End the Spins

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
@Darthus People at these tourneys arent anything special most of the good player are banned. If your playing with not so special players you can get away with memeing.
Your faith in Levia misplaced may be.

this propaganda they indoctrinate their members with is pretty impressive.

wicked would definitely floor you so it’s a bit weird that you’d insult him and what maybe 1-2 people in Levia could POSSIBLY beat him?


New member
Sep 11, 2021
As someone who has played both Chivalry and Mordhau on a high level, I agree that spinning in its current form is ridiculous, but also that there is little to no alternatives to deceive someone otherwise. If the devs insist on keeping this M&B-esque combat system around instead of considering a more swing manipulation and timing heavy approach, be it for preference, performance or general viability in an MMO, I'd at the very least suggest a couple more mechanics such as morphs, possibly chambers, more upper body control to body feint and toning down the damage debuff on non charged swings for the sake of actually getting an attack in when somebody falls for your feint, as by the time you charged your swing enough to do any meaningful damage, the block direction is easily adjusted by your opponent.


Active member
Jun 1, 2020
I'm for a turn limit(just not as extreme as last time, granted it didnt bother me too much but it did feel a bit overdone when they tried it), the limit should still be pretty high. OR, what id prefer is that at least they make turning quickly be processed differently(visually) for other people.
Multiple quick 360s or 180 back and forth would just look like the guy doing a much slower circle or looking back and forth rather than 1:1 for what is actually going on.

Bypass telegraphing crowd shitposting in 3.... 2... 1...
It wasnt working properly when they tried it. When they finally fixed it they had gotten so much shit for the turn cap, that they reduced it to the point it wont disturb people and only slightly limits spinning. Currently still a turn cap on but barely anyone notice it. Atm it just keeps people from doing the most unrealistic sort of instant spins.

If anyone wanna try it they can put DPI to 2000+. Then move the mouse slowly that you turn about 2x 360, then do the same move fast and you will notice you only get about half a turn.
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Sep 13, 2021
Where is the skill in setting a macro to increase your dpi when you left click? I refuse to believe people are playing with extremely high dpi all the time, we talking about making 3 turns in less than a second and landing the hit before your opponent even falls back.

It looks ridiculous, and its just frustrating to fight against it because it is not a skill, it is simply increasing your dpi. I’ve tried convincing people to try the game and literally whenever they saw someone do that 360 spin in a duel they just went wtf is that shit.

Get it out of the game. Morphing exists already and its ridiculous enough when you stare at the floor to avoid handle hits and mix right attack with upper.

A solution would be to reduce parry window. Same with increasing damage received based on weapon size difference. It is physically impossible to parry a claymore with a dagger. Not when its right above your head and you are using such a small mass to do it. There are such inventions which would supposedly grab and hold the blade or even break it, but they never took off for a reason. They were way too unreliable. In MO, you can parry with a breadstick and take 0 damage.
would work if there was more than one server. Cant limit other regions


Active member
Jan 11, 2021
I refuse to believe people are playing with extremely high dpi all the time,

I play with 2500 and only switch to 300 for archery. Not sure if you consider 2500 high but it seems to hit the cap for me.


Active member
May 31, 2020
I think is a skillfull a player who can pass throught enemy block doing your feints, baillarinas 360°, coming and forth your attavks in 180° and have total control of your actions.

I was and im still is totally against any turn cap, as im against, now in mo2, which the game is a turn base game, that fast hits do good dmg or when the player is attacking from the air (in a jump) swinging ... those two situations the dmg dealt to ither player must be really low... that would supress the jumping a bit.

Game need faster pace speed of players ... you can stay with the numbers of today but just increase overall game speed ...

need to lower the defense arc of blocking... thats huge ... and would help players stay on thenground and try to pass behind your enemy ... and slower the time of miss hit cant be blocked ...i think ppl lose their agressiveness cause the time how it is today ... if u miss an attack you totally open for a full hit ... im not against that idea ... i did supported it ... but we need to manage that timing to get the battles more fluid and the attacker come back in the fight.

I understand that archers dont like spining cause they use low dpi and sens in game ... those ppl need to try to find some balance on their sens to fight on foot and still has good aiming on mount.

If SV totally took out the turn cap ... ballarinas would have more problem to use a bow and magic ... cause that turn cap is kinda do some confort slowing the speed in your moviment , giving some sort of breaks of speed and more precision.


Active member
Jun 1, 2020
If people are able to do 360s they are doing it without turning to fast as it would then hit the turn cap and limit the amount they turn.

I would like a video of the spinning to see it for my self as i havnt seen anyone do it since the current turn cap settings was set.

Northern Rooster

New member
Apr 7, 2021
Tons of people are spinning in fights. Its really weird how when you look up at the sky or down at your feet you can spin like 10 times faster than just looking forward.

Personally I just rolled back to dex mage cus I dont enjoy footfighting at all. Not til I get a widescreen monitor anyway.

I have some footage and plan to make a meme video of it when I get a bit more.