing. Im not spending a lot of time on this so its ok.
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Active member
Feb 2, 2022
Tbh, they aren't capable of making an enjoyable dynamic spawn system. It's either static spawners or random static spawners.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
More than dynamic spawns is the pve and it's disposition what's broken.
First of all, retarded and buggy AI, i don't know if any animal has sync animation-attack.
Then shit that spawns infront of you
as you cross a nodeline and chases u to death is terrible.
Then AI that doesn't interact with other AIs, the cluster of farming creatures in POIs.

Everything pve related is borderline retarded, creatures don't have AI just a chasing script. Damn how can this be so bad at this moment of gaming industry.