Do not trust [CTX]

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[CTX] Contractor

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2021
I hadn't expected to make this post, but I had to take some time to think on whether it was worth my time or not but at the end of the day I wasted more time pouring effort into the group and essentially got shafted in the end due to poor leadership & the upholding of rules within the guild.

I'm not personally interested in debating reasons why you shouldn't trust CTX or have any involvement with them, so I'll keep it straight to the point and you can decide on your own what you do.

The leadership is why you can not trust CTX.

I originally joined the guild in late December and was given an opportunity to play off of the vouch of another player. I attributed a lot of my contributions through helping out in the Discord, recruiting, building new events & structures for the group, and giving the guild a public appearance that was for the most part positive.

However in recent time, I've since left due to the fact the leadership position is held by the wrong people. Either because of their inability or inactivity in dealing with things, or because they are overstepping their boundaries simply because they can.

When I was apart of the guild these people were: PatWins, Jame, Fayral, Smasher, Sneeze, and myself. I was the last addition to be added to this rank.

While PatWins is ultimately the guild leader and has the final "say" on decisions, you'll find this guild is actually ran by Smasher & Sneeze. Jame & Fayral typically are hands off or only speak very sparingly on issues, and typically do so without context. More specifically Fayral then Jame, as Jame is typically never around.

Many people know of Smasher and Sneeze, but don't really know about them. To put it in short, almost every guild they've been in has eventually hit a critical mass and disbanded or failed in someway. This is typically because they purposefully try to drive themselves into positions of power and then use it to create an environment they want for themselves, where they can do and say as they please but have no repercussions for their actions.

Smasher is the true definition of a snake and a rat. He is someone who will be polite to you when speaking to him, but will then trash you behind others backs and if he doesn't like you - you can expect him to be slowly turning people against you. MANY PEOPLE who know him personally and have played with him in guilds before know this as a fact, and whether they openly agree with it or not makes no difference to me.

Not only is he a snake and a rat, but he is also a hypocrite. He will tell you he does not agree with things such as being racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. But will turn around in the same sentence behind 'closed doors' and openly be all of these things and more. He constantly will try and play the card of a victim, by telling others they are doing the exact same thing he is doing as if to give himself a way out of any situation.

But the story doesn't stop there. Smasher was also involved in creating both Levia and WIGSPLITTERS. But unironically even with these two polarizing groups he was kicked out of both of them because even they couldn't be bothered to deal with his drama and problem-making. He has even been quoted saying that if he doesn't like how a guild is going that he is in, he'll do what ever he can to destroy it or get rid of the people he doesn't like. Even if it is at the detriment of other members or the entirety of the guild.

Sneeze simply enables Smasher and typically follows him around from guild to guild, supporting him in both words and actions if he can. This is why if you see one playing you'll usually find the other right by them. They both usually find themselves in influential positions in any guild they join, otherwise if they can't do that they'll leave and go do their own thing.

It's just sad honestly. I really liked CTX as a group, but I think the fact that you have two individuals like this in leadership who are basically only interested in having as much control as possible, to go as far as make decisions to kick or ban people without consulting the rest of the leadership, to essentially mass recruit and bring in new players without the consent of leadership even though we originally agreed on a player cap of fifty players.. and that anything beyond that should be done slowly & naturally, then watching our roster balloon up to eighty plus members, to read messages in private about other players getting under your skin in the guild and trashing them but taking no steps to actually resolve the situations.

I could probably go even further but I just wanted to drop this piece and peace out. I'm just tired of trying to play in groups and finding these same two people somehow in the group or connected in someway, because typically it means the guild is going to have major issues.

The person I feel the worst for is PatWins. He is genuinely a solid dude. Probably one of the best guild leaders I've ever had in a game, but the fact that he has become so hands off with a lot of things slowly drove me away until I finally realized he wasn't really in control of his own group anymore aside from making the final decision to kick or ban someone (Even though the aforementioned two can do just that without consequence). Honestly, I'd hope to see PatWins guild succeed without these two in it or going off and making the guild he wanted to make rather then what ever this group turned into. Some mix of WIGSPLITTERS, Levia, AQ, and randoms thrown into the mix.

