Mage Buffs


Dec 9, 2021
Concentration - This needs to be increased to like "10% up to 80%". I have 100 in the skill and normal tap attacks interrupt more than 60% of the time.

Spurt - This spell should say that it is used to interrupt a spell caster, it's what it does anyways.

Spells should cost less or we should have more mana. This does not go for Resurrection that should cost a lot of mana.

This is an opinion ofc.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Concentration - This needs to be increased to like "10% up to 80%". I have 100 in the skill and normal tap attacks interrupt more than 60% of the time.

Spurt - This spell should say that it is used to interrupt a spell caster, it's what it does anyways.

Spells should cost less or we should have more mana. This does not go for Resurrection that should cost a lot of mana.

This is an opinion ofc.

I almost think 60% is too much. It's nothing to bank on, but in most games you wouldn't hold a spell more than half the time. I could see if they wanted like 1/3rd instead of 1/2 on mounted.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Spells should cost less or we should have more mana. This does not go for Resurrection that should cost a lot of mana.
Or just rever reflect to pre-patch.

I almost think 60% is too much. It's nothing to bank on, but in most games you wouldn't hold a spell more than half the time. I could see if they wanted like 1/3rd instead of 1/2 on mounted.
In most games mages have ways to avoid melee with dashes, teleports, paralysis, minefields, magic armor, unarmed blocking and whatnot. Here, it's either you're alvarin, or you rely on allies which isn't always an option and doesn't work that well in small scale especially if you're even slightly outnumbered.

Look at crowfall's frostweaver with their frost armor and minefields and slows, or inquisitor who can go invisible and two-shot you out of nowhere. Both can cast while running btw. Surely it's a class based game and is easier to balance, but still.
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Dec 9, 2021
Or just rever reflect to pre-patch.

In most games mages have ways to avoid melee with dashes, teleports, paralysis, minefields, magic armor, unarmed blocking and whatnot. Here, it's either you're alvarin, or you rely on allies which isn't always an option and doesn't work that well in small scale especially if you're even slightly outnumbered.

Look at crowfall's frostweaver with their frost armor and minefields and slows, or inquisitor who can go invisible and two-shot you out of nowhere. Both can cast while running btw. Surely it's a class based game and is easier to balance, but still.

Invisibility was never implemented in MO. However, there was a scroll for Illusionism spell school. Forget what they called it.
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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Mages are really just a support "class" right now. There is no real use for them on their own. Sure a good dex mage can easily kill a bad foot fighter. But they arent doing it with pure magic. And a fat mage might get lucky and kill someone on foot if they are bad.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
I feel like mages can never be balanced unless mage gear is added to the game. Otherwise, it's too op that someone can roam around naked and kill someone in a full set of tungsteel. On flipside though 99% of encounters aren't a mage vs someone in tungsteel armor, it's a mage vs someone in crapite armor.


Dec 9, 2021
I feel like mages can never be balanced unless mage gear is added to the game. Otherwise, it's too op that someone can roam around naked and kill someone in a full set of tungsteel. On flipside though 99% of encounters aren't a mage vs someone in tungsteel armor, it's a mage vs someone in crapite armor.
I can see where that could be but, Magic is supposed to be Powerful. MO has always been semi-Rock, Paper, Scissors like. With MO2 it's different cause ALL footies have a Bow and Bows counter Mages hard. Mages get the shit end of the stick all of the time because of how powerful we are i.e Necromantic Rituals being a Primary now (Which is understandable), All New magic schools being Primaries. It is basically a necessity for mages to keep blocking or else we'll die. Even with pets 1vX situations are difficult. I agree 100% that Mages are a support class but, only being able to take down one maybe two full HP players then being useless cause of Mana Regeneration, Lack of Mana and Meditation being a Primary (Also not very viable to use in the middle of combat unless you're super sneaky). I refuse to play Human just for Shamanistic. I guess Mages are just too OP in Mortal Online to do anything about it.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
I can see where that could be but, Magic is supposed to be Powerful. MO has always been semi-Rock, Paper, Scissors like. With MO2 it's different cause ALL footies have a Bow and Bows counter Mages hard. Mages get the shit end of the stick all of the time because of how powerful we are i.e Necromantic Rituals being a Primary now (Which is understandable), All New magic schools being Primaries. It is basically a necessity for mages to keep blocking or else we'll die. Even with pets 1vX situations are difficult. I agree 100% that Mages are a support class but, only being able to take down one maybe two full HP players then being useless cause of Mana Regeneration, Lack of Mana and Meditation being a Primary (Also not very viable to use in the middle of combat unless you're super sneaky). I refuse to play Human just for Shamanistic. I guess Mages are just too OP in Mortal Online to do anything about it.

