Lengthy feedback from salty vet


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Aside from the normal feedback of combat being too slow &being too zerg friendly, on top of AI improvements being needed - Here's my gripes outside of those.

Extraction timers

500 seconds from grinder and 300 second for crusher is absurd. People generally extract ore in bulk. That's 8 minutes and 5 minutes per 10,000 units. I just grinded 13 stacks of calx, took me almost 1 & 1/4 hours - This excludes the mining time and travel time. Then I have to process the materials from the extracted ore...YAY more timers.

MO1 had an issue with netflix afk playtime, don't make the same mistake in MO2. The map is much larger, obtaining certain ores takes a lot of time. Staring at a rock for a lengthy amount of time, then having to travel distances 6x that of MO1 is already tedious enough. Having to stare at a grinder/crusher timer etc for 1 - 3 hours is not needed, it only adds unneeded tedium.

Adjust ALL extraction timer lengths, increase the amount of resource per tick when mining and allow us to use multiple machines(especially when portables are added) When the game goes to persistent, the grind is going to be real, since no 100x skill/lore increase.

Avlarins speed

I'm going to quote myself from another thread for a TLDR; version

In MO1, a Thursar player could catch an Alvarin with proper stam management, footwork and having a longer weapon usually helped. Now in MO2, a Thursar can just SHIFT W in a straight line and doesn't have to worry about stam management, because the speed gap is very close. Can literally sticky a mage with the shortest dagger in the game.

Alvarins have to invest 15 - 20 more attributes for their speed advantage in MO2, that is barely a speed advantage when other races are similar speeds and have more hp, stamina and damage than them. It's imbalanced. Any one who has PvP'd in the current state of MO2 or uses Alvarins understand this.

Bow potency

Foot archery was a meme in MO1 for most of it's life cycle aside from the periods of machine gun bows. Archery was only really viable for MA's and occasionally during sieges. Currently in MO2 bows are very potent - Their low stam usage and short draw times make them very strong, especially considering their damage output isn't bad either. You can pull off some nasty DPS without exerting to much stam in doing so.

Pushing mechanic

I know this is going to be changed, but it's something quite prevalent at the moment. Currently the most effective way of griefing, is using a shield and pushing people out of towns, off cliffs or into water. Ez loot and no murder counts. I'm guessing you guys just haven't had the time to implement the going grey aspect to push spamming yet like in MO1. Whole Flagging is still in its infancy, but just giving my feedback to make sure it's at least on the radar.


As we all know, Myrland is around 6x the scale of MO1's version. This makes everything more time consuming, especially since 1 char per account. Resources spread far and wide and some being regional means people are going to be traveling a lot. This puts a lot of emphasis on horse riding to cut time to travel, but even then, it takes a lot of time.

How about for roads, horses travel slightly faster and stam drain is reduced, while riding on them. When TC is implemented, allow roads to be built too. Other than this, I know carts etc are on the to do list, so bulk transporting will be a thing. BUT Don't make MO2 more of a second job than what MO1 was pre Sardoodoo/TC expansion. Things should be difficult, but difficulty doesn't always have to = time.

Resource locations

Don't make the same mistake as MO1 with resources mainly being in a single region. Create more smaller pockets around the map for resources & pickables. It's fine to have a region with an abundance of X item(s), but make sure it's spread out in other areas in smaller abundance. I've seen some pickables and ores being spread a lot better compared to MO1, so that's a good job.

Allow people to fight over the smaller yield locations, and if they want to hit the jackpot then they can fight over the location with that.

Bank building size

Increase the size of bank buildings. Faburnum and Meduli is like an orgy in an outhouse. Too much people for the space available inside a bank.

Fabernum press

This one is half meme and half serious...but seriously.

This one hit me right in the feels. Where is the press at Fab? Come on bruh, you can't just add Wolf peach, Karaton, Red Jambura and Malus all close by and not have a Press in Fab. At least add one outside of the walls, like in MO1.

That is all, now I must head back to my extraction timers.
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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
Pretty much just stating the obvious here but unless it gets spammed over and over on the forums then SV wont do anything about it, therefore I am glad to see another thread.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I disagree on that.