But yeah. There is a bit of politics and drama for you. Wouldn't touch this guild with a mile long pole.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2021
From an external view, CTX has changed a lot over the last month or so. It would seem you have taken in a lot of additional and already established groups such as the old Envy/7L guys, FEAR/MERC and AQ.

It is certainly not the same guild that it was. This generally happens when a Guild tries to do something different but then takes in too many, too quickly. Priorities, direction and culture changes. It is a shame as what Pat tried to do was admirable.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Not really surprised. You have a lot of old guilds with their own way of things, gaming culture and personalities - All merged into one. Egos and personalities are going to clash. Plays for power are going to happen. It's an inevitable outcome.

Would of been cool to see these older guilds return more independently, instead of all blobbing into one or two guilds. But appears competition between guilds is put to a stop due to fragile egos(No one wants to lose) or They just want to roll the new guilds/Players (which IMO is boring), so they all blob and then drama happens.
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Active member
May 28, 2020
This will happen if your guild only consist of the type of players that call enemies "kids" in every sentence , you can have a handful of those players, but if the leadership and entire guild is filled with them then these brittle players will inevitable clash with eachother over meaningless Ego BS and lead to these types of drama


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Sometimes I think what our world would be like if we left the guilds behind and created new organizational structures. But we may never get to see it. At this point in my life in Myrland, I'm pretty skeptical of the guild concept. And the more time passes, the less it convinces me. In the end, hidden ambitions, egos, greed and misunderstanding often replace friendship, generosity and loyalty. It's sad but it's always been that way.
This is an interesting post, as long as it shows us once again the endemic evils of almost all guilds.
I have personally known patwins for a long time, and he is a good boy. I wish him well.

I think maybe it's time to go in another direction and for this community to look for new forms of organization, since guilds as a concept are slowly beginning to fall apart.


This reads like somebody that cant handle the leadership role he got handed. Did the lads not respect your authority enough?
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2021
My Mind
I hadn't expected to make this post, but I had to take some time to think on whether it was worth my time or not but at the end of the day I wasted more time pouring effort into the group and essentially got shafted in the end due to poor leadership & the upholding of rules within the guild.

I'm not personally interested in debating reasons why you shouldn't trust CTX or have any involvement with them, so I'll keep it straight to the point and you can decide on your own what you do.

The leadership is why you can not trust CTX.

I originally joined the guild in late December and was given an opportunity to play off of the vouch of another player. I attributed a lot of my contributions through helping out in the Discord, recruiting, building new events & structures for the group, and giving the guild a public appearance that was for the most part positive.

However in recent time, I've since left due to the fact the leadership position is held by the wrong people. Either because of their inability or inactivity in dealing with things, or because they are overstepping their boundaries simply because they can.

When I was apart of the guild these people were: PatWins, Jame, Fayral, Smasher, Sneeze, and myself. I was the last addition to be added to this rank.

While PatWins is ultimately the guild leader and has the final "say" on decisions, you'll find this guild is actually ran by Smasher & Sneeze. Jame & Fayral typically are hands off or only speak very sparingly on issues, and typically do so without context. More specifically Fayral then Jame, as Jame is typically never around.

Many people know of Smasher and Sneeze, but don't really know about them. To put it in short, almost every guild they've been in has eventually hit a critical mass and disbanded or failed in someway. This is typically because they purposefully try to drive themselves into positions of power and then use it to create an environment they want for themselves, where they can do and say as they please but have no repercussions for their actions.

Smasher is the true definition of a snake and a rat. He is someone who will be polite to you when speaking to him, but will then trash you behind others backs and if he doesn't like you - you can expect him to be slowly turning people against you. MANY PEOPLE who know him personally and have played with him in guilds before know this as a fact, and whether they openly agree with it or not makes no difference to me.

