Make re-rolling easier please!


New member
Mar 13, 2022
The game as it stands is extremely fun and I love the one character per account vision but the time-logistic cost of re-rolling is a nightmare if you are like me and re-roll quite often to try different builds. One of the strengths of this game is the infinite build diversity and yet the rules behind re-rolling discourages people from trying them out.

It is already very much time consuming just to level basic skills all over again but the fact that you lose everything on mainland is absurd. Yes, to counter that you can transfer your items to a friend/guildie and get them back later but that itself is a really unnecessary and frustrating step on the way.

My solution? Just let us keep everything in our bank slots when we re-roll. Don't let us struggle with a wealth transfer every time we try a new build. That itself can help a lot.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021

SV and their 'would be a legacy achievement' blaaaaaaaaaaaa; I realized then... we ain't getting rerolls.

We got to reroll multiple times in Mo1, should be simple. We should be able to even freaking PM a GM and tell them to reroll our char and like in a few days it gets rerolled. WHAT EXACTLY IS THE DOWNSIDE OF THIS? I mean, some people could get annoying w/ spamming it, but in general... it's stupid to restrict it especially since clade is a thing to make it even more grindy.

Just, like I said, make it something that's like 'you can't play this char for x days while it gets rerolled.' You'd think they would have the ability to do that, but maybe not. Banks don't stay right now when you reroll, but broker stuff does. IT'S IN THERE SOMEWHERE.
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Active member
Aug 13, 2020
this, especially since clade gifts are a pain to grind and if any actual balance changes (doubtful) happen to races that would make you want to reroll, you arent forced to farm stuff for an eternity to get it back. I have rerolled several times in mo1 and its really fast, especially since just skills and attributes are fast to grind. I really wanted to be a human this time around for a paladin build, and its still too gimped compared to alvarin paladin.


New member
Mar 24, 2021
maby make it possible to make a second char but it cannot leave haven till you delete your live server char

this would give you time to get get some glades done..see if a new build works better
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New member
Mar 13, 2022
maby make it possible to make a second char but it cannot leave haven till you delete your live server char

this would give you time to get get some glades done..see if a new build works better
This, along with my suggestion, should be stuff already in the game in my opinion. What I find from every friend that I introduce to the game is that they get very discouraged when they actually play and feel the game and realise that the build that they read somewhere didn't match their expectations or fulfil their needs at a certain point realise they have to re-roll and lose all progress.

Again, I know there are ways to bypass progress loss but it should not be this tedious, makes no sense at all.


New member
Oct 26, 2021
We dont have TC which includes blacklists that would solve these problems like scoundrels that dwell in the shadows waiting to take our (KotO) valuables.

Blame StarVault, like usual, half baked game comes with half baked experience.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Reroll tokens will come soon... basically shortly after SV destroys the meta by nerfing something into the ground or buffing something to OP levels like they are known to do. They have a history of "overcorrecting".