Horse Armor


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
Archery in general might be good with a very slight damage nerf. But I think its more reasonable to achieve that through the introduction of fletchery and having to actually spend resources and more money on decent arrows.
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Deleted member 44

Archery in general might be good with a very slight damage nerf. But I think its more reasonable to achieve that through the introduction of fletchery and having to actually spend resources and more money on decent arrows.
It's honestly only damage on horses and high end long bow/asyms that needs to be tuned down. Even steel armor will get hit for 30s by a max distance long bow. They could even keep the armor values and increase the horse health by 2~3x.

I also could care less about, "wait for bull horses", or "wait for breeding", those aren't solutions to the current problems at hand.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Horse armor needs to be drastically buffed for how hard a bows are hitting for. I'm talking about a 20~30 point increase in piercing resistance.

Highest horse armor I have seen, not made of tungsteel or steel is around 60% damage reduction. So I dont think it needs a buff, I think people need to just use better stuff.


Active member
Dec 2, 2020
Having a rough go at it now that you can't double stack horse armor? Rough, dude. Maybe get some high-end horse armor on. A tungsteel set will give you double the protection that a molarium heavy horse armor would.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Buffing horse HP is not the answer. 500HP+ horses were horrible in the first game, we don't need that balance brought to MO2.
Increasing pierce resistance for horse armors would be a good starting point and should be balanced incrementally, instead of the typical SV way of over nerfing or over buffing things.

I personally don't mind horses going down somewhat fast, allows solo players and small groups to put up a fight against larger groups. It also makes sure the mounteds are used as harassment, instead of full send front line MLG pro best of all worlds(like mid to late MO1). I like that mounted fights turn into foot fights. The only annoying thing is the winning side has to walk to the nearest horse spawn.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
get rid of zoology stuff. The game is off, slight tangent, but yea bows should do good dmg vs horses while on foot. However, dudes can run low MA builds and still dismount people because of the stupid horse dmg. It's not that it's too high, it's just not different enough. Kinda like the 70 v 100 wep crafting change. I think they meant well, but it's not really GOOD for the game (imo.)

Luckily for me, I don't care about being an 'elite pvper,' so I can divorce myself the scene and see how MASSIVELY TRASH so many parts of the game are. haha. Individual changes are good, but they come as 'wtfs' because the whole system needs an overhaul.

If you make zoology have no impact (funny cuz, you know, butchers, tamers, all have hack skills vs mounts), you're talking about getting hit for really low dmg mounted 2 mounted, like 20/25s, with just regular heavy armor. That's 'enough,' imo.

The problem is foot v mounted and it's a complex problem. Say you engage someone in MA and dismount them, well cool! Your choices are... ride away and leave them on foot, somehow hide your horse, or lose your horse as well. That's also pretty dumb. That's one thing that's gonna be hard to balance to keep foot from being too vulnerable but to allow MA to benefit from a W.

Like I said, there are all of these 'good ideas' to fix complex problems, and they work... somewhat, but in general it's pretty trash. All the solutions seem extra complicated as well.

Basic lesson is as often said: have fun, do what you do, get over it. Cuz the game is really wonky atm and I wonder if it will ever be fixed or, even, more tuned.

Deleted member 44

Having a rough go at it now that you can't double stack horse armor? Rough, dude. Maybe get some high-end horse armor on. A tungsteel set will give you double the protection that a molarium heavy horse armor would.
What are you talking about? Steel horse armor get hit for 50s from long bows. Don't talk about shit you don't understand.