In MO1, a Thursar player could catch an Alvarin with proper stam management, footwork and having a longer weapon usually helped. Now in MO2, a Thursar can just SHIFT W in a straight line and doesn't have to worry about stam management, because the speed gap is very close. Can literally sticky a mage with the shortest dagger in the game.

I think that it is good that the speed is closer together.

You have the claid Gift that refiull stamina and you can jump out of range of a coutnerhit when you press Shift + jump. Alvarins can jump very far to get space.

They have a buff that increase Movemntspeed for a short ammount of time. I like this mechanic that the Speed is closer together, and that you have this speedbuff that make you faster, but only for a specific period of time.

What they should change is the CD on the Buff ability.

Imo it should eb much shorter, but shoudl not stack 5 times.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I disagree on that.

In MO1, a Thursar player could catch an Alvarin with proper stam management, footwork and having a longer weapon usually helped. Now in MO2, a Thursar can just SHIFT W in a straight line and doesn't have to worry about stam management, because the speed gap is very close. Can literally sticky a mage with the shortest dagger in the game.

I think that it is good that the speed is closer together.

You have the claid Gift that refiull stamina and you can jump out of range of a coutnerhit when you press Shift + jump. Alvarins can jump very far to get space.

They have a buff that increase Movemntspeed for a short ammount of time. I like this mechanic that the Speed is closer together, and that you have this speedbuff that make you faster, but only for a specific period of time.

What they should change is the CD on the Buff ability.

Imo it should eb much shorter, but shoudl not stack 5 times.
I'm not going to repeat myself, you can read through the thread in which I quoted myself. A lot of good points made by multiple people.

The clades are nice, but very niche and situational in use. Alvarin are still very imbalanced.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I'm not going to repeat myself, you can read through the thread in which I quoted myself. A lot of good points made by multiple people.

The clades are nice, but very niche and situational in use. Alvarin are still very imbalanced.

i played the Alvarin for many days and he is good if you use the jump and keep the proper spacing. It is hard to get close, if someone know how to space well. This class is very good for Spears but the Damage bonus need to be increased a bit.

I tested the Alvarin and every Class before Stresstest and also tried to fight the better Palyers.

An Alvarin in the proper hands can be really strong. Fight Draculina a bit and it might change your mind.


Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
i personally would like the Alvarin to have arround 8-10 Dmaage Bonus, instead of 3 Damage Bonus.

The Speedbuff is very situational, in the time when you are needed. If a player with low HP is called out and you storm from the backline to the front, dive deep and finish him off. Then you need to return to the backline.

The Alvarin is no Frontline Worrior but a chaser. I think the refill the stamina from 1 % to 100 % in 1 second is really strong.

He is defenetly not the best Duel Character but he shines in Groupfights, especially when played as a Hybrid, with the Ability to heal, currupt and fuluminate, but that´s just my opinion.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
i played the Alvarin for many days and he is good if you use the jump and keep the proper spacing. It is hard to get close, if someone know how to space well. This class is very good for Spears but the Damage bonus need to be increased a bit.

I tested the Alvarin and every Class before Stresstest and also tried to fight the better Palyers.

An Alvarin in the proper hands can be really strong. Fight Draculina a bit and it might change your mind.

I've played Alvarin for well over half a decade in MO1 and for majority of my playtime in MO2. I've fought Draculina many times. 1v1's mean very little. Alvarins right now are glorified butchers/miners/woodcutters. Only really PvP viable in urban settings.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I've played Alvarin for well over half a decade in MO1 and for majority of my playtime in MO2. I've fought Draculina many times. 1v1's mean very little. Alvarins right now are glorified butchers/miners/woodcutters. Only really PvP viable in urban settings.

The Developers always told that they rather want some classed to be underpowered and making small changes to increase the Power and Numbers of a character, instead of making a Class too strong and nerf it afterwards. I am pretty sure they will make some Adjustments here and there over time.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
Aside from the normal feedback of combat being too slow &being too zerg friendly, on top of AI improvements being needed - Here's my gripes outside of those.

Extraction timers

500 seconds from grinder and 300 second for crusher is absurd. People generally extract ore in bulk. That's 8 minutes and 5 minutes per 10,000 units. I just grinded 13 stacks of calx, took me almost 1 & 1/4 hours - This excludes the mining time and travel time. Then I have to process the materials from the extracted ore...YAY more timers.