Not only is he a snake and a rat, but he is also a hypocrite. He will tell you he does not agree with things such as being racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. But will turn around in the same sentence behind 'closed doors' and openly be all of these things and more. He constantly will try and play the card of a victim, by telling others they are doing the exact same thing he is doing as if to give himself a way out of any situation.

But the story doesn't stop there. Smasher was also involved in creating both Levia and WIGSPLITTERS. But unironically even with these two polarizing groups he was kicked out of both of them because even they couldn't be bothered to deal with his drama and problem-making. He has even been quoted saying that if he doesn't like how a guild is going that he is in, he'll do what ever he can to destroy it or get rid of the people he doesn't like. Even if it is at the detriment of other members or the entirety of the guild.

Sneeze simply enables Smasher and typically follows him around from guild to guild, supporting him in both words and actions if he can. This is why if you see one playing you'll usually find the other right by them. They both usually find themselves in influential positions in any guild they join, otherwise if they can't do that they'll leave and go do their own thing.

It's just sad honestly. I really liked CTX as a group, but I think the fact that you have two individuals like this in leadership who are basically only interested in having as much control as possible, to go as far as make decisions to kick or ban people without consulting the rest of the leadership, to essentially mass recruit and bring in new players without the consent of leadership even though we originally agreed on a player cap of fifty players.. and that anything beyond that should be done slowly & naturally, then watching our roster balloon up to eighty plus members, to read messages in private about other players getting under your skin in the guild and trashing them but taking no steps to actually resolve the situations.

I could probably go even further but I just wanted to drop this piece and peace out. I'm just tired of trying to play in groups and finding these same two people somehow in the group or connected in someway, because typically it means the guild is going to have major issues.

The person I feel the worst for is PatWins. He is genuinely a solid dude. Probably one of the best guild leaders I've ever had in a game, but the fact that he has become so hands off with a lot of things slowly drove me away until I finally realized he wasn't really in control of his own group anymore aside from making the final decision to kick or ban someone (Even though the aforementioned two can do just that without consequence). Honestly, I'd hope to see PatWins guild succeed without these two in it or going off and making the guild he wanted to make rather then what ever this group turned into. Some mix of WIGSPLITTERS, Levia, AQ, and randoms thrown into the mix.

But yeah. There is a bit of politics and drama for you. Wouldn't touch this guild with a mile long pole.
Good post, thanks for sharing.

I hope you find a group that is more mature and otherwise a better fit for you. I can attest to Smasher being a rat, acting one way in light and then doing a 180 when in the dark, and Sneeze has very little ability to conversate or uphold himself in any favorable way. It is a shame that they are leadership.

Though with the title, "Casually Toxic"...
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I hadn't expected to make this post, but I had to take some time to think on whether it was worth my time or not but at the end of the day I wasted more time pouring effort into the group and essentially got shafted in the end due to poor leadership & the upholding of rules within the guild.

I'm not personally interested in debating reasons why you shouldn't trust CTX or have any involvement with them, so I'll keep it straight to the point and you can decide on your own what you do.

The leadership is why you can not trust CTX.

I originally joined the guild in late December and was given an opportunity to play off of the vouch of another player. I attributed a lot of my contributions through helping out in the Discord, recruiting, building new events & structures for the group, and giving the guild a public appearance that was for the most part positive.

However in recent time, I've since left due to the fact the leadership position is held by the wrong people. Either because of their inability or inactivity in dealing with things, or because they are overstepping their boundaries simply because they can.

When I was apart of the guild these people were: PatWins, Jame, Fayral, Smasher, Sneeze, and myself. I was the last addition to be added to this rank.

While PatWins is ultimately the guild leader and has the final "say" on decisions, you'll find this guild is actually ran by Smasher & Sneeze. Jame & Fayral typically are hands off or only speak very sparingly on issues, and typically do so without context. More specifically Fayral then Jame, as Jame is typically never around.

