Custom Titles:


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Most of the titles in this game are garbage. Some have significance, but none of them have any flavor. The overall amount of titles is wack.

My suggestion is LET US MAKE CUSTOM TITLES!! How would this work? Simple! You make a title and submit to GM for review (so we don't get y'know... unsavory things,) and then you can put that as your title. :D I generally dislike titles and title grind, but at least I think they should be able to say something about you. A lot of people are RPers or at least take their in game identity seriously, and even if what they post isn't 'true' like "best dueler' or w/e... it creates content like people would be challenging you to duels and if you lost they'd clown you out of there.

Good idea/Bad idea? Seems super easy to implement, too.