Mage Changes poll

Revert the Magic Reflect change/ Revert the shield changes/ Revert mounted mage buffs

  • Yes to sheild revert

    Votes: 8 23.5%
  • No to shield revert

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • Alt to shield rever

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Yes to Reflect revert

    Votes: 14 41.2%
  • No to Reflect revert

    Votes: 8 23.5%
  • Alt to Reflect revert

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Yes to MM revert

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • No to MM revert

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • Alt to MM revert

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Results

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Enough time has past that people have a clear grasp on the changes to give feedback.
Pick three choices. One for shield, one for reflects, and one for mounted mage (MM).


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Shield changes just needed to be accompanied by increasing mana regen baseline back to 4kg. It would be ok then.
Reflect must be reverted lmao, why is there still any doubt? (yet Robmo confirmed today that it stays).
MM must be reverted but mages need more ways to fight MA in the *near* future.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
On Reflects
Foot Mages - its really up to the individual mage if they think the change was bad. Some like it for the convenience and having something extra to do as a mage. I do not mind it as a mage and its nice not having to reflect constantly. I would say its about 50% of mages dislike the change with around 40% liking or not disliking it. It did dumb down the gameplay of mage v mage where you used to use reflects offensively to steal a reflect off a enemy player.

Foot Fighters - All foot fighters love the change so far, its very convenient and counters getting mage bang, it allows them to get needed heals while being protected from mage bangs.

Mounter PvP - This is the only reason why it should be reverted I think. On foot the reflect changes I think were fine mostly, annoying ins some situations where a dude gets 3 reflects in one fight but its was largly fine. However the reflects completely broke mounted PvP, they get this extra layer of protection that counters the main way to kill a mounted which is burst damage when they pass by. They get protection from corrupts from other mounted while being able to heal through the reflect. It is a very bad situation and mounted gameplay is at its worse right now. Lots of people just stopped playing their mounted because how broken the reflect changes made mounted. Also there are major issues with mental projectiles not being reflected. Mental projectile has literally no counter now especially against horse.

Conclusion - For foot gameplay outside of some issues like mental projectile one of the best offesive magics in the game having no counter now it is largely ok in foot fights. Except for also how it dumbed down mages and removed offensive casting of reflects.
But mounted v mounted has been destroyed, while mounted v foot has gotten a lot safer. It completely breaks mounted PvP and should be reverted for that.

On mage shields

Foot mages were fine, no decent player was having issues floping a mage that made a mistake. The shields allowed for more gameplay options besides just kite away or just shit there and parry up. It made foot mage more dynamic.
SV telling mages to wear rugged garments is almost insulting to the PvP player base. Rugged garments are just giant noob signals, there is a reason people dont wear that junk in PvP. You might as not even wear armor, you will get two shot with or with out rugged garments on.
Living past two meele hits as a mage is more important then having 90% mana regen. Most mage armor is at 6.6-7Kg and we take it off in the middle of PvP if we need mana back.

It was completely out of no where that feedback said mage wearing shields on their backs was a problem. The only issue is when mounted mage wore shields and they still can because the main mounted mage build is a fat oghmir with 10 free KG of armor weight from clades. You have more mana regen as a fat mage and you cast slower so you run out slower.

The shield changes also made a lot of mages have no reason to try to gear them selves out, a starter swords and some scale ranger armor is all you need with you 2g worth of regs. No real need to try and get better gear. Its kinda sad as I like farming for gear and stuff now it just cuts off the reason to farm for me. I would like to show off with a cron shield, cron mage helmet ect. Now the best I can farm for is ganoid.

There was no reason to restrict round shields from foot mages. People only asked for penalties to wear a tower shield which this is fine for.

On Mounted Magery.

Many videos and examples have been giving of mounted mages owning in PvP and doing very well in game. They are a very good build that has no weakness thanks to a horse they can dump all points into damage and mana along with health. Even before the reflect changes a MM who new how to play would dominate against foot players, was unkillable by any single mounted and even two v one mm, and hit the hardest out of any build in the game with uncounterable damage hitscan damage. They made it worse with the reflect changes which allowed the mm to heal his horse while reflecting the main counter to a mm which was reflect. And it would protect against foot mages or other mms who targeted their horse. MMs were largely unkillable unless you swarmed one or they were really bad at the game.

The mm buff just buffed a alpha build class of the game with increase heals per second and increase dps. Also allows them time to replace reflects on their horse to counter corrupts. They can now out heal two MAs while having time to cast a mental projectiles for 70 on the MAs horse which ignores magic reflects.