Even the human Shamanistic clade doesnt help regen mana in combat. And even when resting it isnt that huge.

And unlike other "classes" if you miss with a spell you have not only wasted the materials you also have to stand there and recast. Which only archers lose the arrow when they miss. But they can at least run and draw turn and shoot.. or jump spin shoot as the Alvarins love to do.

Doom and Gloom

Active member
Mar 12, 2022
I almost think 60% is too much. It's nothing to bank on, but in most games you wouldn't hold a spell more than half the time. I could see if they wanted like 1/3rd instead of 1/2 on mounted.

What is this most games you speak of? I don't understand why there needs to be a RANDOM chance to be able to cast your spell, it just makes zero sense and makes mages useless without mounts in solo PvE (idk with necro now) and close combat. I know no other games which have this kind of weird RNG factor to be able to cast, and you even need a skill to make it slightly more bearable.

It needs to be not random, and no 0% chance is not what we need.

SV just has no idea how to balance magery so that it is both viable and interesting to use, and not oppressive, so we got this implementation..

Also it is very stupid that mages need to basically rest after killing one risar with spells because the spells cost so much mana, talk about if you wanna MM solo a troll or something. And no mana pots or anything like that ofc exists.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
What is this most games you speak of? I don't understand why there needs to be a RANDOM chance to be able to cast your spell, it just makes zero sense and makes mages useless without mounts in solo PvE (idk with necro now) and close combat. I know no other games which have this kind of weird RNG factor to be able to cast, and you even need a skill to make it slightly more bearable.

It needs to be not random, and no 0% chance is not what we need.

SV just has no idea how to balance magery so that it is both viable and interesting to use, and not oppressive, so we got this implementation..

Also it is very stupid that mages need to basically rest after killing one risar with spells because the spells cost so much mana, talk about if you wanna MM solo a troll or something. And no mana pots or anything like that ofc exists.

PvE is poorly designed for mages and arguably most solos who aren't on MA or using a long bow surgically (much easier to use MA tho imo,) are going to do worse than a regular foot fighter w/ trash gear. Games where there are interrupts, some games have hard interrupts, like pvp in GW1 you had swipes that you could interrupt people if you hit their skills, heals were pretty long. I could see if you were talking about mage buffs for PvE. To be fair tho, it's not random if it's a set chance. If you get interrupted 33% of the time, that's not random. You're gonna get interrupted 33% of the time. It's just going to lead to variance due to rolls.

If you want to know whether you are gonna get interrupted or not before hand, I dunno how that would work, unless they added in stuff like other games had, 2 or so pokey attacks you could use strategically to shut down a mage for a few seconds, but that's changing the whole game theory.

I dislike people talking about RNG when nearly everything, carcs, horses, dmg hits, bandaid ticks, is rng. You can say well for stuff like dismount and spell interrupt, it should be set dmg like old dismount was, but I personally find that to be a bad mechanic because it draws a line over what is viable. If the chance is increasing based on dmg, that would be good. That would also not be RNG imo, you would just be applying a hit rate based on damage ticks (which IS rng lol.)

But yea go nuts w/ PvE stuff. It's kinda sad that they haven't been able to think of spells that would be massively useful in PvE but not in PvP so that magi can flesh out their build. The mage kit is too limited. Degen is actually pretty strong to fight enemies, haha, I've degen'd stuff to death in many games. There isn't a hard degen. A spell that would be like a freeze AoE that shocked AI out of aggro for a sec would be nice. Stuff like that...

cuz IMO it's not your fault that you are face tanking mobs as a mage (due to mobs being ridic, esp animals,) it's a game flaw that needs to be fixed. IMO it does not involve interrupts tho.

