Foot Archer weapon skills and a buff to Marksmanship.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
A Footarcher is kina weak atm.
I think the Shortbow in combination with Marksmanship and high Dex need a Buff.

1. Dense Crepite "weakspot Bows" should deal more damage, if you headshot a player.
Longbow should deal more damage on Body Shots.

2. We could need a weapon Skill with cd that let your next arrow ignore armor or penetrate it.

3. Maybe add a tripple shot skill like in Dark and Darker.

4. Headshots as a footarcher with Marksmanship should ignore Horse Armors on Headshot.

5. One type of arrow could have 15 % Armor penetration, that can only be used witht he composite bow ? I know Blunthead arrows dealt quite some damage to heavy armor in MO1.
I think that was not very
logical since blunt arrows can never bend armor. This should be changed.

Maybe Bodkin arrows could have lower damage but some armor pen and should be used for composite bows. Broadhead could have higher base damage, to take down animals faster. Then we not need blunthead arrows. Both Types could be a bit buffed.

Horses could get bit higher natural resistence ? We kinda need somethign that buff the footarcher but not buff the moutned archer.

Maybe composite could take more stamina when used on horseback, to not overbuff moutned archers and buff Footarchers somehow.
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Active member
Jul 19, 2022
Are Footarchers really weak? Most Foot Archers I see are also Foot Fighters clad in Heavy Armor since Archery only needs 100 primary points to be effective.
I think the problem has to do with armor. You can shoot lightly armored targets for massive damage (I'd even argue it's too high in some instances) but Heavy Armor seems to almost completely negate archery. So like you said, armor penetration for bodkin arrows would fix that. I also think poisoning your arrows would fit the Archery playstyle.
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