Do all mounts die this quick?


New member
Apr 6, 2021
So i was farming brown bears and was about to make my way back to town.
I see this naked dude running after me, no armor equiped and i couldn´t see him having any weapon equiped either.

So i was like going walking speed with my mount since i wanted to see what he wanted.
Suddenly im dismounted and cant move and i die quickly after.

Checking the combat logs my horse got hit twice for 84 damage.

I get that sometimes game can be behind when in comes to rendering equipment, he probably ran at me with his bow.
Though i saw no animation of him actually shooting.

But anyway is there anything that i can do to avoid my horse basically getting 2 shotted by a bow?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Mount armor is not in yet and there are multiple mount types far tankier than steppe horses in the old game. I'd imagine once all the mounts are in and you put some armor on your mount this dynamic will change considerably.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Steppe horses aren't the beefiest type of horses in the Mortal world. We are unable to see their attributes currently so can't select what horse we want based on it's stats. As mentioned above, horse armor hasn't been added yet either.

For now all you can do is try level your horse(if it doesn't bug out) A level 125 Steppe horse has around 300hp.

I'm guessing the guy wasn't naked either, but actually geared. Render distance on character models and equipment are very low range at the moment. People have to be within shouting distance to render in properly.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
The render distance on gear and player names is a MAJOR issue yeah. They need to fix that ASAP. You basically have to be right next someone to know anything about them including if they are drawing a bow to fire at you. I'm personally capable of telling what someone is doing A LOT further away than current gear render distance, so realistically my character should be able to as well. I can't imagine my fantasy hero has WORSE eyesight than I do IRL.
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New member
Apr 6, 2021
Aye my steppe horse was bugged out for sure. Was lvl 43 for days . But yeah not very optimal as i would like to play the game more solo than running around in groups. Give alot more thrill to the game.

But yeah looking forward to other mounts and armor for them. Seems like the outplay potential for a solo player is minimal if the mount dies in 2-3 hits :D


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
The only thing is that the opposite will be happening when the horses get more hp.

Then they will tank up to you on their horse do their damage and safely run away to heal if things get bad for them.

Personally I like the horses being more squishy now than the tanks of the past.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
there are so many issues here.

first the new flagging system. you can no longer distinguish player killers vs non player killers, because the red flag is gone. this gives the aggressor all the advantage. in MO1 you would have seen his flag from a long way out and could have just rode away. this new flagging system gives all the surprise advantage to the player with murderous intentions. it is a no brainer that the first person to do damage in any fight has the advantage. given equal skill, the aggressor basically starts the fight with more hp. you can trade evenly and the aggressor will narrowly win simply because he hit first. i, for the life of me, cannot understand why SV would make it even easier for indiscriminate player killers to be even more aggressive and have even more advantages. i am pretty much convinced that SV simply wants nothing but greefers playing this game, because those are the only people that are going to be left playing at this rate.

draw distance. this needs to be fixed asap. even more than armor, you need to be able to see animations, and people equipping weapons from far away. this is just ridiculous in a full loot pvp game.

bows being brokenly OP. just absolutely broken. all bows. no stamina required, and very low strength required for short bows. can run with stam-less bow forever, stickybacking from insane range. higher bows do a ton of damage. you can do it naked and risk nothing but a crappy bow. this is quickly turning into the best greefing mechanic ingame.

dismount mechanics. why the hell is there a dismount mechanic when the skills to prevent being dismounted aren't even in game?

2 shotting a horse with a bow is just ridiculous. already people can sit on roof in towns and evade demented guards all day. now they can just equip a bow and kill every horse they see. not to even mention being absolutely impossible to protect your horse. you can't even mount up before it gets killed. granted, i also dont' want to see the 500+ hp, armored horses that took 20 shots to kill like in MO1 (or if they have that type of hp, then they should be really slow and hard to maneuver), but this is just as ridiculous when your horse gets 2 shot by any naked with a bow.
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New member
Apr 6, 2021
there are so many issues here.

first the new flagging system. you can no longer distinguish player killers vs non player killers, because the red flag is gone. this gives the aggressor all the advantage. in MO1 you would have seen his flag from a long way out and could have just rode away. this new flagging system gives all the surprise advantage to the player with murderous intentions. it is a no brainer that the first person to do damage in any fight has the advantage. given equal skill, the aggressor basically starts the fight with more hp. you can trade evenly and the aggressor will narrowly win simply because he hit first. i, for the life of me, cannot understand why SV would make it even easier for indiscriminate player killers to be even more aggressive and have even more advantages. i am pretty much convinced that SV simply wants nothing but greefers playing this game, because those are the only people that are going to be left playing at this rate.

draw distance. this needs to be fixed asap. even more than armor, you need to be able to see animations, and people equipping weapons from far away. this is just ridiculous in a full loot pvp game.

bows being brokenly OP. just absolutely broken. all bows. no stamina required, and very low strength required for short bows. can run with stam-less bow forever, stickybacking from insane range. higher bows do a ton of damage. you can do it naked and risk nothing but a crappy bow. this is quickly turning into the best greefing mechanic ingame.

dismount mechanics. why the hell is there a dismount mechanic when the skills to prevent being dismounted aren't even in game?

2 shotting a horse with a bow is just ridiculous. already people can sit on roof in towns and evade demented guards all day. now they can just equip a bow and kill every horse they see. not to even mention being absolutely impossible to protect your horse. you can't even mount up before it gets killed. granted, i also dont' want to see the 500+ hp, armored horses that took 20 shots to kill like in MO1 (or if they have that type of hp, then they should be really slow and hard to maneuver), but this is just as ridiculous when your horse gets 2 shot by any naked with a bow.

You are right on many points. We also have to remember that game is under development. But yeah most of these issues need to be fixed before early access release.

Also annother issue is the sound. I was running around and hunting animals today. This time on a level 105 horse. I suddenly i notice my horse is below half HP. When i turn around i see a mounted archer is basically behind me. Holding a bow, though no animation and suddenly my horse dies.

No sound what so ever even though he was pretty much just behind me. I didint have criminal action ON at the time so i couldnt even dismount him properly even though he attacked me first. (Lesson learned)

Anyway you need to be able to hear if someone rides up to you especially on a horse. If your own horse is getting shot with arrows should also give some kind of sound. It feelt more like i got attacked by a stealthed rogue than a guy riding behind be in full plate and shooting arrows from a longbow.