The important question is how big will the impact of INT on the spells be.
In MO1 the "basic" foot spells (thunderslash, smaller healing) barely increased in strength between 60 and 120 int. So it was sufficient to have only 60 int.
Therefore it's not worth (if spells scaling stays like MO1) to go for a Tindremic/Sarducaan build, which reaches ~106 int, while still being faster than a Huegar. If you now make that build bony it reaches 116 int, which adds ~10 bonus damage to flamestrike, comepared with 115 int. But the build has only ~100 life. Then the questions is if this additional speed is really worth the HP penalty compared to a normal weight Huegar (which should be able to reach 116 int without any weight change). Or 126 on bony...