The MM buff was one of the worse balance changes if not the worse balance change to the game. It made so many mounted just not want to log it. Just bricked entire playstyles and forces people play mounted mage which is slower and less fun the MC or even MA but those playstyles cannot compete against a competent MM.

SV just needs to revert all the changes these came straight out of the blue and really harmed the games playablity and enjoyment in PvP.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Shield changes just needed to be accompanied by increasing mana regen baseline back to 4kg. It would be ok then.
Reflect must be reverted lmao, why is there still any doubt? (yet Robmo confirmed today that it stays).
MM must be reverted but mages need more ways to fight MA in the *near* future.
That might be ok, to give 2 more mana regen but you then have to incease the armor weight to mages which are already low stam to wear shields. I saw no need to change round shields which are less weight then a weapon but still have harsher penalties.

I cant see anyone besides two really bad players that like the mm changes. Unless you count the people who grief with them.

Robmo runs around with rugged garments and tries to block weapons with his hands. I really hope they are not using his experience as their feedback for PvP changes.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
MA/MC/MM has always been nearly impossible to balance to where its enjoyable and effective to play but not overpowered to where its not fun to play against.

I think combat on horseback needs a complete rework personally. Be it shifting around required primaries or whatever. There hasn't been a single time in MO1-MO2 history where mounted was in a good spot imo. As someone who always plays foot, I love that mounts are much easier to kill in MO2, but that's me being biased. Again, I think there are things they could do to make it more enjoyable to both play as and fight against mounteds. I wish they would dedicate a team into perfecting that.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
MA/MC/MM has always been nearly impossible to balance to where its enjoyable and effective to play but not overpowered to where its not fun to play against.

I think combat on horseback needs a complete rework personally. Be it shifting around required primaries or whatever. There hasn't been a single time in MO1-MO2 history where mounted was in a good spot imo. As someone who always plays foot, I love that mounts are much easier to kill in MO2, but that's me being biased. Again, I think there are things they could do to make it more enjoyable to both play as and fight against mounteds. I wish they would dedicate a team into perfecting that.
I think it was in the best spot just before the reflect changes. It wasnt good enough but it wasnt broken or too cancer. It was in a good wait till they can make it better spot.

Main need of pre reflect mounted was the need for dismounts. Both melee against horse and earthquake dismounts.

Pre reflect moumted needed a lot of things but it was still in a paleyable place. But now its a disaster.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
I think it was in the best spot just before the reflect changes. It wasnt good enough but it wasnt broken or too cancer. It was in a good wait till they can make it better spot.

Main need of pre reflect mounted was the need for dismounts. Both melee against horse and earthquake dismounts.

Pre reflect moumted needed a lot of things but it was still in a paleyable place. But now its a disaster.
What was the reflect change? I haven't played in months but trying to stay semi updated.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Shield changes just needed to be accompanied by increasing mana regen baseline back to 4kg. It would be ok then.
Reflect must be reverted lmao, why is there still any doubt? (yet Robmo confirmed today that it stays).
MM must be reverted but mages need more ways to fight MA in the *near* future.

MM doesnt need to be reverted. Instead we need working dismount mechanics where a player dismounted falls on their face for a set amount of time and is defenseless like in MO1.
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
yet Robmo confirmed today that it stays
SV's thing is intentionally limiting the success of their game by ignoring the players lmao.

Theres times where devs need to put their foot down and change something players might like. Like if its something players like because they are all abusing it. But this isnt the case. In MO they will go against what the majority wants just because its how they want it to be. Even tho they dont even play the game and shouldnt be that dedicated to any 1 idea. Its like they just can't be 'wrong', and letting the players win is accepting defeat.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I voted complete revert MR, nonsensical change. I like to see things in one way, are they making the game more dynamic or not, imo MR is a big step back!

Shield issue needs to be addressed but maybe not how SV is doing it, so I put alt fix.

MM revert for now. MM still needs work, too.
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Active member
Oct 16, 2021
So I'm seeing a lot of turtles as of late. Lighter armour and big tower shields.

Shield changes made the mage built sillier, not better.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
So I'm seeing a lot of turtles as of late. Lighter armour and big tower shields.

Shield changes made the mage built sillier, not better.

I have seen a few dex mages running paper armor and a tower shield. They stick around till they are hit in that shield with a maul then they seem to fade away.