Guard changes for PVP + new mechanic


New member
Mar 14, 2022
Guard changes (Night time from 22:00-6:00):
1.during the day:
- roams further away from the city
- respond to /guard commands
2. during the night:
- they gather around a area of the city
- have lower distance to trigger
- only normal and elite guards left
- archers lose accuracy due to the night
3. guards should actually walk to the location not disappear and reappear
Benefits in my opinion:
- safer during the day
- dangerous at night
- gives murderers a chance and more activities closer to cities

1. prices in blue cities depending on your standing with the city
2. new vendor to provide standing for different stacks of resources or 20 bandit/ 10 risar/ 30 scoundrel heads:
- this should cycle randomly , not the same resource all the time
- can not increase past +20
- pay 1 standing to be guard at night, you see red players and can kill them in the city, each kill gives you 1 standing. You need to have positive standing and not to be murderer to take the job.
Benefits in my opinion: Safer during the day, dangerous at night and gives murderers a chance and more activities closer to cities
I copy pasted without changing. Reasons to have high standing, money and resource sink, more pvp activity at night, no rpkers have extra reasons to go and defend the city.

1. new NPC roaming outside of the town
1.a. same resource payment for standing but with the limit at +5
1.b. bribe the guards:
- new NPC guard leader
- pay the guards to riot for better payment, each 50 gold will be 1h of riot in the city for max 6 hours
- all guards will not go back to their places when the night ends
- all guards will not attack anyone
- players need to pay Guard Leader, each 50g reduces a hour or match the initial bribe to stop the riot
- players can vouch to pay by the end of the day if they don't have money on them but will cost them 10 standing
- failure of payment takes 1 standing for each 50 gold of the payment from the vouching player
- /payment command to vouch for payment
- other payments need to be done to the Guard Leader
- after /payment guards pull their weapons and start chasing down the criminals with reduce speed and reduce accuracy until they get hit, hitting one of them will make all have normal behavior, they are letting you run, but run don't fight
Benefits in my opinion:
- there is a standing mechanic different than aimlessly running parcels
- you can get red players in the city in some conditions
- you have 10 hours of safety, 8 of danger and possible 6 of kranesh/gk
- you can force /payment as a red player by playing around the guard leader so people can't make the payment

With this changes I want to obtain:
- More pvp for pvpers
- More meaning in the PVE as you get more money and standing sinks
- Money sink for heads sacrificed for standing instead of money
- A little safe guard for new players so they can go easier into PVP because a lot quit before getting to understand how pvp works
- For the bribing system : organic wars as guilds from one city can go to other cities and create chaos and say "look how chaotic this is, come to our because we are safer and you can do your things in peace under our protection" and can create more conflict

Disclaimer: I'm not RPK, but we need to be aware that you need a transition area between full safety to full pvp and with no pvp you farm for nothing, and with no farming there is going to be no PVP. New players need to get a chance to see fights, and have the chance to jump and help one of the sides, because let's be honest who wants to play a game where you start, go out the town and 3 guys jump you and kill you.
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