Do you know how you limit ganking? You dont get ganked, keep your head on a swivel, learn to fight or get friends.
Oh please, yes I'm noob. I know I have to watch out and don't get ambush. But try this - being constantly on the alert, disengaging groups at sight kinda deletes the major part of social aspects of the game.
If you're implying that my views are solely based on my experiences of being killed or gankd you're in the wrong. I know I have to git gud, but I don't want to gameplay be like Red Baron said "I won so many fights because I retreated from all of which I wasn't sure i can win" or sth like that.
People would get a enemy some MCs by getting hit then dying to mobs or another player. If they go red they would be murdered in town and another person would jack the loot while the person who killed the red player just needed to respawn.
UO had it right, and sometimes even there u had to kill blue, which attacked your grey friend (cause the friend misclicked and healed mob or someone blue went through his paralyze wall. Though life.
DISABLE CRIMINAL ACTION - problem solved. UO had exactly the same. U want me to learn not to be ganked? Same goes for you, ain't it? Learn not to get in those situations.
PS. by red status, i mean, visual indication + ability to kill this person withouth consequences (without getting crim, but if blue attacks red first, red don't get murdercount up by killing him). I admit I don't actually know exactly how does it work in MO2 yet.