
Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
BROTHERS, this might seem complicated, but we're gonna make it simple!

Let's get it working out of jungle camp. Barter, sell, give.

I'm teasing the idea of speccing horse armor and bringing a bunch down ( I have a feeling that'd be a great market!) Food, weps, I'm in there, too. I wanna know if there are other shops open, per se, let's get it poppin' at JC. :eek: Let's make SV make JC a real town!! Owaaah

sure, set up on discord ble ble. The only way we can make the forum useful is to post things here, and tell people to go here. smartthinking.gif.


Emdash: If you see Emdash at JC, you can get an incis weapon to your customization. (!!)

Maltie: If you see Maltie at JC, you can get incis bows, food, even the most coveted Ambrosial pot baked water. AMONG OTHER THINGS. You bring I cook. I do 4 u. Cook things to bring: muse fruit, palm fruit, capsi, crab meat, covolo(! co(/a?)volo OP.)
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
hello hello.

So this is what we got atm.

incis shortie 3 for 1g

wep of incis 1-3 g

wep of flake 5-8g

armor??? inquire within.

Mount gear:

coming soon.

jungle horses:

3g and ill go to spawn on Maltie and u can get w e. tips appreciated.

if i have a horse, 5g for 100 hp 8g if its my only horse. 10g for 200 hp, 15g if its mine and i reserve the right to circumstantially refuse.


ambrosial muse fruit ez, pot baked ocean water for all u fatties. Free, lemonade stand.

Composed on remote ipad oyah. dont hate the lack of consistent punctuation.