Increase FOV limit to 130


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
I had to get my alliance all put in that we needed 110 on the ptr feedback.

Everyone loves it and is talking about how much better it is.

2 years of complaining and making a case for at least having 110 fov. Nothing, I ping a couple hundred people and ask them to include 110 fov in their ptr feedback and they put it in the next day.

I think 130 would be to much but 120 should be included. It doesnt affect anyone else.

Same issue with eye adaption in ue4 that made the games lighting hurt peoples eyesight. Which is a troggle you can turn off in 5 seconds. No matter the case or facts you put forward who ever decides, has no idea to the point you cant even explain the situation to them.

You shouldnt have to brigade feedback is a mass amount of votes. Should just beable to have a discussion and who ever is incharge can then make a informed decision.

This is why the games pvp balance is in poor shape. They have no idea what they are doing and any info given to them is foreign.