This is just not true, fast weapons have a really small reaction time window, and i still need to block instantly in the right direction in a few MS. I see people mentioning the sword clang video alot, its the "slowest" sword in the game, parrying that is not magic, this was to showcase stuff. Lets take a katana, 1h weapon, warhammerrs, spears. Hence even the flammberge and the difference is huge.It’s true that he needs to react fast but you don’t that’s the problem.
I have a reaction time of 250 that is rather casual and normal for 25+ yr olds. I needed weeks to be at a point where i can block most stuff and only fuck up blocks cause of fat fingering.... most of the time.
You always have to account the input delay before your block gets send to server. EU does not make you parry everything... practise does, we also have the input delay which is huge.
Its true that EU players get a small MS advantage depending on ping of the other player, recent patch picked up on that from what i heard for both sides. Higher ping players can attack faster now and are able to block way more.
Teknique i dont judge you here since i know you have invested alot of time into testing but other people who refuse to practise and put some time into testing the current combat and constantly comparing it to mo1.
Iam kinda fed up at this point of this rumor that "EU Ping makes you parry everything" it just doesnt.
To me this is just blatant ignorant, saying you have it easy because EU ping, disregarding the hours and hours of practise that still went in.