MO1 had an issue with netflix afk playtime, don't make the same mistake in MO2. The map is much larger, obtaining certain ores takes a lot of time. Staring at a rock for a lengthy amount of time, then having to travel distances 6x that of MO1 is already tedious enough. Having to stare at a grinder/crusher timer etc for 1 - 3 hours is not needed, it only adds unneeded tedium.

Adjust extraction timer lengths, increase the amount of resource per tick when mining and allow us to use multiple machines(especially when portables are added) When the game goes to persistent, the grind is going to be real, since no 100x skill/lore increase.

Avlarins speed

I'm going to quote myself from another thread for a TLDR; version

Bow potency

Foot archery was a meme in MO1 for most of it's life cycle aside from the periods of machine gun bows. Archery was only really viable for MA's and occasionally during sieges. Currently in MO2 bows are very potent - Their low stam usage and short draw times make them very strong, especially considering their damage output isn't bad either. You can pull off some nasty DPS without exerting to much stam in doing so.

Pushing mechanic

I know this is going to be changed, but it's something quite prevalent at the moment. Currently the most effective way of griefing, is using a shield and pushing people out of towns, off cliffs or into water. Ez loot and no murder counts. I'm guessing you guys just haven't had the time to implement the going grey aspect to push spamming yet like in MO1. Whole Flagging is still in its infancy, but just giving my feedback to make sure it's at least on the radar.


As we all know, Myrland is around 6x the scale of MO1's version. This makes everything more time consuming, especially since 1 char per account. Resources spread far and wide and some being regional means people are going to be traveling a lot. This puts a lot of emphasis on horse riding to cut time to travel, but even then, it takes a lot of time.

How about for roads, horses travel slightly faster and stam drain is reduced, while riding on them. When TC is implemented, allow roads to be built too. Other than this, I know carts etc are on the to do list, so bulk transporting will be a thing. BUT Don't make MO2 more of a second job than what MO1 was pre Sardoodoo/TC expansion. Things should be difficult, but difficulty doesn't always have to = time.

Resource locations

Don't make the same mistake as MO1 with resources mainly being in a single region. Create more smaller pockets around the map for resources & pickables. It's fine to have a region with an abundance of X item(s), but make sure it's spread out in other areas in smaller abundance. I've seen some pickables and ores being spread a lot better compared to MO1, so that's a good job.

Allow people to fight over the smaller yield locations, and if they want to hit the jackpot then they can fight over the location with that.

Bank building size

Increase the size of bank buildings. Faburnum and Meduli is like an orgy in an outhouse. Too much people for the space available inside a bank.

Fabernum press

This one is half meme and half serious...but seriously.

This one hit me right in the feels. Where is the press at Fab? Come on bruh, you can't just add Wolf peach, Karaton, Red Jambura and Malus all close by and not have a Press in Fab. At least add one outside of the walls, like in MO1.

That is all, now I must head back to my extraction timers.

Lot of good ideas here. Especially the bit about bows. They are brokenly strong early-game. I warned Henrik about this months ago. It's way too easy to churn out a 90+ range bow and just plonk people for 50s with minimal stam drain. The typical gank squad is just 3-4 people with bows spamming unblockable arrows.

Edit: In regards to the Alvarin discussion;

They are too slow. This is fact. All they have going for them is their speed and fall damage reduction. The stam refill activation clade was nerfed into the ground, after their speed already was. Jumping in combat is a meme and doing it enough to be meaningful will stam you out very quickly.

You can just play a Khurite/Sarduucan mix and be almost as fast and get all those luxury clade gifts from Human.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
the faster stam out is bad. Way too much stam drain. Before you had maybe a bit too much Stam drain but not it it insane. They shouls reduce Stam drain
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Active member
Sep 22, 2020
The stam refill activation clade was nerfed into the ground, after their speed already was.

Was it nerfed or is it just broken? I swear if I pop it I regen stam at the same rate as when its not on...I have been leaving it off my hotbar thinking it was simply bugged that's how useless it is atm.

I thought the speed boost and the 2 stam bars made sense for an alvarin...it would actually give you the ability to somewhat disengage from a fight.


