How to Finally Fix Khurites


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I've posted this in the past. It seems like since I originally posted this more people have realized I was right all along. But for those who missed it. I'll sum up why Khurites are entirely useless / the version of a Kallard.

The following stats are a full Khurite and a full Kallard 129% fatness, all fighter relevant clades, all physical stats maxed. The percentages are the percent of the Kallard's stat the Khurite has:

30 YO Stout Khurite / 30 YO Stout Kallard
Combat Sprint: 426 / 420 = 101.42% (+1.6%)
Health: 202 / 212 = 95.28% (-4.7%)
Stamina: 361 / 361 = 100% (+0%)
Melee Damage: 124% / 130% = 95.38% (-4.6%)

Other notes on balance: Both builds have between 30-35 Psyche making their magic resist effectively the same. Kallards have +4 draw strength when using a bow granting marginally more ranged damage. Khurites will weakspot slightly more often. Kallards also have a bigger hitbox if they max their physical stats.

Essentially, Khurites and Kallards are basically the same race with only minor differences in capabilities. Except for one huge thing. Kallards are better. 1.6% movespeed difference is not a meaningful advantage, especially with no stam advantage on the Kallard. Nearly 5% higher health and damage is. You could argue Khurites make a better small fighter if you want a small hitbox but if you're going to do that why not just go Ohgmir or Veela who are actually good at it?

I propose the following changes:

Match Khurite attribute pool to the Kallard's (+8 attribute pool)
Buff Khurite' Str (+8 Str)
Buff Khurite's Dex (+12 Dex)
Match Khurite's constitution to the Tindremene's (-16 Con)

Comparison with suggested changes:

30 YO Stout Khurite / 30 YO Stout Kallard
Combat Sprint: 432 / 420 = 102.86% (+2.9%)
Health: 186 / 212 = 87.73% (-12.3%)
Stamina: 352 / 361 = 97.51% (-2.5%)
Melee Damage: 127% / 130% = 97.69% (-2.3%)

Quick summary of what this supposed to achieve. Instead of -4 bow draw vs. Kallards, Khurites would now have +4. Combined with even higher weakspot chance this makes them significantly stronger as archers. They also are much closer to Kallards in melee damage and probably higher with a good weapspot weapon making them very strong as both mounted archers and mounted melee. Their higher dex also allows them to turn their horses at similar speeds to an Alvarin.

Essentially, Khurites are now a glass cannon and most of those changes directly increase their power as mounted builds. In exchange, they lose A LOT of health and have less stam than Kallards somewhat balancing out their higher run speeds over longer distances. Kallards have similar or perhaps even greater advantages against the Khurite than they do now if they fight head-to-head in melee.

The most positive aspect of this IMO is nothing else like this exists in the game. Alvarin sacrifice both health and damage for significantly more
maneuverability options. The new Khurites would be slightly faster, good damage, but low survivability. Kallards, Ohgmir, and Thursars are all varying degrees of slower with high damage and high health. No other glass cannon physical damage race currently exists making this lend true variety to build options.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
"That 1.6% speed difference is actually meaningful!"

This is something known in science as the placebo effect. People have commented after fighting someone running one of my Kallard builds "I might switch to a dex build too." Of course, my Kallard build isn't a dex build. But people I've set up with it know they aren't at a meaningful speed disadvantage so they don't handicap themselves by playing like they are. The difference in mentality is what makes people who assume they're on a faster build actually have a meaningful advantage over someone who thinks they are playing something slow. A Kallard played with the same mindset as Khurite will absolutely devour them as things currently stand.


New member
Dec 19, 2021
Totally agree, Khurite's are basically supposed to be Mongolians, they should be the best horse archers in the game, maybe a lil squishier than Kallards but bad mo fos with a bow and horse.