Lvling Tamming is aids


Feb 18, 2022
Every other skill you can lvl by just preformimg the action, taming you need to go find a creature in X lvl range hold the R key while chasing the Dam thing for multiple hours than go find the next creature in X lvl range to an repeat this aids. Seriously who thought this would be a good idea? Let me get taming xp no matter what I tame or what lvl it is this shit retarded as it stands.


Active member
Sep 22, 2020
Every other skill you can lvl by just preformimg the action, taming you need to go find a creature in X lvl range hold the R key while chasing the Dam thing for multiple hours than go find the next creature in X lvl range to an repeat this aids. Seriously who thought this would be a good idea? Let me get taming xp no matter what I tame or what lvl it is this shit retarded as it stands.

Want a tip? Find an animal in your level range, tame it fully. Bring it somewhere relatively safe (no predators to screw your process up) mercy mode the tame (it'll stop being your tame) then with your weapon out tame it to 1/4 circle and restart the tame. When out of mercy hit it back into mercy.

Once the pet is out of your level range, fully tame it and level it up till it's in your range again or go find another and repeat the process.

I agree it's not that fun to level, but almost no skill in this game is fun to level.


Feb 18, 2022
I agree it's not that fun to level, but almost no skill in this game is fun to level.

But every other skill is level by just playing the game an having fun. I want level combat skills I just hunt, fight, and kill thing. I lvl riding skills by just riding my horse from A to B.

But taming ya let find that needle in a high stack creature who ass I'm going to stare at for 3+ hours holding the R key down the entire time than when it stops giving me XP let go find the next needle to do the same thing. Like lol why, simple put if I tame anything even a lvl 1 rabbit I should get XP non of this finding a creature in my lvl range trash.


Feb 2, 2022
In first mo I farmed taming2 book and never had any problem with that skill

What you want to tame?


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Taming2 ZZZ, softcore!! lol but yea taming is the 1 skill you can be proud of having at 100, other than yknow the kinda skills that require you to spam massive expensive mats. The lack of mounts really messes it up, before they had mounts all the way up to 100+ taming, but they'd aggro, still you could kite them.

conto, taming 100 was not a common skill in mo1. I mean people had it, but not like EVERYONE. In that way, it's kind of cool. It just requires some work. But the way SV has mobs atm is off. I mean you could level knockdown/knockback by blocking springboks iirc, so every seemingly hard skill had a 'hack.' But yea we managed to get 100 taming. There were just more mobs. I've never heard of the mercy mode taming thing, that's prolly a good idea. FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO EXPLOIT!!

Just keep pushing, 100 taming is a badge of honor, one of the few in the game, esp if you got it without someone tanking for you (but I dunno if that's even possible anymore lol.)

Edit: I'll take the adventuring and the OO it's a pet that will give me exp all day over carrying 20 stacks of bone tissue + many of backing to level just reg 2h axes to max, and crafting for 2-3 points per box and dropping loot.