How to improve the Task System as whole


New member
Mar 25, 2024
I'm pretty aware that we already have this discussion spread in other related topics. However, with the Henrik's latest stream (24/07/2024), which we had confirmation of a revamp in the task system, I would like to summarize all the problems present in the current system as well as possible solutions (QoL).

Major Problem:
  • Long Time to Travel (LTT) => Currently the best way of doing task using a regular method, not pressing suicide button, is living and playing around cities. But it doesn't work for those who don't play around that locations and even for those who are playing cities, it doesn't change the fact the most part of their time playing the game is wasted travelling to the targets of their tasks;​
Related Problems (Causes):
  • Tasks requires very few targets in order to be completed => Do you understand how horrible, disgusting and unpleasurable is the experience of, for example, get a task to kill 6 Risar/Dire wolfs, collect 3 nymph herbs or fishing 3 kelp dragons and then perform a whole journey to complete with the objective in a few minutes sometimes even seconds?​
  • Non-proportional rewards => Some tasks demand high effort and time in order to completed, such as killing dungeon bosses. Any player knows that the reward for doing the simplest tasks generates a much higher return with less effort in the same amount of time than killing a boss;​
  • People usually don't play alone => Tasks are not made thinking in group activities, and this is the case for majoraty of playerbase... Since the credits are not shared, currently, play with a friend doing the tasks only makes things even worser because it increases the ammount time WASTED in order to complete the task ;​
  • Task are not updated => With the addition of new dungeons and cretures in the last roadmap, people have more (better) options to farm, however the tasks have not been updated;​
  • Glory experience matters => With the addition of mastery system, we left from a point where people did not care about glory to a point where almost eveyone is doing their best with condictions they have to grind glory.​
  • Impossible to know if it worth going to city to do tasks => Self explanatory... The only way to know if there is something worth to do in task system is going to city and pray to to not loose your time.​

If you're not aware, I would like to inform that people who like to fishing kelp dragons, ventriosus and other good fish in general, usually preffer to spend their time fishing large quantities insted of catch just 3 and go back to delivery the task. Same for killing mobs... If someone decide to go inside a dungeon or simple killing creatures, they want to spend their time doing that activity, not travelling for point A to B... Do you understand the best spot for some activities are far away from cities? In short, people don't like to kill some creatures, fishing bad fish (Brown Nurok...) and collect some gatherables just because they want to get coins asap in order to trade it for capes...
  • Implement a way to select how many targets you want in your task => It would be really great if conform people leveling their renown in task system, they start to unlock ways to add a multiplier in their tasks, for example, lets say there is task to kill 8 risars, you can chose to add a multiplier, according to your renown, of x2 - x5, or even x10, subject to balance... In this way you would be able do decide how much time you want to invest doing determined activity.​
  • Adjust the rewards according to the difficulty => Killing bosses or fishing certain fish should give you higher rewards than do more (quantity) easier tasks in the same ammount of time.​
  • Update tasks available => Just add the new creatures inside the list...​
  • Implement a party/partner system => We already have a partner system in bounty hunting, just add the same for other tasks. This is a sensitive topic to cover, but I believe the number of partners should be something between 2 - 4. Some people will say that is a higher number and other will say the opposite because they usually play in 6 guys for example. We know people tend to play in small groups, but I'm afraid that increasing the number will boost the gold per hour generated in this game, basically ruining the economy. In the end of the day, this is something to SV decide...​
  • Implement tavern as a TC structure => Such structure would be linked with the closest city in order to determine whick tasks will be available. This structure would be great for everyone, but mainly for those who are far away from cities, to help them doing tasks and even decide if it is worth to go to a city to get a task.​

I believe I have covered all the problems and solutions with the current task system. It is hard to say which problem is the worst because they all are related, but in short it consists in a mix of Time x Reward in its broadest senses.

As a honorable mention, I would like to ask to fix the bug when people suicide (let a mob killing them) in order to don't loose the bonus from task system. Furthermore, please let spiritists keep their bonus when entry inside the ether via portal as they used to be allowed in past.




Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Remove tasks as in talk to an NPC, return to NPC. Remove GOLD as a task reward. People downvoted me hard on Reddit for that, but I see no reason why you should generate gold that way.

THEN make it so you gain clade better by playing the fucking game in all ways.

It's more complex than just having kill x monster and get a big reward, but if you have an effective outing... like if I go out solo and run mats from jungle camp to bakti, chop them up, and put them on the market, I should get a lot of clade for that because I did A LOT. Arguably it is more than a group of people going together to kill some dungeon boss because they aren't required to be a big contributor.

If clade was gained properly, something like the mastery system might be less egregious. The fact that the task system is more or less about pve (altho I guess they have different tasks now) is such a fail. They are forcing people to do pve in MO!

What about a task like... spent 30 min in the graveyard. It should just be popping up and rewarding you. Traveled from one city to another, pop. It's not complicated.


New member
Jun 15, 2024
ill add few task ideas that i think might be better

Instead of the task being centered around types of enemies, it could have multiple enemies

for Example:
Venture into the Under Croft - where it requires you to to kill multiple kinds of enemies, these quests could be high reward and but are limited to 1 time per character, so new players can see what the game could offer.

there is also the fact the quests feel bland, no story to why i need to kill 7 bandits or 9 risars, even if it was a repeated quest it just feels so cheap.

another idea is to have huts outside of dungeons with npcs that have quests to bring some mid rare item that drops from the dungeon, game could feel so alive with so few tweaks