Make meteors drop every 1-2 hours and have 7-10 drop at a time


New member
May 21, 2022
The way it is right now is shit. These should run way more and faster than now due to how it's designed. Not every meteor drop is worth having specific schedules for it.

- Solos and small groups can't participate as it is right now, because if there isnt more than 4 meteors going down at once, the 4 biggest alliances in the game will swarm them.
- Meteors last around an hour, as we saw thursday. So the time frame of 1-2 hours per drop is normal.
- Some of the meteors aren't worth for big groups to contest for, like the bandit spawner, relic weapons, and ore relics.
- This encourages people to roam way more and adds a better content loop than almost anything in the game.

Increasing the rate of meteors would only benefit the game and encourage solos and small groups to actually participate in this content. Not all of the meteors added were meant for only alliances.


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
It is like they released this content, and it is just instantly gatekept by the handholding big guilds that just cooperate with eachother.

They all just agree to let eachother have specific meteors, and who loses out? The solos.

There should be relic ore dropping ALL the time.. The essence orbs are the only thing solos care about, as long as you turn up the ore, that is fine.. Keep the relics rare, but the relic ore must be abundant.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I remember in MO1 a meteor dropped in my palisade. It was a giant grain steel node surrounded by tribe rats with a rat chieftain. It was cool and it gave our guild something to do. We killed all the rats that dropped 10g each and the chieftain had 50g and gems. Then we got like 10 stacks of grain steel mining the meteor.

Fun times. 10/10 making them rare.