Legit like magic weapon sort of spell that gave you something for x amount of time that worked v PvE would be nice, too. Many solutions. But most games where I was playing hard mage and trying to solo farm, I was doing a lot of hit and run, come back etc. In MO, running is not usually an option.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I can see where that could be but, Magic is supposed to be Powerful. MO has always been semi-Rock, Paper, Scissors like. With MO2 it's different cause ALL footies have a Bow and Bows counter Mages hard. Mages get the shit end of the stick all of the time because of how powerful we are i.e Necromantic Rituals being a Primary now (Which is understandable), All New magic schools being Primaries. It is basically a necessity for mages to keep blocking or else we'll die. Even with pets 1vX situations are difficult. I agree 100% that Mages are a support class but, only being able to take down one maybe two full HP players then being useless cause of Mana Regeneration, Lack of Mana and Meditation being a Primary (Also not very viable to use in the middle of combat unless you're super sneaky). I refuse to play Human just for Shamanistic. I guess Mages are just too OP in Mortal Online to do anything about it.


I think there should be a fumble chance for firing a bow w/ o archery, speaking of 'rng.' Def should get bonus for full spec archer and arguably should get bonus for going into aiming tech, too, like marks is +5 , +5% or something.

Like I said there is a lot of wiggle room build wise, but mostly you end up speccing the same skills in MO due to game design.

Doom and Gloom

Active member
Mar 12, 2022
PvE is poorly designed for mages and arguably most solos who aren't on MA or using a long bow surgically (much easier to use MA tho imo,) are going to do worse than a regular foot fighter w/ trash gear. Games where there are interrupts, some games have hard interrupts, like pvp in GW1 you had swipes that you could interrupt people if you hit their skills, heals were pretty long. I could see if you were talking about mage buffs for PvE. To be fair tho, it's not random if it's a set chance. If you get interrupted 33% of the time, that's not random. You're gonna get interrupted 33% of the time. It's just going to lead to variance due to rolls.

If you want to know whether you are gonna get interrupted or not before hand, I dunno how that would work, unless they added in stuff like other games had, 2 or so pokey attacks you could use strategically to shut down a mage for a few seconds, but that's changing the whole game theory.

I dislike people talking about RNG when nearly everything, carcs, horses, dmg hits, bandaid ticks, is rng. You can say well for stuff like dismount and spell interrupt, it should be set dmg like old dismount was, but I personally find that to be a bad mechanic because it draws a line over what is viable. If the chance is increasing based on dmg, that would be good. That would also not be RNG imo, you would just be applying a hit rate based on damage ticks (which IS rng lol.)

But yea go nuts w/ PvE stuff. It's kinda sad that they haven't been able to think of spells that would be massively useful in PvE but not in PvP so that magi can flesh out their build. The mage kit is too limited. Degen is actually pretty strong to fight enemies, haha, I've degen'd stuff to death in many games. There isn't a hard degen. A spell that would be like a freeze AoE that shocked AI out of aggro for a sec would be nice. Stuff like that...

cuz IMO it's not your fault that you are face tanking mobs as a mage (due to mobs being ridic, esp animals,) it's a game flaw that needs to be fixed. IMO it does not involve interrupts tho.

Legit like magic weapon sort of spell that gave you something for x amount of time that worked v PvE would be nice, too. Many solutions. But most games where I was playing hard mage and trying to solo farm, I was doing a lot of hit and run, come back etc. In MO, running is not usually an option.

Otherwise your post makes sense, but there is no argument about what RNG is and what it isn't: things simple are not random or they are random. There can be input randomness and output randomness, output randomness is the most bs mechanic usually, which this interrupt chance is.
If the interrupt wasn't "33%" but, every third hit you get interrupted (and you can view and track the current counter etc.), then it would NOT be random, while the chance would stay the same, but everyone could play around that.

It's not difficult to implement and would lead to mages being able to strategize when to take a hit and when to start casting etc. It's not perfect solution, but a whole lot better than RNG:
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
If the interrupt wasn't "33%" but, every third hit you get interrupted (and you can view and track the current counter etc.), then it would NOT be random, while the chance would stay the same, but everyone could play around that.

