Drinking in Nave – How to use potions in Mortal Online 2


New member
Nov 28, 2021
TL;DR: Potions are good way of healing yourself without any skills needed. Potion stats are multiplied by the amount you drink of that specific potion.

Thirst attribute

In world of Nave each character has attribute “Thirst” which determines how much you can drink potions on single usage. Thirst is only used for Potion usage. If you want to drink water, juices or beer in-game you use Eat function for that. Thirst has nothing to do with that. Weird, I know.

By default all players have Thirst attribute 10/10. This can be found on Character sheet under Statistics page.


You can increase Thirst attribute by Action skill “Potion utilization”. This skill at level 100 gives you 10 more Thirst attribute. Oghmirs also have Clade Gift “Beer belly” which gives 10 more thirst.
So with Clade and Skill Oghmir could have Thirst as high as 30.

So how this Thirst is used with Potions?

Potions are sized by Potion Units = PU. Each PU weights 0.01 kg and consume 1 point of Thirst.
So in default situation any character in Mortal Online 2 can consume 10 PU at single use.
Each potion statistics represent 1 PU of that potion. Example:

So if we would drink 10 PU of this Potion it would have following effect on us:
- Direct healing 52.55 Hit points (5.255 x 10PU)
- Direct Poison 0.49 Hit points (0.049 x 10PU)
These values counter each other so basically healing effect is 52.06 hit points

- Alcohol currently doesn’t have any known effect
- PoT and Poison Length can be forgotten in this case since the PoT is 0

There are also attributes of Healing over Time and Healing length in the game. Just not in this example.

Remember: higher Thirst allows you to consume more PU's at one time. Therefore increasing the multiplier.

So how many PU’s does my potion have?

Player made Potions come in 2 sizes: Minor and Medium Vial. Each can hold different amount of Potion Units.
Since each PU weights 0.01 kg you need to know the Potions weight as empty to calculate how many units is in the potion.

As you can see in the statistics of our example potion above we can’t tell exactly how many units is left. We need to look at the icon of that potion to determine their size:

minorVial.png= Minor Vial: 15 PU max (empty weight 0.1 kg)

mediumVial.png= Medium Vial: 40 PU max (empty weight 0.15 kg)

If that potion is Minor vial it would contain 10 PU. Potion weight minus empty weight (0.20kg – 0.1kg = 0.1). We remember that each PU weights 0.01 so that 0.1kg would be 10 PU.

If those statistics were from Medium vial then you would have 5 PU left in that potion (0.20kg – 0.15kg = 0.05).

The main thing to remember with potions is that those potion statistics are multiplied by the amount you drink from the potion.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Please add the potion utilization skill: This primary skill doubles the thirst, means you can drink the doubled amount of the potion and heal 100 HP with a 5 HP potion.


New member
Nov 28, 2021
Please add the potion utilization skill: This primary skill doubles the thirst, means you can drink the doubled amount of the potion and heal 100 HP with a 5 HP potion.
But I already mentioned it. As I did the Oghmir Clade gift.
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