This is why I'm obese alvarin. I found that the 450 movement speed I used to get wasn't so worth it because you still get stick backed if you are foolish enough to let people get close to you, and then you're likely dead before you have a weapon out.
Obese sheevra, hands down, has the best int:speed ratio. Fast as fuck, but slightly less int than humans, and about 10 less than that fatest ohgmirs. Problem is that I can't actually use weapons with my build. Just parry, so I'm kind of stuck in a spot until we get moves like airburst that can create some much needed space. I've managed to get it to work out really well though, and I can always drop some weight fairly easily and take daggers back to be a super fast dagger mage again.
Dagger mage just isn't what calls to me though. That's why I've changed pretty much everything about my initial build. I want to be a fireball slinging, teleporting, undead raising mage who isn't held back by investing in melee.
If you're feeling like a real anarchistic mage, then unbind rmb and lmb and make them spells. Call me a psychopath as much as you want, but I love it. It really hammers in the fact that you aren't viable in melee, and you should avoid it and run from footies. Helps get you in the defensive mindset that mages need to have currently.