^ It's not like BDO enhance system where you get 3.5% to 5% chance to hit and each time costs to try again, this is something that continually happens. It makes it more tense because you don't wanna be getting interrupted at all, sure, so you're not gonna get the massive hits that make foot fighting or archery seem less RNG, but if you just play, instead, thinking "I have a 33% chance to get interrupted," then you should be able to calculate your playstyle by that "this is worth the risk, this isn't, he got me this time damn, or lucky me I got it off..."

Like I said, because the chance itself is hard set, I don't think that's RNG esp compared to everything else except like... mining or maybe hunger that is unpredictable. "RNG" as you call it, or hit rate/dodge rate/hold cast rate, whatever is an important governor of gameplay, IMO, because every time I've seen a hard cap, it's been a disaster, because they it becomes about simply getting the number of hits or like it was w/ dismount, you need a certain wep do it.

It is randomly generating a number, let's say 1-100 and if it's over 34 then you hold your spell, but that process is 'the same,' every time and thus allows you to base your gameplay on it. Sure, you could win or lose because of rolls, but over time, you shouldn't. It should be a very small variance, and it allows you to plot a game play strategy and your enemy to plot a game play strategy without either 'cheesing' the system, yet the 1/3 hit thing is still in play.

I don't understand it. I don't understand the people who talk about RNG and hate it in games. Every game I have played has massive RNG. Like I said, it actually protects the integrity of the game cuz you can't 'bank on it,' so it makes it less cheesy. But I didn't study MATH. I'm p sure I could find someone saying what I am saying in a paper of sorts, tho.

To me, RNG is wild variance. Like if you have 2% chance of instant death on head hits. Like some of the punches you throw in UFC or Boxing games and just get the instant KO, it's like lol ok. I also don't dislike 'random death rolls ' (like in MO getting zerged,) and I find them to generally be NOT THAT RANDOM (obv way more than 33%, but we play for the excitement and to see what's around every corner, strange that in practice, people want hard numbers like this sword does this dmg every time. But yea something weird like what I listed would be offensive, but there's almost no reason to put it in the game. Mage interrupts are arguably necessary.


Active member
Dec 11, 2021
Problems (that SV will not fix and will not even look at)
1. Targeting of necro spells is abhorrent. They said we could cast while moving, which is in practice not true. The only way to hit necro spells is to stop when the spells is nearly done and target. In every other situation, the spells miss.
2. Concentration doesn't work. Anything and everything interrupts, even at 100 concentration. Interrupts should use concentration skill AND intelligence to give a resist %.
3. Walkers are too expensive, last too little, and every command takes blood (you are forced constantly cast command undead to do anything and have them follow). Not viable in PVE, niche in PVP. To use them in PVE you need to carry two+ medium spirit boxes.
4. Most spells take too long to cast and take too much mana. Every pve/pvp encounter leaves you out of mana, even with a 200 mana pool. No idea how dagger hybrids (not mages) cast at all.
5. Switching to a shield/dagger to block takes too long. Once someone attacks you, there's no option to counter, you either block until you are saved or dead (or run away if you're a dex mage).

So basically, mages are spam bots and second-class citizens. Necro didn't fix anything. SV hates mages, period. They won't fix anything or give us any tools to thrive. Current options:
a. be a pure mage, depend on a footie to do anything. Cast magic reflect and heal all day long.
b. be a dagger hybrid.
c. be a mage / tamer that depends on a pet that gets stuck on the mesh constantly, takes forever to lvl up to be useful and then dies to the first MA that passes by in 20 seconds.
d. reroll or quit the game.

Any changes will be opposed by the footies/MAs because they're used to seeing a mage and knowing they're a free loot bag.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Problems (that SV will not fix and will not even look at)
1. Targeting of necro spells is abhorrent. They said we could cast while moving, which is in practice not true. The only way to hit necro spells is to stop when the spells is nearly done and target. In every other situation, the spells miss.
2. Concentration doesn't work. Anything and everything interrupts, even at 100 concentration. Interrupts should use concentration skill AND intelligence to give a resist %.
3. Walkers are too expensive, last too little, and every command takes blood (you are forced constantly cast command undead to do anything and have them follow). Not viable in PVE, niche in PVP. To use them in PVE you need to carry two+ medium spirit boxes.
4. Most spells take too long to cast and take too much mana. Every pve/pvp encounter leaves you out of mana, even with a 200 mana pool. No idea how dagger hybrids (not mages) cast at all.
5. Switching to a shield/dagger to block takes too long. Once someone attacks you, there's no option to counter, you either block until you are saved or dead (or run away if you're a dex mage).