Many people know of Smasher and Sneeze, but don't really know about them. To put it in short, almost every guild they've been in has eventually hit a critical mass and disbanded or failed in someway. This is typically because they purposefully try to drive themselves into positions of power and then use it to create an environment they want for themselves, where they can do and say as they please but have no repercussions for their actions.

Smasher is the true definition of a snake and a rat. He is someone who will be polite to you when speaking to him, but will then trash you behind others backs and if he doesn't like you - you can expect him to be slowly turning people against you. MANY PEOPLE who know him personally and have played with him in guilds before know this as a fact, and whether they openly agree with it or not makes no difference to me.

Not only is he a snake and a rat, but he is also a hypocrite. He will tell you he does not agree with things such as being racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. But will turn around in the same sentence behind 'closed doors' and openly be all of these things and more. He constantly will try and play the card of a victim, by telling others they are doing the exact same thing he is doing as if to give himself a way out of any situation.

But the story doesn't stop there. Smasher was also involved in creating both Levia and WIGSPLITTERS. But unironically even with these two polarizing groups he was kicked out of both of them because even they couldn't be bothered to deal with his drama and problem-making. He has even been quoted saying that if he doesn't like how a guild is going that he is in, he'll do what ever he can to destroy it or get rid of the people he doesn't like. Even if it is at the detriment of other members or the entirety of the guild.

Sneeze simply enables Smasher and typically follows him around from guild to guild, supporting him in both words and actions if he can. This is why if you see one playing you'll usually find the other right by them. They both usually find themselves in influential positions in any guild they join, otherwise if they can't do that they'll leave and go do their own thing.

It's just sad honestly. I really liked CTX as a group, but I think the fact that you have two individuals like this in leadership who are basically only interested in having as much control as possible, to go as far as make decisions to kick or ban people without consulting the rest of the leadership, to essentially mass recruit and bring in new players without the consent of leadership even though we originally agreed on a player cap of fifty players.. and that anything beyond that should be done slowly & naturally, then watching our roster balloon up to eighty plus members, to read messages in private about other players getting under your skin in the guild and trashing them but taking no steps to actually resolve the situations.

I could probably go even further but I just wanted to drop this piece and peace out. I'm just tired of trying to play in groups and finding these same two people somehow in the group or connected in someway, because typically it means the guild is going to have major issues.

The person I feel the worst for is PatWins. He is genuinely a solid dude. Probably one of the best guild leaders I've ever had in a game, but the fact that he has become so hands off with a lot of things slowly drove me away until I finally realized he wasn't really in control of his own group anymore aside from making the final decision to kick or ban someone (Even though the aforementioned two can do just that without consequence). Honestly, I'd hope to see PatWins guild succeed without these two in it or going off and making the guild he wanted to make rather then what ever this group turned into. Some mix of WIGSPLITTERS, Levia, AQ, and randoms thrown into the mix.

But yeah. There is a bit of politics and drama for you. Wouldn't touch this guild with a mile long pole.

fucking epic longest post ever by you. Waiting for a GM to respawn my horse, and I figured this post was gonna be by someone not in CTX. INTERESTING! I fux w/ anyone, regardless of their personal flaws. I feel like I am da ARCHETYPE of hands-off guild leader in gamz. Being nice and solid is cool but sometimes you gotta tell someone some shit. If it's 2v1 it's harder. SUCKS. You shoulda joined Eternal :D Esp if you can recruit! I'll show you how it's supposed to be! But otoh you said some wild shit on forums, too, so I dunno.

