Leave Complex Alliances Alone


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
From the new 2025 roadmap: https://www.mortalonline2.com/into-the-vault-145-first-roadmap-of-2025-and-ptr-date/

Lastly, we also want to add a new chat channel for Alliance chat, however this comes with a few considerations.

Currently, Guilds may ally with a number of other guilds individually, which causes hiccups when we want to display one Alliance chat channel.

Consider being allied to three different guilds, and each of those guilds is in turn allied to a further new three guilds which your guild is not also allied to.

This raises the question of “who should be in the Alliance channel?”

Although there are many, one potential way we could make this work is to restructure the way Alliances are made, to be more like a “Guild of Guilds”, where an Alliance can be formed between two Guilds, and if another Guild would like to join that Alliance, they would then automatically become allied to all other guilds which are already in the Alliance. You would also only be able to be a member of one Alliance at a time.

We would then be able to have a single “Alliance” chat channel, and all the guilds within your Alliance would be able to talk to each other in it.

This is quite a significant change compared to how Alliances currently work, and so we are planning to use the aforementioned new in-game survey system being added in this patch to gather data about how everyone feels about it.

Something else to note, is that doing so would allow Alliances to have official names.

End quote.

I feel that this is a dumbing down of the game's multi-faceted political environment and will remove intrigue, flexibility, and more importantly, fun.

Why dumb it down for the sake of an unified Alliance chat? Shouldn't the Alliance chat be made more customisable and accommodating so that each alliance can decide how public or private their chat is to other allied guilds?

Not every guild wants to be restricted to being in one big alliance with guilds that they may not necessarily be familiar or on good terms with. Why force them to? Alliances should be about politics, and politics is not at all simple or straightforward as the proposed Alliance chat would entail.

One of the things I find appealing about Mortal Online 2 is that it is a sandbox, and that sandbox should extend to guilds and alliances. Give guilds the freedom to pick and choose whoever they want to be allied with, and make the Alliance chat work around them, not the other way around.

Also, being able to name alliances should not be predicated on forcing every guild to be in only one alliance of their choosing at a time. It makes no sense. Every alliance is already a distinct entity of their own, and should be nameable regardless of how complex the web of politics is.

Lastly, whatever path you choose to go down on revamping the Alliance chat, please do not reset our existing alliances. Small guilds and players who do not have the luxury of time to play all day also do not have the luxury of forking out 200 gold like it's a drop in the ocean to set up an alliance because of a new patch that changes the alliance system.

Thank you SV, and I hope this feedback can be taken into consideration as you work on revamping the chat system.
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Active member
Jan 27, 2022
Thats why they mentioned they'll ask for feedback on the newly added ingame survey on this topic so people better answer it if they dont want this change.