Excellent job SV. This is exactly the direction Haven needed to go in and you've created a system that is scalable (in that you could easily add more tutorials to the existing set) and most importantly, it's intuitive and easy to follow. The pacing is good, keeping the player on track while still allowing them to go off course here and there. Further to this, the ability to go back and see previous tutorials works well. Some of the highlights for me were:
- Building a wooden sword, using it to chop a tree, then getting a dynamic tutorial about breaking that sword. Perfect - I was hoping that would happen.
- Explaining the quick attack after parry mechanic. This I feel many people miss early on.
- The colourful visual cues are a great idea.
- The quality of the UI assets are a step up from what we've come to expect.
- Explaining how to buy and sell so seamlessly with the GV vendor.
- Showing the book system!
- Make sure the tutorial's Press-Key Indicator is dynamic. It should pick up my custom key bindings and dynamically shift that into the tutorial window.
- Remove all "Press Any Key" or "WASD" key prompts unless absolute necessary. It's too easy to accidentally close the tutorial window this way.
- Fix the GY vendor, It's stealing player's gold when trying to sell to it (even though it's funny).
- Show the player the number of players in each Haven instance. Some players might want to choose a less busy instance.
- Add a tooltip to the choose a city option. You probably want to give people an idea of Easy, Medium, Hard town's to start in (e.g. Tindrem easy, Hylspia Medium, GK Hard).
- Need to somehow show people how skills/attributes work and how to lock/unlock them etc.
- Reduce the logout time in Haven from 120s to 30s.
- Perhaps show the player the Library and get them to go there instead of the gate building, when buying the crafting book?
- You might need to somehow force the player to die from a foe so that they can see how to res and find their loot etc. (Maybe a Lictor TPs in?)
- EDIT: Adjust the damage dealt by Bandits so they are more of a challenge and tie together crafting/combat in that the player should work toward being able to fight them. Perhaps this ties into some more advanced tutorials or a capstone of sort before they leave Haven.
- Some ideas for future guides:
- Advanced Combat Guide + detail more about armor values, shields etc.
- Archery Guide
- Magic Guide
- Skinning and inventory management
- Mining and extraction
- Criminal/murder
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