It's not a denomination issue, it's a concept problematic.Or change the name and image of them. Trinkets are physical items which means when you die they should remain where you died by the law of physics. Same with spell book and starter sword/torch/etc.
Suggestion is change the name to soul stones which would be more magical and can replace trinkets. Also spell book to spell knowledge so when you die you don’t lose it and just get rid of starter sword and torch entirely.
@Henrik Nyström
I know how the mechanic is supposed to be, i don't get why is so poorly implemented. The whole roll and stats make sense, to certain ítems have a direct impact in builds.I think you think of trinkets wrong. They are supposed to allow us to expand our builds with more primary/profession points or to expand on attributes. That's why they're soulbound, because dropping them would mean that they're unreliable which results in not beiing worth to update your build for them. And if they were craftable they would become mandatory for everyone since every time you'd die you'd have to replace mandatory part of your build to continue to function.
They might as well be consumable potions that revert their effects on death for which you also need to buy refils for set amount from vendors to recover the effects. The form of beiing equipable trinkets is just one of the ways they could have gone about the desired effect on gameplay, yours idea would just lead to them beiing ignored with the current rules we have for them.
I'm not against the idea but only once jewelcrafting is in the game, currently it would render the trinkets mechanic poinltess.
Theres only a handfull of ways to get high tier trinckets, for getting better ones you need pre-existing trinckets to boost that chance.
Understanding how these ítems operate is key to understand in which terms they operate. Their design is flawed and stupid no matter where you see it from.
The game is built under the premise of items consuption, materials to use, stockpile or sell. Being pvp the only thing that makes people lose stuff and need to make or buy more is what makes the game work, the economy flow, players need to travel, etc.
While whole pve and crafting is so poorly made and simplifyed for dumb kids it still does this, in a manner and not so much anymore because theres a lot of design issues and off balance content.
Trinckets have been made the lazy way. They should signify another system thats deep enough for players to invest and the market to function around it.
A very different thing would be if the best trinckets would be made by crafters, that require other crafting classes to develop the best trinckets in the game. That would make people farm shit, people placing buy orders, discover how trinckets are made and even better add bast variety to control in some manner the effects the trincket will have.
Leaving such a gamechanging feature to mobs drops and even worse, reward only zerg gameplay and the use of pre-nerf trinckets sets the base for a off-balance set of activities that does not contribute yo the general playerbase to interact more organically.
The number of things and ways you can do to get high tier trinckets is very límited after a long period of grace time where the people that farmed got the best ítems in the game, and thats just retarded design.
Now i assume you know how trinckets work.
That being said, understanding how more or less the concept of the game works why add a piss poor piece of content that defeats the whole concept of the game. With ítems that can't be player made, ítems that are bound, ítems that don't have dura, ítems that bypasses the mortality" or ephemeral concept of the game takes away more than it adds.
You could say trinckets move the market and actívate things. But not really, just made a handfull of people have a bunch of pre patch broken good trinckets and a handfull of people have to farm massive smounts of flux exploiting till nerf and they let them do that, because some things are exploits and other things aint, according to SV.
So, they made the grind for trinckets for spiritists to get flux, annoying boring ass activity with brain dead AI or better yet not existant AI.
A full rng drop system that rewards pre-existing pre-patch bound ítems and zerg gameplay.
I think whoever says this change is more possitive than negative is a fucking Disney channel imbecile.
That someone thought trinckets would be a good "gold sink" is idiotic and more idiotic is SV to think that would actually represent anything healthy to the game whatsoever.
It's stupid to pretend the recharge cost should replace the item cost. You can't repair gear in mortal and everything you have is eventually lost, except "some things".
Instead of bound ítems, trinckets should drop on death and be player made. Theres absolutly no risk on having bound ítems and the game design shouldn't go that way.
The abilities or effects of trinckets could obviously be re-adjusted to have a purpose if they drop on death.
I don't see how making all content dropable defeats the idea of having ítems that benefit your builds, stat or skill wise. Theres an infinite spectrum of variables that could be taken into consideration for trinckets to buff.
But for me it's mind blowing how anyone could think these trinckets are any good. It's the worst piece of shit shallow ass feature they added recently after bounty hunter fail, trinckets are aids.
Everything in an open pvp game promotes zerging. There's not really anything I can think of that doesnt. In the end its still risk v reward, the risk being the large gold cost to charge the trinket and the reward is the stats it gives. Which in my opinion are never good enough to justify the insane gold cost high tier ones have. Yes a mega zerger shouldnt die often but if they do thats a lot of gold lost. and this is MO, they could die from their game crashing or getting flame striked from a mile away by soem exploiter lmao.
My point was that theres a lot of things that give an advantage that dont drop. So trinkets arent that different.
Lets see it's understandable zergs have the upper hand because of player organization will allways be more rewarded because of that. Nobody argues that, problem is when everything in the game is zerg directed and theres no hardbrake mechanics for that shit.
I've explained múltiple times, in múltiple threads how not thinking content for a variety of playstyles is bad for the game, You want red nicknames and statloss and murdercount and someone to whip You when being a bad boy but you don't say anything about the lack of tools or world design for other gamestyles.
This game is not a zerg simulator and it shouldn't be, addressing design issues to change that is invaluable for the game.
Theres no risk on using trinckets, i dont know what risk you refering to.
Exploiters and crashing is not part of the world's risk lol and zergs have much lesser risk and much more higher reward, thats just how math works no other way to put it.
When i say trinckets should be player made and dropable i refer that would be a understandable scenario for that content. Making high tier trinckets should be expensive and using them rewarding, losing them is part of the world's risk. But no, people wants to have bound ítems they can transport in ghostmode.
What about spellboks? those need to drop on death to, its bad game design wtf.
I don't see why not books could drop, another stupid exception to the world's rules bacause SV doesnt have the brain capacity to design one single thing properly.
But books at least should be equipped offhand and the set of spells that use should be from the equipped book. Among other things obviously.
But thanks you for pointing that out, ítems that bypass mortality" in mortal are dogshit.
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