My PoV is that most groups of people in this game are jackasses, led by jackasses, become more jackass when they group cuz really they are weak-minded people w/ no control of their life. Like I said, I'm willing to overlook people's BS and play peacemaker, but when people are trying to power grab yea I feelya. Def been in that situation where a faction forms and it starts trying to troll. See, power (lol this is great, you wrote this post that people are just gonna be like loool at and then I'm gonna write a post that is gonna mean nothing to you, but IF YOU READ IT, you might get something out of it) is a weird thing. Being hands off IMO is the correct way to run a guild/group/coach a team... whatever, if the people involved are really 'that type' of people who can handle their own shit. They deserve autonomy, but some people inherently resent power. You can give them all the autonomy they want and even stick up for their bad decisions, and they are still just gonna tox it out. I also think MO is full of angry people who are heavily resentful of power, at least in the mid tier. There are people who are just happy to be in a guild and be a part of something, be protected, own a keep, w/e... but then there is the level of people who are always gonna be like... even if you do NOTHING to control them... resentful of the fact that they aren't the leader, even tho they don't WANT to be the leader. I mean a good leader probably doesn't WANT to be a leader, either, but it's just something that happens, it's just to right the ship or whatever when things start going awry; it's thankless. 50 people is a lot of people, my dude, haha, you are lucky to have controlled that many people, esp w/ what you describe as bad actors planting seeds.

In the end MO is always the big reveal of people's true personality! Better than drugs. It will come out eventually. Keep ya head up boye. I hope you are enjoying that other game ( I always forget the name, ) but really, most guilds are prol exactly the same as what you describe because there is rampant insecurity and emo rage in this game, even among the 'greats.' Game is meant to be fun and a collection of people, imo, people tie their egos to this stuff too much, and like I said, that's what it all is, buncha fragile egos. RIP.

Still don't have my horse.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Did this have anything to do with when you publicly exposed a contract?

At any rate sorry you got your wigsplit. It happens to the best of us.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
After creating CTX, I learned many people just wanted a competitive, anti-zerg, alliance-free guild that didn't come with the toxic, racist, elitist, "kid" culture. This is the experience we have provided since day 1 and I assure you that will never change. After all, most of us are a bit older now and have limited time to play the game. When we log in, the last thing anyone wants to deal with is video game drama or some man child screeching at us in the comms. Even as I write this message, I feel incredibly ridiculous and disappointed in myself.

I understand that many players find a great deal of satisfaction from game drama/politics and I support those playstyles. However, that is never how I've viewed things in Mortal Online or any game for that matter. Those of you who have interacted with me personally would likely back up that statement. I play Mortal Online 2 for my own personal enjoyment. CTX was created simply due to the fact that the current guilds in this game do not provide a playstyle which matches my own.

When I recruit members into this guild, I choose to ignore all rumors about them and form my own opinions (we all know this community is worse about rumors than the girl's bathroom at your local high school). Everyone gets a clean slate. So, I decided to take a chance on Dylan. Outside of this individual case, this mindset has allowed us to create an incredibly friendly, competitive and non-toxic culture. For a while, I even began to believe Dylan was making positive changes. While you might recognize many of the players in CTX for what they've done in the past, I assure you that taking a chance on them was 100% worth it. We have some amazing people in our ranks (Smasher and Sneeze included) now and the guild is thriving. It's an incredibly laid back and fun place to be. In regard to the comments about me not "controlling" my members, that's where we're different. I don't force grown adults to do anything they don't want to do. As long as they uphold our core values/rules, they can do whatever they choose to. We're here to just enjoy the fucking game.

Prior to Dylan's arrival in CTX, there wasn't a single dramatic event. Needless to say, now that he's gone we have gone back to that same trend. As much as I wanted things to work out, every time there was an issue, Dylan was parked right at the center of it.

Ultimately, his membership ended with his girlfriend making incredibly rude remarks about one of our member's physical appearances followed by her saying incredibly racist things to Smasher.

Dylan's post appears to be a desperate attempt to cope with losing out on something great. The screenshot below is an announcement Dylan made to our entire guild just one week before he decided to quit. Did I mention he quit?


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New member
Feb 5, 2022
I cried a little reading this... because of the time that got wasted when we should be focused on fighting global warming!

Raise awareness fellow gamers
Also buy my axes in tindrem
CTX virginity breeds mice! Much like a cheese!
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