Active member
Feb 17, 2021
I agree with everything, except the pushing mechanics. If you gonna afk long enough for someone to not just push you out of town, but into a river, you derserved that death ^^


Well-known member
May 30, 2020
Was it nerfed or is it just broken? I swear if I pop it I regen stam at the same rate as when its not on...I have been leaving it off my hotbar thinking it was simply bugged that's how useless it is atm.

I thought the speed boost and the 2 stam bars made sense for an alvarin...it would actually give you the ability to somewhat disengage from a fight.
They nerfed it, I guess. Thought it was too powerful, but now it is the same as the other clade gift, so no point in getting both it seems.


Active member
Sep 22, 2020
Just tested it...yeah its just literally nerfed into the ground. I have 318 stam on my character...got to 8, timed 10s without, gained about 210 stam. Got to 8 again and popped the buff and got to 300......so SV thinks I'm going to stand still for 10s to get my full stam bar back now?

The ONLY way this small of an increase is viable is if the buff lasts 60 s minimum so you can have better stam regen over a period of time. If its 10s duration that stam regen needs to be SIGNIFICANLY higher...that's pitiful that they'd go from 1 extreme to the next....


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
500 seconds from grinder and 300 second for crusher is absurd. People generally extract ore in bulk. That's 8 minutes and 5 minutes per 10,000 units. I just grinded 13 stacks of calx, took me almost 1 & 1/4 hours - This excludes the mining time and travel time. Then I have to process the materials from the extracted ore...YAY more timers.

MO1 had an issue with netflix afk playtime, don't make the same mistake in MO2. The map is much larger, obtaining certain ores takes a lot of time. Staring at a rock for a lengthy amount of time, then having to travel distances 6x that of MO1 is already tedious enough. Having to stare at a grinder/crusher timer etc for 1 - 3 hours is not needed, it only adds unneeded tedium.

Adjust extraction timer lengths, increase the amount of resource per tick when mining and allow us to use multiple machines(especially when portables are added) When the game goes to persistent, the grind is going to be real, since no 100x skill/lore increase.
extraction timers are an important part of gameplay but i think they should be much lower for basic extraction, and higher for advanced extraction. using the blast furnace should be no small secret, it should have a visual effect for the duration letting everyone know someone's making high end mats and come with a little longer duration.

also portable extractors shouldnt exist. if they do get added, they should give inferior results to the regular machines. The point is to make trade routes more attractive and drive conflict that way.



Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
The Developers always told that they rather want some classed to be underpowered and making small changes to increase the Power and Numbers of a character, instead of making a Class too strong and nerf it afterwards. I am pretty sure they will make some Adjustments here and there over time.
The only adjustments they have made to Alvarin have been big nerfs. Meanwhile you have Oghmir who can spend 10 silver for a Greater Heal with no cast time that you can use while moving with your weapon out on a (10sec?) CD. Then just snack on some really good health food real quick once reserves get low.

Nice, Herius.


Dec 1, 2020
bows are aids.. random suggestions:

1: Make it take valuable/harder to get resources to get full damage from bows (crafting feels like a joke, same in mo1 fkin 10silver worth of materials for a bow or some shit like that)
2: make it harder to aim
3: Make arrows blockable/parryable again with shield.. pretty gay to have unblockable damage (never understood why this was removed from mo1)
4: match draw speed with grampa melee

Ofc this needs careful balance to make bows not be poop!
Theres a reason nobody uses swords irl, ranged is OP!
Imagine current version of archery with marskman skill... even in mo1 it was aids with laggy ppl that got infinite headshots cuz of ppl standing still on their screen...

Devs need to ask themselves what their vision is for mo2..
Is it a bow/mage arcade game or melee facefuck with magic and bows as a spice on top.

Resource locations
I agree on having more locations, sticking it all in the corner of the map is lame... If gk was in the middle of the map ud have a nice hotspot but its not.
I would rather have more hotspots scattered across the map = more pvp/ higher chances of smallscale pvp/ more regional conflict
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New member
Apr 6, 2021
I think it would be good to increase the actual crafting time of actual weapons.

Its inconsistent with the long refining timers, and, honestly, also slightly unsatisfying, to be gathering for so long, only to have the moment of truth last for a split second.

Also, i like the sound of hammers working metal when im in town.