High Ping Players (Combat is now playable against low pingers...however)


Sep 4, 2020
There appears to be a noticeable ping issue against other high-ping users, While fighting low ping users everything seems fine, I can actually parry/defeat low ping players and there's no complaints in terms of lag/sliding like in the days of MO1 however when fighting another HIGH ping user such as another Australian which after testing multiple times against 5 other aussies there is definitely some odd disconnect which changes the hit registration/timing.

Normal fight against someone:
Swing at them, They parry, You riposte and hit them.

Fight against another Higher Ping User:
Swing at them, They block....no hit indication, 2 seconds later the server registers it as a parry they swing and you attempt the parry....nothing happens?? 2 seconds later parry animation/registration occurs.

Same thing happens if you are hit by the other user, There is some form of 2-3second delay for it to register towards higher ping users.

I'll need to try gather video footage but it is odd.


Active member
May 28, 2020
We have the same issues (from AUS as well). Pretty sure it's just because the packets have to travel at least another 200-300ms from AUS to London back to AUS compared to AUS - London - EU or AUS - London - USA etc.

It's far better than it was but we are the outliers and the prediction will always be worse with that must distance for data to travel. My ping is 350 for example and my friends are 310-320 from their locations, - that's a minimum of 760 ping plus for your attack/block to travel to your friend, which they then need to react to and send it 760 ping back, then after both views have updated the server then needs to reconcile both sets of data to determine the outcome from both clients, potentially doubling this (not completely sure about this part) this all comes to about 2 seconds for the final outcome. We are the mail-in voters of Mortal :D

Either way melee always going to be challenging for us.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I have also noticed and reported this.

Ping is total round trip time, so suppose I have 300 ping and i'm duelling another Australian with 300 ping.


- 150ms from me to the server
- Then accounting for the internal server processing delay of around 100ms
- Another 150ms to get from the server to my opponent

That's 400ms of delay between me hitting him on my screen and him receiving the hit in a perfect situation.

There is definitely something else going on here as I too have observed 2 second delays on hits, so hopefully they can work it out.