So basically, mages are spam bots and second-class citizens. Necro didn't fix anything. SV hates mages, period. They won't fix anything or give us any tools to thrive. Current options:
a. be a pure mage, depend on a footie to do anything. Cast magic reflect and heal all day long.
b. be a dagger hybrid.
c. be a mage / tamer that depends on a pet that gets stuck on the mesh constantly, takes forever to lvl up to be useful and then dies to the first MA that passes by in 20 seconds.
d. reroll or quit the game.

Any changes will be opposed by the footies/MAs because they're used to seeing a mage and knowing they're a free loot bag.

I was c for a while. The problem with mage/tamer is you're risking 100x more than anyone else for the same or worse results. Whereas an MA can just circle around and shoot mobs risk-free, you have to put your pets life on the line. Same in PVP you have to use a terror bird or something with like 150g whereas MA can use 2gold crapite armor and bow.

Only time I've found pets more useful is if you're killing something easy like zombies, and you just bring extra pets for extra carrying. But zombies aren't really a good income anyways


Dec 9, 2021
Problems (that SV will not fix and will not even look at)
1. Targeting of necro spells is abhorrent. They said we could cast while moving, which is in practice not true. The only way to hit necro spells is to stop when the spells is nearly done and target. In every other situation, the spells miss.
2. Concentration doesn't work. Anything and everything interrupts, even at 100 concentration. Interrupts should use concentration skill AND intelligence to give a resist %.
3. Walkers are too expensive, last too little, and every command takes blood (you are forced constantly cast command undead to do anything and have them follow). Not viable in PVE, niche in PVP. To use them in PVE you need to carry two+ medium spirit boxes.
4. Most spells take too long to cast and take too much mana. Every pve/pvp encounter leaves you out of mana, even with a 200 mana pool. No idea how dagger hybrids (not mages) cast at all.
5. Switching to a shield/dagger to block takes too long. Once someone attacks you, there's no option to counter, you either block until you are saved or dead (or run away if you're a dex mage).

So basically, mages are spam bots and second-class citizens. Necro didn't fix anything. SV hates mages, period. They won't fix anything or give us any tools to thrive. Current options:
a. be a pure mage, depend on a footie to do anything. Cast magic reflect and heal all day long.
b. be a dagger hybrid.
c. be a mage / tamer that depends on a pet that gets stuck on the mesh constantly, takes forever to lvl up to be useful and then dies to the first MA that passes by in 20 seconds.
d. reroll or quit the game.

Any changes will be opposed by the footies/MAs because they're used to seeing a mage and knowing they're a free loot bag.
Glad you brought this up. I completely forgot to talk about how busted the targeting system is. Doubt it could be fixed. It's hard out here for a pure mage.

The classic MO flick still works imo. But that moment when you cast between someone's knees or arms is almost TOO realistic.


Active member
Dec 11, 2021
Glad you brought this up. I completely forgot to talk about how busted the targeting system is. Doubt it could be fixed. It's hard out here for a pure mage.

The classic MO flick still works imo. But that moment when you cast between someone's knees or arms is almost TOO realistic.
I would like to urge everyone to submit this feedback directly in game. I don't think SV even checks the forums, but they do get the feedback in game. Maybe if enough people share their concern they'll do something to address it.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Problems (that SV will not fix and will not even look at)
1. Targeting of necro spells is abhorrent. They said we could cast while moving, which is in practice not true. The only way to hit necro spells is to stop when the spells is nearly done and target. In every other situation, the spells miss.
2. Concentration doesn't work. Anything and everything interrupts, even at 100 concentration. Interrupts should use concentration skill AND intelligence to give a resist %.
3. Walkers are too expensive, last too little, and every command takes blood (you are forced constantly cast command undead to do anything and have them follow). Not viable in PVE, niche in PVP. To use them in PVE you need to carry two+ medium spirit boxes.
4. Most spells take too long to cast and take too much mana. Every pve/pvp encounter leaves you out of mana, even with a 200 mana pool. No idea how dagger hybrids (not mages) cast at all.
5. Switching to a shield/dagger to block takes too long. Once someone attacks you, there's no option to counter, you either block until you are saved or dead (or run away if you're a dex mage).

