I am asking for a Favor.


Active member
Nov 29, 2020
So, when ever I watch vids. of MO2 since UE5, it is so nice & clear. Unless Fab. area is alway hazy, something is wrong with my drivers. Is there a vid. of Fab. out there since the UE5 patch, so I can see if it is the driver or that area, the sun always seems a little bright. I was in another town forgot the name, but about the same. Its name sounded like it would be on the Kleon home world in ST: TNG Started with a K.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
I took a trip to fab to try and get a vid for you. I got there and it was night so not sure if it would be different during the day. It looked pretty clear to me. Though there was like some smoke or clouds that I could see in the air at times. Nothing that looked like it would be your issue though.

If that does not help then let me know and I will try to get one in the day too.


Active member
Nov 29, 2020
Might is good, day just seems a bit hazy. I found something that says turn off DLSS/TSR & it is better Plus, High Contrast in Win11 was messing with it.. I wish they would add the option to add a solid black background behind the flat compass, that thing is impossible to read with white behind it, the round is not much better.
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