So basically, mages are spam bots and second-class citizens. Necro didn't fix anything. SV hates mages, period. They won't fix anything or give us any tools to thrive. Current options:
a. be a pure mage, depend on a footie to do anything. Cast magic reflect and heal all day long.
b. be a dagger hybrid.
c. be a mage / tamer that depends on a pet that gets stuck on the mesh constantly, takes forever to lvl up to be useful and then dies to the first MA that passes by in 20 seconds.
d. reroll or quit the game.

Any changes will be opposed by the footies/MAs because they're used to seeing a mage and knowing they're a free loot bag.

Dagger mages are not mages, just putting it simply. They are hybrids that use daggers. A dagger mage primary damage is not magic it is that dagger and weak spot chances. Magic is there for heals, purify and the occasional offensive spell. Much like any hybrid.

and you forgot one.

E. Make a meme mage build and DGAF about winning.


Active member
Dec 11, 2021
Dagger mages are not mages, just putting it simply. They are hybrids that use daggers. A dagger mage primary damage is not magic it is that dagger and weak spot chances. Magic is there for heals, purify and the occasional offensive spell. Much like any hybrid.

and you forgot one.

E. Make a meme mage build and DGAF about winning.
that's why i wrote dagger hybrid not dagger mage. :D
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Doom and Gloom

Active member
Mar 12, 2022
Problems (that SV will not fix and will not even look at)
1. Targeting of necro spells is abhorrent. They said we could cast while moving, which is in practice not true. The only way to hit necro spells is to stop when the spells is nearly done and target. In every other situation, the spells miss.
2. Concentration doesn't work. Anything and everything interrupts, even at 100 concentration. Interrupts should use concentration skill AND intelligence to give a resist %.
3. Walkers are too expensive, last too little, and every command takes blood (you are forced constantly cast command undead to do anything and have them follow). Not viable in PVE, niche in PVP. To use them in PVE you need to carry two+ medium spirit boxes.
4. Most spells take too long to cast and take too much mana. Every pve/pvp encounter leaves you out of mana, even with a 200 mana pool. No idea how dagger hybrids (not mages) cast at all.
5. Switching to a shield/dagger to block takes too long. Once someone attacks you, there's no option to counter, you either block until you are saved or dead (or run away if you're a dex mage).

So basically, mages are spam bots and second-class citizens. Necro didn't fix anything. SV hates mages, period. They won't fix anything or give us any tools to thrive. Current options:
a. be a pure mage, depend on a footie to do anything. Cast magic reflect and heal all day long.
b. be a dagger hybrid.
c. be a mage / tamer that depends on a pet that gets stuck on the mesh constantly, takes forever to lvl up to be useful and then dies to the first MA that passes by in 20 seconds.
d. reroll or quit the game.

Any changes will be opposed by the footies/MAs because they're used to seeing a mage and knowing they're a free loot bag.

I've been the c mostly, but pets are so annoying with their shit AI and no beast mastery implemented etc. + they get killed in any PvP encounter instantly almost. Pets I rly try to use for PvE as they can be at least somewhat helpful, as a mage you cannot solo bandit camps even as MM as the casters will kill you basically, only slightly less now with the reflect change.

But yeah, it is ridiculous that the game has magic and the best strategy to play with it is to be a healbot or then barely use magic and still call yourself a mage.

I really don't understand ppl talking about "Just blocking". Like what strategy is that? Even if you are legendary at blocking you will run out of stamina eventually or you will take chip dmg etc., and the way run speeds work you ain't outrunning anyone, not helping that as a full mage having combat maneuvering is pretty expensive anyway, talk about having a pet as well or similar. I am a mage, fear me, casts 1 spell, takes out blocking weapon and continues to block for 5 mins without posing any threat to anyone, what a build.

And meanwhile ppl are complaining about OP mages in the general.. Magery rly is underwhelming, expensive, and mechanically so unfit for this game's combat style. It would need a complete rework really, but that won't happen.